Page 17 of Blood Lost

I decided that if he could tease me, I could tease him right back. “Well, if you aren’t going to take care of me, I’ll just do it myself. If you’re nice to me, I might let you watch.” I trailed a finger down my collarbone, between my breasts, then down my stomach toward my center. Declan’s eyes were glued to me.

“What if I don’t want to watch? What if I want to take over?” He growled before jumping on me. He pushed my hand out of the way and licked my apex. I couldn’t stifle the moan. That was all the encouragement he needed. He sucked my clit in his mouth and teased it with his tongue until I screamed with my orgasm.

Just when I thought he was finished, he slipped a finger inside me and found the perfect spot to rub. He stopped a moment before I climaxed, adjusting our position, so he was above me. The tip of his cock pressed at my opening. I wanted to lift my hips to ease him in, but after what happened the last time I moved, I didn’t. He was torturing both of us with his teasing. Declan tried to hold out, but the torture was too much for him. My body begged for him to complete what he’d begun.

When I thought I’d go crazy from being so close to orgasm with no relief in sight, Dec thrust his dick into me. His pace was slow and tantalizing, giving me time to adjust to his girth. If I hadn’t been so close to coming, I might have marveled at his control. I concentrated on slowing my release. As if he sensed what I was doing, Declan increased his pace, and I couldn’t stop the explosion. I screamed his name as the fireworks went off inside me. He tensed with his release, and I heard him whisper my name before he collapsed on top of me.

A moment later, he rolled onto his back, pulling me on top of him. I leaned down and kissed him. Then I laid my head on his chest and let his heartbeat lull me to sleep. I couldn’t remember being this happy ever before.

Chapter 20


I knew it was risky leaving Declan alone with Delilah. He could have been planning to whisk her away the second we left. I also knew that whatever she wanted, I would agree with. She made it clear how much he meant to her, and I vowed that I would keep Vik in line so we could make this work. Because of that, I followed Vik and left the two of them alone. It didn’t matter to me if she was affectionate with other men, as long as I got to share her time. I knew that my time with her would be later.

Vik had a problem with jealousy and a violent temper, so I agreed to go with him to run down a lead on the drugging. The fact that our positions had flipped didn’t escape me. Before we were turned, he’d been the one keeping me from killing someone. Jail wasn’t a fun place to be. He reminded me of that on more than one occasion. Unfortunately for us, jail wasn’t an option. If a vamp killed someone, we would go on trial. If we were found guilty, the hunters would execute our punishment. There was no life in prison, no opportunity for parole. An unjust death resulted in death.

When Vik told us about the lead, Declan mentioned the hunters in the city. It seemed strange to me that they would be here, but he explained that he’d grown up with one of the guys. He’d called the guy for help to find Delilah. Part of me wondered why he hadn’t let them know she’d been found. I understood that Delilah was unsanctioned, and we would need to keep her hidden until Declan could complete the paperwork and pay the fines. To be fair, Vik and I would chip in on the fine part. After all, we’d all be living with Delilah. She would be our responsibility to care for and protect. We would probably end up having to go in front of the Council that controlled the hunters to plead our case. Someone would have to explain that Delilah was dying and there was no other choice. There hadn’t been time for paperwork.

I knew it was risky, but I also knew that we would do whatever it took to keep Delilah safe. I didn’t want to go up against the Council. If they denied us, they would take Delilah away, or worse, publicly execute her. I knew none of us would be okay with that. All four of us would end up dead in that situation. Vik and I needed to find out who’d drugged Delilah and why. We had a limited amount of time to do it. If we could prove that someone had tried to kill her before the Council called us to face them, we might be able to convince them that Jones had been working with the person responsible. That would prove that her death would have been murder. Most cases where the newly turned was murdered ended up sliding by. The killer would be taken out, and the victim would be free to live their life without worry. That was the best I could hope for right now. Without proof, it would be impossible to convince them, though.

“Eli! Come on, man. We have to get moving. This kid isn’t going to hang around forever.” Vik’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn’t realize we’d made it to the meeting spot. I was so lost in my concerns about Delilah. I shook off the thoughts and got out of the car.

“Who is this kid we’re meeting?” I whispered as we crept down the alley. I wasn’t sure we could trust Vik’s informant. After finding Delilah, I didn’t want to chance anything happening to us either. She needed us.

“His name’s Trevor. He’s related to someone who’s in on the Powder operation. He’s got some inside info on what’s going on.” Vik kept his voice low, sauntering toward the dumpster at the back of the alley.

Crouched beside it was a kid. He couldn’t have been more than ten if that. This couldn’t possibly be our contact. There was no way Vik was going to interrogate a ten-year-old kid, right? I slowed my steps and looked around for someone else in the area. The alley was completely deserted except for the kid and us. Vik slinked in the shadows toward the kid. I stayed within earshot, where I could grab Vik if I needed to, and listened.

“Trevor?” Vik whispered when he was a few feet away from the kid.

He looked up and nodded. “You Viktor?”

Vik nodded in response. “I heard you might have some information about something that happened to my friend.” I was impressed that he was being somewhat gentle with the kid.

“First, I need proof of who you are. And your friend too. I can’t be too careful here. This is dangerous stuff you’re asking about.” The kid seemed older than ten with his paranoia.

Vik held out a hand for my ID, then passed it along with his own to the kid for inspection. Trevor looked them over then handed the cards back to Vik, who gave mine back to me. Once they were put away again, the kid started to talk. “My dad got caught up in the Powder operation. You have to understand how bad things were for us. We had nowhere to go. Dad lost his job, Mom is sick, and there are three of us kids. I’m doing the best I can to take care of Mom and the younger two.”

“We’re not judging your family, Trevor. We just need to know who tried to hurt our friend. I promise no one will hurt your dad, and your family will be rewarded for your help.” Vik handed the kid an envelope. I was sure it was stuffed with hundred-dollar bills. It was just like Vik to buy whoever he wanted. There were other options, but of course, he couldn’t see them. “This is for you and your family. There’s a card with my number on it as well. Your dad can call me to set up a job interview. I’m sure we can find him something better to do. And we’ll take care of your mom’s medical needs, too, as well as housing for the family. I just need you to tell me what you know, okay?” My jaw dropped. What Vik just offered this kid was precisely what I would have done in his situation. I wouldn’t have thought of including an envelope full of cash with the offer, though. I guess I didn’t know everything about him after all.

Trevor looked at the cash in the envelope then tucked it into his backpack. “What if they don’t let him out?”

Vik’s expression softened. “Then we will take care of it. If he wants out of the operation to work for me, I will ensure you all get out of the area safely. No one will harm him. Please, Trevor, I just need to know what you heard.”

The kid seemed to mull over what Vik had offered and promised. “Okay. Everyone thinks the Phantoms are run by the guy who runs the Eastside. They’re wrong.” Trevor gulped as if he was scared to share the next part. “Vampires run the zones. Except for the East. Shifters run it. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. I’ve seen them. Men who can turn into wolves. They’re the ones running the Phantoms. And that’s who’s behind the Powder operation. I’ve heard them talking. The wolves want to hunt down the vampires and kill them all. I don’t know why.” He started shaking and couldn’t continue.

“Trevor, I want to tell you a secret. Can you keep a secret?” Vik leaned a little closer but still just out of reach of the kid. Trevor nodded, blinking back tears. “My friend and I are vampires. I know that shifters are real. And I believe everything you just told me. Thank you. I understand how scary this was for you. Please have your dad call me. I meant what I said. I’ll make sure you’re safe.”

Trevor grinned like a cat who’d caught a canary. You’d think that Vik had promised him the moon. “You guys are vampires? I thought so when you got here. I’m getting better at noticing. Can I go now? I have to get home before Dad does. He’ll be mad that I left the little ones alone with Mom. She’s supposed to be resting.”

Vik nodded, and the kid ran off, tossing his backpack on his shoulders as he jogged. He seemed to know his way around the city. I wondered how many times he’d run through the alleys and what kind of things he’d been forced to do to help his family. Their story was heartbreaking. I wanted to help them. Maybe we’d be able to.

“Well, that’s more than we had before, but still not enough,” Vik grumbled. He turned and stomped off toward the car. I followed him, considering everything we’d just heard.

“It’s a start. Maybe Declan will have some ideas of how to get more information. He has a friend in the hunters, after all. If they’re using the Phantoms as a front, maybe we can find out why. There has to be more to it than the shifters want us all dead.” I knew that my thoughts made sense, but I also knew that sometimes life didn’t make any sense at all. There may not be another reason. I climbed into the car and ran a hand through my hair. Why wasn’t anything ever simple?

Chapter 21