Page 20 of Cowboy

“What are you doing still here?”

“Working, obviously,” Cowboy bit back the urge to snarl as he replied. Why did people have to ask such stupid questions when the answer was obvious?

“I was surprised you weren’t at the clubhouse. We’ve got a meeting in fifteen minutes. A meeting you called, if you’ll recall.”

Cowboy looked up from where he was fitting one particularly difficult piece into place. “Shit. Is it really that late?”

Deke didn’t dignify that with a response, just looked at him as if to say, would I be here if it weren’t?

Cowboy stood, grabbed a rag, and started scrubbing at his hands. He was in the final stages, so they weren’t too dirty, still, he needed to get washed up and go. He glanced down at his overalls and shrugged. They’d have to do. He didn’t have time to change right now.

Cowboy leaned back in his chair, tipped back his drink, and drained the last few swallows. The meeting had gone better than he’d hoped. Not only had all his proposals passed, but the men had been enthusiastic at his ideas, even when he’d said he wanted it mandatory that everyone make at least one of the brothers only events each month.

He pulled his phone out and turned it back on, as he’d shut it off for the meeting. As it powered up and found signal, it buzzed with several incoming messages. The only ones he cared about right now were the ones from Ava.

Ava: Day was good. Work was boring but busy and went by fast. I’m exhausted and headed to bed.

Ava: Want to do something this weekend?

He stared at the screen and cursed that he had to be on the ride this weekend. He was looking forward to the ride and since he’d ordered it organized, and had it made mandatory to make at least one ride a month, he couldn’t really say sorry, I’d rather spend the time with my girl. Especially not for the first event.

With a sigh, he typed up a reply.

Cowboy: I’d love to. I’m busy Saturday, but I can do Friday night or any time on Sunday. When are you free?

He hit send then checked the time. Ten-thirty. She was probably fast asleep. He should probably head home and go to bed himself. Cowboy couldn’t help but feel accomplished as he stood.

“Headed home?” Deke asked.

“I am. I want to finish that assembly tomorrow. You going to come by?”

“I may. I’ll let you know.”

“All right. Have a good night.” Cowboy tipped one hand in a wave.

“You too.” Deke watched him go.

Cowboy walked across the parking lot to where he’d parked his bike in front of the shop, stepped astride it and headed home, his thoughts not on the bike he needed to finish assembling, but instead on Ava and what they might do this weekend.

He didn’t know if she was ready to go all the way to Billings on the bike, but he could take her in his truck, if she wanted to see a movie. On the other hand, bowling had been fun. What other things like that could he suggest? Things that weren’t common date things but could be fun. He was halfway home when he wondered if she might enjoy going to the batting cages. It wasn’t bowling, but it could be fun. He didn’t think there was a laser tag place in town, but he’d investigate it. Then he’d give her some options, see what she was interested in.

He liked that she opted for less traditional dates. It was fun and kept him wondering what she would pick next. Maybe he should investigate some more offbeat options. He’d love to find an option she hadn’t thought of.

Cowboy pulled into the parking lot at his complex, parked and went up to his apartment. He needed to research what kind of activities they had locally. It had been too long since he’d looked for anything new to do.


The talk with Belinda was still on her mind when Ava had gotten into bed the night before. She had thought about her determination to experience things and not just get through life, whether there was someone there to share the experiences with her or not. She had wondered what she would do this weekend if Cowboy wasn't available? She let the thought linger in the back of her mind as she'd laid there wishing he'd text her back.

Frustrated that he hadn't answered her, she'd pulled out her laptop and looked up things to do around Dickenson. She woke the next morning feeling good that she had a plan for the weekend, well for Saturday anyway. She had a couple of ideas for Sunday if she didn’t hear from Cowboy.

She finished her morning routine, dressed, and made it into the kitchen for coffee. While the coffee brewed, she picked up her phone. There was a message from Cowboy. A glance at when he’d sent it told her it had been well after she’d gone to bed the night before.

The message said he was busy Saturday but up for something Friday or Sunday. As well as a second message sent this morning.

Cowboy: Want to do something for dinner tonight?

She stared at the screen wondering how to reply. Yes, she was up for dinner, but she didn’t want to seem to eager. Then again. It had been hours since he’d sent the message. She typed up a response telling him she was open, asking if they would be on the bike and what time to be ready then hit send. By the time she’d finished that, her coffee was ready. She stood for a moment after the first couple of sips, letting the rich flavor do as much to wake her up as the hit of caffeine would once it hit her bloodstream. After a moment she took her cup and headed for the bedroom to finish getting ready for work.