She looked across the table at Nico. He was watching her.
“Are you angry with me?” she asked.
“I’m . . .” He frowned. “Disorientated.”
“By me?”
“Seems that way.”
“I’m sorry,” she said again. “I don’t want you to think I’m that kind of person.”
“What kind of person?”
“The kind that toys with people.”
“So, you’re not toying with me?”
“No,” she said, her pitch rising a little too high. “But I’d be lying if I said that what happened with Kyle didn’t shake a lot of things up.”
“What kinds of things?” he asked.
“Guilt. Regret.” Lexie bit her lip, suddenly feeling reluctant. “Fear, mostly.”
“You’re scared of what he might do to you?”
“Of what he might do to you,” she corrected. “You don’t understand what he is, Nico, what he’s capable of. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to ask you out? Even now, I’m sitting here terrified of the repercussions of this.”
“Are you serious?” Nico’s eyes blazed through her, seeing everything. His energy was intense. Not anger, exactly, but something that burned just as hot. She felt it hit her like a wave as he leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. “Alright, look, before we go any further, let me make something clear.”
Lexie swallowed. “Okay.”
“You are a free woman,” he almost growled. “I know he’s done his best to make you believe otherwise, but I promise you, as long as I’m around, no matter how things pan out between the two of us, I will not let him hurt you or fuck with your life anymore. Do you hear me?”
“Like I said, it’s not me I’m worried about.”
“Lexie, look at me,” he said, no ego in sight, just total confidence in himself. “Do you honestly think I can’t handle the likes of Kyle Garrett?”
She sighed. “I just worry—”
“Well don’t. I can take care of myself. And I can take care of you.”
“That’s just it, Nico. You shouldn’t have to. I shouldn’t need a protector. And if something happened to you because of me . . .”
Nico reached across the white linen tablecloth and took her hand. His was warm and comforting and made various parts of her body clench in response. “Nothing is going to happen. And if it does, I’ll handle it.”
Lexie let loose a pent-up breath. “I know you will.”
This was bad. She hadn’t planned on being so affected by him. In fact, she’d planned on keeping him at arm’s length, at least for now, lest she be swept away by the thrill of it all. A hallmark hunk with a protective streak and a kind heart? He might as well wear a label that read Lexie’s Kryptonite. On the other hand, she had no interest in being perceived as a weak woman in need of a keeper.
“All the same,” she said, extricating her hand from his, remembering how much it hurt to have her heart broken the first time. “I think it would be a good idea if we take things slow.”
“Yes,” she said firmly.
“Meaning what, exactly?”
Lexie allowed a small grin to appear. “Meaning I need time to figure out if you’re worth the trouble.”