Page 61 of Wolf Moon

Everything is falling into place, and I’m not afraid anymore. Even knowing that I’ll have to kill Amber, I’m ready to do what I have to. There are innocent lives on the line, and they’re depending on us to save them. I won’t let them down. We will win this and save as many lives as we can in the process.


Wolf Moon


After a restless night and a day that’s far too calm, we’re as ready as we can be for Amber’s attack. I would feel better about it if I knew where it was supposed to happen, but we can’t know that. Orym suggests an early dinner, and I insist that it be something light. We can’t risk being in a food coma when Amber makes her move.

The family eats in silence, knowing that what’s coming is going to be rough. There’s no way to know how many lives will be lost. I’ve sent the families with children away for the day. They’ll return tomorrow as long as I let them know it’s safe. Otherwise, they’ll wait for Kayden to reach out.

When we finish eating, Trevan and Grammy show up. “I’m sorry, daughter, but I must go home now. This is your battle, and I’ve remained here longer than I should have.”

They embrace, and I see the tears she’s fighting. I know that Red feels conflicted about her father. She’s not sure if she should be sad or relieved that he’s leaving. In the Fae realm, he’ll be safe from Amber, but it’s hard to let someone you care about leave.

If we could win this without her, I would insist that she go with him. Instead, we all hug Grammy when she announces that she’s returning with Trevan. “You’ll always have a place here,” I tell her before letting go.

“I know, Ryland, but there’s not much here for me now. My son and grandson are dead. Red has you boys, and I think I could be happy with Trevan.” Her sad smile shows that she’s not as ready to say goodbye as she wants us to believe.

They walk across the clearing, and Trevan starts to create a portal. Before his magic has a chance to take hold, a blast of blue light hits him in the back. Both he and Grammy are thrown forward as the magic seems to detonate.

“What the fuck?” Luca asks, rushing to jump in front of Red.

She pushes against him, racing toward her father. I stay by her side, unable to let her do this alone. I know what we’re going to see before we reach them. Grammy’s eyes are open, but unseeing. Blood pours from her head where it banged against the trunk of a tree.

Trevan is lying face down, but he’s not moving. Red drops to her knees next to him. She turns him over and gasps, covering her face with both hands. His skull is crushed and he’s nearly unrecognizable. And like Grammy, he’s dead.

Red’s head falls back and she screams at the sky. Her magic swirls around, surrounding us. It’s a violent storm that mirrors her emotions. I feel James, Luca, and Orym join us in the center of it, even though I can’t see them. This loss just might cripple our mate. Amber has to die. Today.


Garnet’s pain tears through me, joining my own. Grammy was the one constant through all of our lives. She was the territory matriarch, and we all love her dearly. Watching her die breaks my heart. I can’t imagine what it does to Garnet. Of course, with our bond, I don’t have to imagine it. I feel it. She’s not holding back anymore.

Her emotions pour into me, and I feel her devastation. We should have been prepared for this. We should have known that Amber would attack when we were least expecting it. The sun is setting, and Garnet is still screaming. Her magic swirls around us—it didn’t hurt rushing through it to get to her. Even if it had, Luca, James, and I would have done it.

Garnet needs us right now, and we will not let her do this alone. I feel my wolf tugging at me. He wants to break free and tear someone in half over this. I can’t see the enemy, though. I can’t see anything right now, because of the multi-colored magic surrounding us. I’m not sure if it’s a shield or a tornado.

It doesn’t matter, because I don’t have time to think about it. Her magic swirls around us, then slams out away from the center, taking down everything in its path. Trees are uprooted and fall. The cabin shakes, and I wonder if it will remain standing when she’s done. I’ve never seen Garnet do this much with her magic and still be conscious.

She looks stronger than ever, though, dragging herself to her feet and looking around as if she’s searching for something. “This way,” she growls, marching off into the forest with us jogging to keep up.

“Red, wait,” Ryland says, trying to keep her from walking into a trap. She doesn’t even slow down, forcing him to keep pace with her.

We step into the trees and hear rustling. A moment later, Garnet holds out an arm and I hear choking sounds as a body is dragged toward us. “You killed my father. And Grammy. Give me one good reason not to end you.”

Her words are cold, and before the witch even has a chance to respond, Garnet twists her hand. The crunch of that witch’s neck snapping will stay with me forever. I shudder at how easily she took this person’s life. I understand the desire for revenge, but I never expected Garnet to give in to it.

I refuse to think less of her, though. She’s doing what she has to, and I will support her any way I can. “We can’t stay here,” Ryland says, trying to usher us back to the cabin.

“We have to. Amber’s coming,” Garnet responds, her voice even colder than when she spoke to the witch who murdered her family.

“All the more reason to get back where we have cover,” he argues.

“I don’t need cover. I need her to die,” Garnet replies, turning away from him.


When I caught the witch who killed Trevan and Grammy, I went cold. I snapped her neck without a second thought. Now I let the numbness spread through me. I’m not sure I can do this, but I have to. Amber has to die, or we’re all doomed. If being numb is the only way to make sure I win, that’s what I’ll do.