Page 13 of Blood Lost

“Vik, calm down. It’s a business meeting. A negotiation. Ultimately, it’s her choice where she goes and who she’s with. I hope to show her how much we care by letting her go. Then maybe she’ll be open to getting to know us. When her memory comes back, she’ll change her mind and come home.” Eli made the whole thing sound easy. He was convinced that Delilah would choose us if she regained her memories. How would we watch her leave us again without tearing this guy apart?

“I’m on my way over now. You and I need to talk about this. It’s a bad idea. We need to pack up and go. Morocco is nice this time of year. We can take her there until she remembers everything.” I growled, unable to let go of the idea that we were about to lose everything. I just got her back and hadn’t even had any time alone with her. It didn’t matter to me that Eli said she was conflicted. I was certain I could convince her to stay with us. One way or another.

I walked into Eli’s place, expecting to see Delilah in the living room. Instead, I saw a version of Eli I hadn’t seen in a long time. “Where is she?” His eyes met mine, and I understood. She had rejected him, maybe both of us. That was why he’d called Declan. I stormed down the hall to his room, where I’d helped him tuck her in before we’d both left her alone. I threw the door open, “What the hell is your problem?” My eyes searched the room for her, finally settling on a small figure curled up next to the closet.

Delilah raised her head, and I saw the tears streaming down her face. My heart crumbled. How could I have objected to Eli’s idea when she’s in this state? “Myshka? It’s okay. Eli and I would never hurt you.” I crouched down a few feet from her, so I wasn’t as intimidating.

“But you did, both of you. You took me from my home and locked me away here in a place I don’t know—alone—while you were out there doing whatever.” Sadness laced her words. If my heart hadn’t already broken at the sight of her, it would have with that statement.

“I’m sorry you feel that way. We were only trying to keep you safe. Did Eli tell you that he called Declan? We’re having dinner with him tonight. All three of us. You can go home with him if you want. We won’t stop you.” A single tear rolled down my cheek, and before I realized what was happening, Delilah was in my arms. She hugged me tightly with her face pressed against my neck. I gently rubbed her back, giving her what she needed.

“Thank you,” she whispered on my skin, her lips touching me with the movement. A soft moan escaped my lips. I wanted to pick her up and show her what she did to me, but I knew this wasn’t the time. She wasn’t ready to accept us the way she did before. Her touch froze me. I could barely breathe with her so close.

She pulled away from me a moment later, and I didn’t stop her. I knew that holding on too tightly would cause us to lose her forever. “Are you okay? Do you need anything? Food, water, blood?” I had never been nurturing, but something about her made me want to be. Kat had been the one to take care of me.

Delilah hugged me again, then shook her head, rubbing against my neck more. I practically purred. Her giggle lightened the mood, and she released me from her hold. “I think I remember you. Not everything, not even good things, but I know you somehow. I should be scared of you, but I’m not.”

“You remember?” My eyes widened at her admission. What exactly did she remember? How badly would it influence our chances of winning her back?

“Just bits and pieces. Of Eli too. He was so emotional that I didn’t think I could tell him. I’m sorry that I can’t be who you want me to be. I’m not sure who she was, or even if I want to be her anymore.” Delilah hung her head as if she was waiting for me to blow up.

I lifted her chin to force her to meet my eyes. “I get that, truly. I’m not sure I want to be the man I’ve been since you were taken from us.” I leaned down and gently pressed my lips to hers. “Eli and I just want a chance to show you that we care for you. Even if that involves letting you go back to Declan.”

“But why? What’s so special about me that all three of you want me? I don’t know how I would ever choose.” She wasn’t lying when she said she didn’t remember everything.

“You’re what’s so special about you. I know it sounds strange, but Eli and I had agreed to share your time and affection. If I’m being honest, I never intended to share you. I had planned to win you over by making him look bad. It didn’t work, and you were taken from us. Now I can’t imagine not sharing you. It’s the only way you can have everything you need.” My voice was softer than I’d ever remembered hearing it.

Delilah stared at me for a bit before speaking again. “I have so many questions.” I nodded and she continued, “First, what was that you called me, and what does it mean? I heard it in my head before I ever saw you. I know it’s nothing bad but can’t remember if I ever knew.”

“Myshka,” I smiled, “means little mouse. It’s what I’ve called you since the day we met.” Her eyes lit up and I wondered if that had sparked a memory. I hated prodding at her about it, so I let it go. She raised and pressed her lips to mine. The kiss was gentle and loving; it drove me crazy. I wanted to take things further with everything I was, but I knew she wasn’t ready. As a human, she had been more open with Eli. I wondered if this meant that she would be different now. I imagined backing her up against the wall and ripping her clothes off, knowing it was a bad idea. My imagination didn’t listen to reason, and my cock jumped at the vision.

Just as I leaned into the kiss, she pulled away. Her demeanor had changed entirely. “Wait, you call me ‘little mouse’ and I don’t mind it? That seems a bit offensive. Was I that weak before?” Anger rolled off her in waves. I had no idea my endearment would set her off this way. The roller coaster of emotions she had me on was too much. I understood that she must feel conflicted, especially if she remembered us.

“I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just something that my family has always used as a name for someone they love.” I wasn’t sure if I was irritated at her or upset that I’d made her mad. The whole situation was ridiculous, and I knew that we should just drop her off to Declan and move on with our lives. “Don’t worry; you won’t have to hear it anymore. You did ask to go back to your boyfriend, after all.” It hurt me to be so cold to her on a deep level, but it was for the best. I stood up and walked out the door, leaving her sitting on the floor alone.

Chapter 17


I sat there on the floor after Vik left. “What is wrong with me?” I asked myself out loud. I’d gone from crying to kissing Vik to biting his head off within minutes. He was trying to help me. He seemed genuinely upset that I didn’t remember everything. As I sat there, holding my knees and rocking, memories flooded my mind. I knew it wasn’t everything, but it was more than I’d had a few minutes ago. How could I be so conflicted about this? I knew from what I saw that he and Eli cared about me. But I knew that Declan cared for me too. Would it be too much to ask for the three of them to share time with me?

I thought about it for a while. Could it work? I had no idea. Did I want to try it? Absolutely. I just had to mend fences with Eli and Vik first. I’d been such an ass to them both today. And for what? Because they wanted me to remember things I couldn’t. Because they didn’t take advantage of me when I was drugged. If I were them, I don’t know if I would forgive me. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to wash up. If I was going to beg, I’d do it with a fresh face.

Once I was cleaned up, I walked out of the room with purpose. I would make them talk to me if I had to. I mentally pumped myself up as I stomped toward the living area. Two sets of eyes bore into me when I entered the room. My courage evaporated under their stares. I stopped in the doorway and bit my lip as my eyes found everything to look at besides their handsome faces. They sat together on the oversized sofa.

“Is everything okay, love? I’m sorry, I mean, Delilah,” Eli tripped over the question, making it evident that Vik had told him about my response to being called by an endearment. What was wrong with me? Ugh.

I shook my head, fighting against the tears that were threatening to fall again. I hoped that my past self hadn’t been this quick to cry. I wanted to think that I was stronger than that. “I wanted to talk to you both,” I spoke quietly, knowing that neither of them missed my words with their enhanced hearing.

Vik nodded and gestured to a chair instead of trying to get me to sit next to either of them on the couch. I sniffed and took the seat. They stared at me, waiting to hear what was on my mind. I forced myself to look at them both while I nervously wrung my hands.

“I’m sorry. I was a total bitch to both of you after you’ve done nothing but try to help me.” I refused to look away as each of them processed what I’d said. “I don’t remember everything about my past. I am starting to remember things about you both, and it’s all just so confusing. I’m trying to process it all.” A single tear fell from my eye, and both men looked as if it killed them to hold back from trying to pull me into their arms. I respected the restraint now that I understood more about what it cost them.

“You don’t have to apologize to us. We were both out of line to assume that you’d remember us. We didn’t even know you’d lost your memory until we found you at the bar. We should be apologizing to you.” Eli spoke while Vik looked like he was debating yelling at me again. I deserved it and so much more. I stood up and walked closer to where they sat. I wanted to be close to both of them right now. I reached for Eli’s left hand, pulled him to stand next to me, and then turned to Vik, who stood without touching my hand. There was something eerily familiar about his rejection, though I couldn’t remember exactly why.

“I can’t make any promises. I don’t know what we were to each other before. What few memories I have—I’m not that girl anymore. I feel different since the change and not just because I don’t remember her.” I stretched up and pressed my lips to Eli’s. He pulled me to him as if by instinct, then released me a moment later. The guilt on his face tore my heart out. I turned to Vik, who was still scowling at me. “Can’t we just take things one step at a time and see what happens?” Hope flickered in his eyes as Eli interlocked his fingers with mine. It was clear whose side he would be on, but Vik may not be so easily convinced. I hated the thought of begging. I took a chance and cupped Vik’s cheek with my free hand. When he didn’t rip my arm off, I knew there was a chance. I pulled him down so his lips could meet mine. He hesitated at first before growling and taking control.

Eli released my hand. Before I could miss him, he was pressed against my back. My body buzzed at the feeling of being sandwiched between these two gorgeous men. It no longer mattered that they were powerful vampires. I was one of them now. I had nothing more to fear. I lost myself in the sensation of four hands exploring my body while two sets of lips trailed hot kisses across my face and neck. I had no way to know if I had done anything like this in my former life, so this was a new experience for me. It didn’t matter who I had been, only who I was becoming now.