On my way back to the hospital room where my girl was currently staying, I pulled out my phone and called Strain Industries. I knew it was a long shot to get a meeting with Eli Strain, but if anyone could help me, it was him. After his secretary promised to deliver my message, I hung up the phone and returned to Delilah’s room. I was disappointed that I didn’t have more good news for her, but I hoped that moving her into my apartment would be enough.
Chapter 6
I was torn. I wanted to know about who I was and about the life I was giving up by becoming a vampire. But there was a part of me that felt like I should just leave it alone and move on. Nothing good could come from digging into my human life. That man shot me, after all. I had to have done something to make him want to kill me. Maybe I was a horrible person. What if I stole from him or worse, what if I had hurt him or his family? Would I be able to live with the truth of my past? I let the music play after Declan left, hoping that new memories would surface. With each new song, I got flashes of memories. One tune reminded me of a tall, dark-haired man who had made my knees weak when he’d kissed me. Another brought up an image of making out with a hot blonde guy. There was nothing concrete, and I had no reason to think these images would help me. Since I didn’t get anything but singular images, I considered it a fail. At first, I was disappointed that it didn’t seem to work, then I was relieved.
If I remembered, would I be giving up whatever this is between Declan and myself? I had no way to know yet, but I didn’t want to discount this attraction. It didn’t matter to me if I had been married before. That life was over. This one would be different. I would have to learn who I was and figure out who I wanted to be. Right now, I wanted to be his. I just had to find a way to make it happen.
While I was considering my options, Declan came back into my room. I wasn’t sure where he’d gone, but there had been a spring in his step. He seemed like a pretty lighthearted guy. So far, I’d had fun spending time with him. “You look like you just got away with something.”
Dec looked at me, and his smile faltered for just a moment as if he was pondering my comment. “Maybe I did. I managed to get Steph to release you into my care. You can come home with me in a few days and get settled in. I’ll make sure you have everything you need before I go back to work.”
I couldn’t contain my joy at hearing that he was going to let me stay with him. I ran and launched myself into his arms, pressing my lips to his. The way he stiffened at my touch made me aware that he wouldn’t be instantly comfortable with me being affectionate. But the fact that he wrapped his arms around me and deepened the kiss after only a moment told me that he wanted to give in to the feelings we both seemed to be having. With us living together, it would only be a matter of time. I just had to find a way to speed things up.
I spent the next few days thinking about my past and my future. They passed slowly, torturing me that I was stuck in the hospital alone, even if Dec did come to visit.
I wondered how much of myself was the same as before the incident and how much had changed. Was human Delilah a patient person? Was she a prude? Would she have thrown herself at a stranger? I may never know. It didn’t matter anyway. I decided that I liked who I was now and would fight to keep it that way.
I knew that today was the day I would get to leave. As soon as he walked in the door, I threw myself into Declan’s arms and pressed my lips to his. When I finally tore myself away from him, Dec looked disappointed.
“Can we go now?” His disappointment melted at my smile. Dec nodded and turned to a cabinet I hadn’t noticed before. Inside was a stack of clothes.
“These should fit. I’ll show you around my place; then, later, I can take you out to get some new clothes.” A new apartment and shopping? I was hooked on this guy already! I couldn’t believe how generous he was. It made me wonder if all vampires were this way or if he simply felt guilty about turning me. It didn’t take a psychologist to see that he was worried about his actions. I figured it would be up to me to ensure he didn’t regret anything.
I took the offered clothes and started getting dressed. I probably should have been more self-conscious than I was, but from what Stephanie had told me when I woke up, Declan had helped cut my ruined clothes off before she attempted surgery. It wasn’t like he hadn’t already seen me naked. The blush across his cheeks and how quickly he turned his back to me would have embarrassed me if I hadn’t already known his role in the events that brought us to this moment. “Sorry, I just got excited about getting out of here.” I laughed at his reaction.
“It’s no problem. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I want you to feel at home here with me—with us, I mean.” He tripped over the statement as if he was trying to avoid expressing his true feelings for me. I wondered if he was as invested in me as I already was in him. I didn’t know anything about him except that he was kind and caring and that he seemed to be in charge around here.
Once I had the sweatshirt, leggings, and tennis shoes on, I wrapped my arms around Dec from behind. “I’m perfectly comfortable with you. Now let’s get out of here.” He took my hand and led me from the hospital room. The hallway was long and wide, similar to a regular hospital, but something about it was different. It was hard to put my finger on it, but something was off. I caught Dec staring at me with an amused look on his face. “What?” I asked, suddenly feeling nervous.
“It used to be a military compound, and now it’s a hospital specifically for vamps. We’re just outside the city limits. I figured you were wondering where we are.” I nodded at his response, shocked that he had nearly read my mind. I wondered if it was a talent he had or if the look on my face had given away my thoughts. “We’re going back into the city now. Steph will come to my place to check on you later. You’ll need to make sure you don’t roll down the car's window and that you only get in or out once we’re inside the garage. The sunlight will hurt. A lot. At least until we get you an implant.”
Declan’s info dump was a lot to process. “An implant? What does that have to do with sunlight?” I was confused and hoped there wasn’t some extensive scientific explanation behind it.
“Strain Industries makes an implant for vampires that protects us from sunlight while allowing us to walk outside in it. I’m not sure how it works; I just know that it does. Most of us have one. Since you don’t, you’ll have to take extra precautions against burning. That’s why we got you a sweatshirt and leggings instead of a t-shirt and shorts. More skin coverage is a good thing.”
I winked at him and grinned suggestively. “Are you sure about that?” The look on his face was priceless, and I couldn’t contain my laughter. “You know I was teasing. I understood what you meant. Sun protection is more important than fashion anyway, at least I would think so for vamps.” The words felt strange to say. I was a vampire. I still needed to learn so much about myself, both from my past as a human and from my present as a vampire. I followed Declan out the doors into the garage, where his SUV was waiting.
He opened the door, closed it immediately, and pulled me back toward the building. “What’s wrong?” I asked as I struggled against his grip on my arms. He had gone pale and was shaking. I managed to shrug out of his hold, then took his face in my hands. “Take a deep breath, then tell me what happened just now.”
Dec was on the verge of hyperventilating. His eyes stared past me to his car, but he didn’t seem to be focused on anything. “Declan! Look at me. Now breathe in. Good, now out. One more, that’s it. Now tell me what spooked you.” He shook his head as if to clear it, making his auburn curls dance in front of his eyes, then pulled me close and pressed his lips to mine.
“I thought you were going to die. I was so scared.” His voice was a whisper against my lips. Chills spread across my skin with his admission.
“But you saved me. I’m not dead—well, I mean—I’m still here. Right here, with you. What happened when you opened the door?” He stared at me with his deep green eyes, and it was almost as if I could read his mind. “The blood. That was the car you brought me here in, wasn’t it? And you haven’t had it cleaned yet. Crap. I get it now. It’s okay, Dec. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. Can we get another car?” The tears filling his eyes broke my heart. How could this man care so much about a stranger? Even though it may have seemed strange, I felt it too. It was as if we were connected, tied to each other, without even knowing it.
I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into a tight hug. I’m not sure how long we stood there, just holding each other before he finally moved. Declan lifted my chin, so our eyes met. “I’m sorry. I was so caught up with making sure you survived that I forgot about the car. I’ll get Steph to drop us off and have someone pick it up to be cleaned. Are you okay?”
I nodded and embraced him again. His reaction to me being shot was so intense that I wasn’t sure how to handle it. He cared for me a lot already. Would that change if I recovered my memories? Would either of us like the person I had been?
Chapter 7
After a quick text, Steph drove us back to my place. I was amazed that she didn’t scold me for forgetting the mess in my SUV. The three of us being cramped in her sports car was punishment enough, but I never put it past her to rub something in. I expected her to decide that she needed to come in with us to chaperone, but again, she surprised me by saying goodnight before we left the car. I could tell that she was already nearly as attached to Delilah as I was. If this went sideways, I would have to hear about it from her for decades. I made a silent promise to protect Delilah’s heart as if it were my own. Now I had to find a way to keep it.
Once we were inside, I noticed that Delilah had gotten quiet. Since the music at the hospital had seemed to help her remember things, I decided to turn some on and see if that would help her mood. I wasn’t sure what kind of music she preferred, so I left it on the alternative stuff I usually listened to. If she remembered that she liked something different, I would change it. After I showed her around the apartment, I took her to the room that would be hers. Delilah’s eyes went wide when she saw the king-sized four-poster bed in the middle of the room. “This is gorgeous!” She exclaimed as she ran her hands over the dark-stained walnut.