Page 11 of Wolf Moon

“We’ll find her. You’ll see.” Luca’s confidence is contagious, making me feel more sure of this plan than I was a moment ago.

“Guys, I’m worried that this won’t be as easy as the two of you think. I don’t want either of you to be disappointed if we can’t find her,” Ryland says, staring out the window. I know he means well, but we need to be positive here.


Garnet confirming that she has two very different types of powers inside of her is a terrifying thought. I don’t know if it’s possible for a person to survive such a thing, especially if Trevan is right, and she’s the only one to ever have this much power. “How does she control it, then?” I ask, pulling his focus from her to me.

“Practice. It’s the only real way to ever learn control,” he responds. I figured as much, but I know it’s not what Garnet wants to hear.

“Well, if that’s it, then we should go home. Because I’ve unlocked my powers. That was what you wanted. And you’ve successfully gotten me to use them. So, James and I should go home now. Then I can save him, and we can defeat Amber,” Garnet says dismissively.

“Oh, you’re already prepared to leave. I see. Well, I suppose I can open a portal.” The hurt in his voice stabs at my heart.

“Of course, we would love for you to come with us,” I offer, glaring at Garnet. She doesn’t seem to notice the way I’m looking at her.

Trevan’s face lights up. “You would?” He turns to Garnet and looks at her with hope shining in his eyes. He’s been trying to connect with her the whole time we’ve been here, and she just keeps pushing him away.

“What? Why?” she asks. I elbow her in the ribs and she coughs. “Of course. Please, come with us.” The glare I get from her is worth it, since Trevan’s happiness is nearly palpable.

“I supposed I’ll get things arranged. We’ll leave in an hour,” he says before darting off.

“What the fuck was that about?” she whips around to face me. “You can’t be serious about bringing him home with us.”

“Of course, I am. You need him to help heal me. And to help defeat Amber. Just give him a chance. For me?” I hate using guilt to get my way, but I know it’s the only thing that will work right now.

She groans and rolls her eyes at me. “Fine, but you are responsible for explaining him to the others. Oh! I’m going to get to see Ry, Luca, and Orym!” I can tell that she’s excited, and I realize it probably has more to do with the possibility of sex than with being tired of me.

I don’t know how to explain my theory to her, but I felt like if we had sex here, it would trap me. I don’t want to take the chance of being stuck here forever because of some trick her father played on us. But I also don’t want to accuse him without proof, because that will turn her further away from him.

I’m walking a thin line here and trying to figure out what’s best for everyone. Hopefully, I’m right, and Trevan will be able to help Garnet heal my body. My soul is growing weaker every day.


I’m going home! I can’t believe it. I was beginning to think it wasn’t possible. Terror at the thought of being trapped in the Fae realm forever has started to sink into me. I’ve been fighting it the whole time we’ve been here, but I’d started to lose that battle. I can’t tell James, but I’ve noticed that he’s starting to fade.

That tells me that his body is getting weaker. I don’t know how much longer Trevan can keep him away from the light. I can’t lose James, though. So, I’ll be nice to my father and take him home with me. We’ll save James and defeat Amber. Then we’ll have a conversation and set some boundaries about our relationship.

We’ll start with kidnapping. There will be no more of that, because it’s annoying. And he’s going to teach me how to open one of those portal things, too. I refuse to get stuck anywhere ever again. If I can make a portal, then I can come and go as I please.

I hug James and dance around a little. I can’t hide my excitement. I’m going home! And I’ll get to see my other mates. It’s going to be surreal, giving up talking to James, but being able to see the others. We have to save him. I’m desperate to find a way.

True to his word, Trevan returns an hour later. He has three backpacks with him, and they appear to be filled to capacity. “This one is for you, and this one is for you. These are loaded up with everything we could possibly need once we’re on the other side. Of course, I don’t know if you’re spirit will be corporeal once we get there, so giving you a backpack is probably a bad idea.”

He hands each of us a bag, then takes James’ back. “I’ll carry this for now. You just focus on staying with our girl.” I’ve noticed that Trevan rarely uses my name. He prefers to call me Daughter or Princess. Both are annoying. And I’ve decided I don’t like our girl any better.

Once the bags are organized, he motions for us to move closer. Then Trevan moves his hands in a circle in front of his abdomen. A small band of bright blue magic forms a circle in front of him, growing as he parts his hands.

“Quickly, step through. Both of you. We’ll see what happens to James once we’re on the other side. I’m right behind you,” Trevan urges. I grip James’ hand and walk through the portal, dragging him with me.

Tears fill my eyes when James evaporates as soon as he’s out of the portal. “Where did he go? Is he…?” I can’t bring myself to say the words, but Trevan puts a hand on my shoulder.

“He’s not. It’s okay. We’ll figure out a way to heal him. His spirit probably just went back to his body. Give me a moment, then we’ll head to your cabin,” he insists.

“A moment for what?” I ask, watching as he pulls something small out of one of his bags.

“Here, put this on,” he says, handing me what looks like a friendship bracelet. “It will hide us from the witches. If there are any searching the forest, they won’t be able to see, hear, or smell us.”

It seems odd, but I do as he requests. I slide the bracelet onto my wrist. The air around me feels warmer suddenly, as if I’ve become a part of it. I look around, but nothing else has changed.