Page 31 of Wolf Moon

And that means finding James. “We could head to Midnight and see if he’s there. If nothing else, Delilah will talk to you, Red.” I can’t come up with a better idea, but I’m not sure this one will work. I’m hoping that they won’t throw us out the moment we get there. We don’t know what James has told them, though.


Luca’s idea isn’t bad, but things may not be as complicated as he expects. The crew at Midnight have always been our allies, especially since Kayden was one of us until Gunnar tossed him out. There’s no reason to think that they won’t welcome us.

“Let’s get moving, then. It’s been a couple of weeks since we’ve spoken with them. There may be more going on than we know,” I offer, nudging everyone toward the path that will take us to the SUV. I’m pretty good at tracking, and can tell that this is the way James came.

We pile into the SUV, leaving Grammy and Trevan behind. They promise to call if James comes back or if anything happens. I put the car in drive and head toward the city. My thoughts are swirling inside my head. There are a lot of reasons for Dec not to answer.

I glance over my shoulder to Orym. “Call Vik and see if he answers. Luca, try Eli.” I keep our speed steady as they dial and hang up a moment later.

“Vik didn’t answer,” Orym says.

“Eli neither,” Luca adds.

“That tells me it’s got to be something bigger than our little family drama.” I look at Red in the passenger seat. “Don’t worry, love, we’ll get this all straightened out.”

She nods at me, and I can see the unshed tears in her eyes. I want to take her pain and fear away, but I can’t. It’s killing me. Knowing that no one at Midnight is answering their phones, I speed up and make a bee line for the club. It’s early enough that they shouldn’t be open yet, but everyone should be awake. I doubt they go to bed in the middle of the afternoon, anyway.

We pull up to the club, and I immediately recognize the problem. “Amber’s got witches attacking them. That’s why they didn’t answer. They’re a little busy.”

“We have to help them,” Red insists. I nod. I would have suggested it myself, but I was busy trying to find a place to park where the witches won’t see us coming.

“Sneaking up is our best option. But how do we do that? They’ve got the building surrounded,” Orym says as I turn the corner and park at a convenience store.

“If we use the back alley, I can try to cloak us by combining my witch magic with my Fae magic,” Red suggests. It’s not something she’s ever done, and I don’t know if it will work, but it’s the best chance we have.

“Do you think you can do it?” I ask, turning to look at her.

She shrugs. “I think it’s the only chance we have. I’ll try for camouflage, to make us blend in with our surroundings. Trevan thinks I have all of these powers for a reason. Let’s see if I can use that for my needs.”

I kiss her hard, then climb out of the SUV.


I’ve never tried to combine different magics before and have no idea if this will work. No. It has to work. James is in danger, as are our friends. They’re powerful, sure, but there are a lot of witches attacking here and there’s no way they can take them all out.

I, on the other hand, have a chance. As a last resort, I can use the spell I worked on before. It basically turns me into a bomb that will target specific types of supernatural. I can sense that the people attacking Midnight are witches, so I can make sure it takes them out. I just can’t guarantee it won’t blow up the bar while I’m at it.

“Give me a second, then we’ll move,” I say as I close my eyes and focus on what I’m trying to do. Trevan told me it’s as simple as telling my magic what I want. I’m going to test that now. I concentrate on making a shield that will surround us and hide us from view. It will look like the alley while protecting us from stray magic attacks.

“Okay, stay close and move quickly,” I command. It’s not my place to tell them what to do, but Ry lets me anyway. Probably because I’m supposed to protect them, and they love me. Both are good motivators.

I’m determined to protect them while we’re out in the open. More than that, I’m focused on making sure we get to the building undetected. We move as a unit, staying as close as possible while still able to run. I feel a few spells bounce off the shield, but it holds. The moment the foreign magic hits, I stumble.

Ry scoops me up and keeps running. “Don’t lose focus. Keep the bubble up. It’s working,” he whispers in my ear as he runs. Once we make it to the door, I realize that we never considered how to get inside.

As if they were waiting for us, the door swings open at our approach, and Dec motions for us to hurry. “Get in here, come on.”

When the door closes, Ry sets me on my feet. “How did you see us?” I ask, curious about his ability to see through my magic.

“I didn’t. I watched their attacks bouncing off of some invisible force, and figured it had to be either reinforcements or a sneak attack.”

His explanation makes sense. “But what made you decide to welcome us in?” Orym asks, equally skeptical about Dec’s story.

“I did. I can still sense Garnet, and I told him it was you.” James steps out of the shadows and my heart leaps. I can’t speak, locking eyes with his.

“We need to talk to you, but that can wait until we deal with these witches,” Ry says to James, speaking for me because he knows I can’t. James nods in response before turning and walking away. His lack of emotion pisses me off even if part of me understands it.