Page 28 of Cowboy

His hands went to her hips, guiding her to move just a little faster.

“You can do it. Just don’t think about it.”

She met his pace. He moved his hands from her hips back to her breasts and flicked and pinched her nipples. Heat raced through her. She couldn’t stop the cries of pleasure that escaped from her lips.

“More. Please, more.”

He rolled her nipples between her fingers sending bolts of heat to pool low in her belly.

Ava didn’t know what was happening to her, only that she didn’t want it to stop. The heat in her belly intensified, seeming to boil over, then exploded through her body. Her toes curled, she gripped Cowboy’s arms where he still cupped and played with her breasts, afraid she would fly away. A cry escaped her lips as her whole body seemed to clench and seize.

She didn’t know how long it lasted, only that when her body relaxed and she once more became aware of her surroundings, Cowboy still held her, still teased her nipples.

“I like hearing that, Angel. It tells me you’re getting what you need.”

“What was that?” Her voice shook.

Cowboy froze. His fingers stopped playing back and forth over her breasts and his hips stilled beneath her.

“Angel,” his voice had changed but she didn’t have the presence of mind to figure out how or what that meant right now, “please tell me you didn’t just say what I think you said?”

Ava blinked; her mind still sluggish. It took a moment for his words to process.

“What do you think I said?” She frowned down at where his gaze seemed to be locked on her face.

He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. She didn’t know if he was looking for patience or trying to regain his composure and control.

“While those weren’t your words, I think you just told me that after I don’t know how many years of marriage, that was your first orgasm.”

“Orgasm? No. I’m sure I’ve had those before.”

“But you didn’t know what that was.”

“Is that what that was?” Ava frowned, confused. She’d always enjoyed sex with her ex, enough that he’d told her frequently that it was inappropriate for his wife to like it. She was supposed to see it as a duty to him. “Obviously, I was wrong. I’ve never experienced anything like that before.” She felt her lips curve into a smile as she leaned down over him, shivering briefly at the way he felt still buried deep inside her. “I’m glad you were the one to show me how amazing it feels though.” She kissed the tip of his nose then rocked her hips against his.

He groaned and his hands, which hadn’t left her breasts as she’d moved, began to knead the sensitive mounds again. “I think I may have created a monster.”

“Not possible. I can’t be both an angel and a monster.”

“Sure you can. You may be the sexiest fallen angel I’ve ever seen.”

Ava’s breath caught in her throat as his arms moved around her and he rolled them both until she lay on her back, staring up at him.

“I can’t wait to complete your corruption.” He moved inside her, stopping any protest she might have had, then making her forget it, if there had been one.


Cowboy woke curled on one side, one arm folded and tucked under his head, the other wrapped snuggly around Ava.

Damn it felt good to wake up with her in his arms. He would love to find a way for this to happen more often. He knew he needed to get moving, he had things he needed to get done today. But he hadn't planned to start the day here or like this. Not that he was complaining. far from it.

No. Waking this way made him want to repeat it — every day if he could. That was unlikely, at least at this stage, but it was a nice thought. A glance at the clock on the table beside the bed told him it was earlier than he'd thought. He had more time to enjoy the moment with Ava than he'd initially thought. He looked back down at where she lay curled in his arms and found her awake, her eyes on him.

"How long have you been watching me?" he asked.

"Not long. How long have you been awake?"

"Not long." He resisted the urge to grin as he turned her words back on her.