Page 16 of Blood Lost

“You don’t need to worry about us. We don’t matter right now. You are what matters. Tell us what you need.” Declan looked at Eli while he spoke as if cementing his tentative decision to join our little family. My heart soared.

“Right now, I need dinner. Something decadent and sinful. Then we need to discuss some things related to the four of us living together. Like where, and when, and such.”

Vik made a face, and I couldn’t help but laugh. This adventure was going to be fun. Vik took care of ordering for everyone while Eli smoothed things over with talk of helping Declan with issues in his area of the city. It was a strange situation, but it seemed like it just might work. Who says you can’t have it all?

Our food was a fantastic array of various dishes, some of them made with fresh blood. I never expected to enjoy the fancy food that Vik was so fond of, but I did. The guys worked out the logistics of where we would stay and when. It didn’t matter to me as long as I got to spend time with all three of them. If I didn’t like something they decided, I’d just change it later. Everything seemed to be going well—Eli kept Vik under control, and Dec wasn’t trying to argue about anything. Then it all changed.

“So, what was that problem you guys helped Delilah with?” Dec asked again. Eli and Vik had already avoided that question at least twice since Declan arrived.

“It’s not important, Dec. I’m fine, and it’s all over with. Don’t worry about it.” I tried to smooth things over and change the subject. “How amazing is this dessert?”

“It is important, mo chroí because you don’t want me to know. Would someone please just tell me what happened? I’m beginning to think it’s a bigger deal than you make it out to be.” He pressed. I groaned, knowing that this could cause a fight between my guys. I had wanted to keep the whole thing under wraps and forget it ever happened.

“It’s really not a big deal. I’m not sure why Delilah didn’t want us to tell you. Someone at your club drugged her, and I found her before he took her out. She was given human blood with Powder in it. There was no harm to the human but fatal to her if she’d ingested it all. I came along at the right time to distract her, and Vik helped me bring her home.” Eli’s explanation was concise and straightforward. I hoped that Declan didn’t press for details.

“Drugged? At my club? How? Why? Who would do that?” Declan raised his voice with each question. It was clear that this wasn’t going to be swept under the rug.

“Don’t worry. We have it handled. Our guys are searching for the source, and it will be dealt with once we have the culprit in our sights.” Vik interjected with a smirk. I hated how he loved to push buttons. At one time, I thought it was only with Eli, but now I see it’s with anyone he sees as competition or a threat.

“Look, Dec, there’s nothing you can do about it. It happened. I’m fine, I promise. While I recovered, Vik and Eli took care of me and were perfect gentlemen. Can we please just let it go?” I hated begging, but I also didn’t want to watch the three of them fight. The first time I’d watched Vik remove Eli’s hand, and I wasn’t about to go through that again.

I found myself staring at Eli. That memory was so real, but he had both hands. Was I going crazy? Did it even happen? Disbelief painted my expression, and I got lost in my memories. I still didn’t have enough of myself from before to figure out what was going on.

“Love? Are you okay? You’ve been staring at me for a while now.” Eli’s words went right through me. He turned to Vik, “She’s having more memories. I guess you were right about bringing her here.”

“Myshka? Can you hear me?” Vik knelt in front of my chair and took both my hands in one of his. Then he gently turned me to face him. My eyes were glazed over, and even though I could see what was happening, I couldn’t interact. It was like watching myself in a movie.

I had no idea how much time had passed. I felt a cool rag pressed to my face. When I looked around, I wasn’t at the restaurant anymore. The room was familiar, but I wasn’t sure where I was. I tried to sit up, but a hand pressed against my shoulder and kept me from it. “Take it easy, mo chroí. It was hard enough to get the other two to rest with you zoned out that way. Don’t give them a reason not to trust me. I told them I’d make sure you stayed in bed until you felt better.”

“What happened?” I turned my head toward Declan and found that he was lying in bed with me. Someone had changed my clothes, and he wasn't wearing any from what I could tell.

“Eli and I changed you out of your dress. No one took advantage of you, I promise. Vik wanted to run down some leads on the person responsible for drugging you. I offered to stay with you so Eli could go with him. I don’t think either of them was excited about it, but given that you said you didn’t want to lose me, they agreed.” His smirk made me smile. I was glad that they’d been able to take care of me without fighting about it.

I rolled over toward Declan and pressed my lips to his. I meant it to be a sweet thank you for making sure I was okay. I wasn’t ready for the wave of need that hit me when our lips touched. “Are you going to push me away again because I don’t know who I was?” I whispered against his mouth.

Dec’s breath hitched. My words caught him off guard. I kissed him again, this time working my tongue into his mouth to dance with his. One of my hands was pinned between us, resting on his naked chest. The other wandered along his back, his arm, his waist. I was wrong about him not wearing anything. He had stripped down to his boxer briefs before climbing into bed with me. I play growled at him as I toyed with the waistband.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” The question was whispered against my skin as I trailed kisses down his neck and chest.

“I want you. Is that a clear enough message?” I breathed against his ear, watching the goosebumps radiate from my words. The moment I said them, he flipped me onto my back and kissed me possessively.

“You’re mine,” he growled, tearing the buttons from my top as he pulled it open. I couldn’t suppress my moan. Declan in control was hot. Maybe having to figure out who I am now wasn’t such a bad thing.

Dec pulled the ruined top off me and threw it aside. I hadn’t known him for long, but this was the first time I’d seen him act dominating. I wondered if this was how he always was in bed, but the thought escaped me when he leaned down and took my nipple in his mouth. Rational thought melted away, leaving only the sensations of his touch behind. I reached up to run my hands over him. He grabbed my wrists, pulled them over my head, and held me still with one hand as his mouth continued its journey to map every inch of my chest.

“I’m pleasuring you first. You’d better behave, or there will be punishment.” He growled. I smirked at him, wondering what kind of punishment he’d come up with if I disobeyed. “You won’t like it,” he warned, obviously noticing my grin.

“How do you know? Maybe I would,” I countered, nipping at his bottom lip when he raised his head to look at me. Passion radiated from him as his eyes bored into my soul. As much as I wanted to be naughty and see what he would do, I wanted to see how he would please me. After staring at each other for a minute, I relented, “Okay, I’ll be good.”

“That’s what I thought,” he muttered as he ripped my thong off, and it joined my top on the floor. With my assurance that I’d behave, he abandoned my hands, trusting that I wouldn’t touch him. He trailed his hands down my body, caressing every inch between my shoulder and my waist. I tried to raise my hips to lead him where I wanted. The second I moved, I realized it was a mistake. He froze, whipping his gaze to mine. “I warned you,” he uttered.

“I didn’t do anything,” I whimpered. My eyes widened as he moved, and the cool air replaced him against my skin. “Please,” I begged.

His glare faded into a smug smile. “You don’t like your punishment?” How was I supposed to respond to that?

“No, I don’t. Get back over here. I’m cold and lonely.” I tried to sound sad, but to me, it sounded desperate. I didn’t care as long as he came back and touched me again.

He shook his head, taking another step back. “You have to learn to behave, mo chroí. If I don’t teach you, who will?”