“I’m so sorry,” she said. A hand shot to her mouth, her fingers brushing across her swollen lips. She didn’t look sorry, which helped console his ego.

He stepped closer. “Well, that’s too bad because I’m not sorry.”

She stepped away once more. Gabriel held his place only by a sudden force of will he didn’t know he possessed. Her mouth tightened. She looked alarmed. That was never his intent.

“I didn’t mean to be so forward.” She angled her head down a bit. Was she looking at his mouth like she wanted another bite, or was that just wishful thinking on his part?

She soon looked away. “I don’t think we should go any further. But I promise, I really didn’t mean to tease you,” she said with a tremble in her tone. She seemed so intensely sincere, he wanted to take her in his arms and soothe whatever had her so alarmed by their intense kiss.

Gabriel brought both hands up in conciliatory fashion. “You didn’t tease me. We kissed. And it was awesome, by the way.”

Once she registered his words, her whole body seemed to sag with relief. “Thank you. I thought the kiss was awesome, too. I’m not sorry about that.” A fragile smile appeared. He wished he could see her eyes. What was she hiding behind those big sunglasses?

“Good.” He would have said more to her, but the sound of an approaching truck distracted him. The tow truck he called for had arrived early. He guessed it wasn’t often that the boss called Enclave Auto for a tow. And since he was the boss, he appreciated the fast service.

“The tow truck is almost here,” she said as if also surprised.

Gabriel glanced at his watch. “Yeah. He’s earlier than I expected. The thing is, the auto shop will close about the time you and the tow truck driver get back there. The lead mechanic will have to take a quick look, but likely won’t be able to fix it until tomorrow at the earliest. And if it is the water pump like I suspect, they’ll have to order it, and then you’re talking a few days.”

She shrugged. “That’s okay. Do you know of anywhere I could get a room for a while until it’s repaired?”

The immediate response that came to mind had to do with his place where he could show her his very large bed, but he didn’t want to scare her off. “I do. I’m very good friends with the owner of the local motel. I’ll take you over there after we finish up at the auto shop.”

“Is it very expensive? I don’t have wads of money.”

“No. It’s very reasonably priced. Plus, it’s clean.” And they have beds.

“Excellent. Thanks. You seem to know everyone,” she said with a smile. “The tow truck driver, the mechanic, girls driving by on the road, and now the motel proprietor. Good thing you were the one to find me today.”

Gabriel was glad they were back to relaxed conversation again. “Well, you know how it is with small towns. Everybody knows everybody. That can be good or bad depending on the situation.”

She shrugged, but didn’t respond.

Gabriel had been on his way back to Enclave after being away for a couple of days visiting family. He needed to talk to his best friend, Nathan Talbot, before asking any women to come and stay over. That coming conversation would also include detailed information on the lovely Suzanna Creighton, and her recent entry into Enclave. Perhaps it would take several days to repair her vehicle. Perhaps she’d want to get together and kiss again, or maybe more.

If he had his way, she’d want to remain in Enclave for a while, she’d naturally agree to stay at the home he shared with Nathan, and of course, she’d be perfectly delighted to discover all the dark, wicked things he wanted to do to her with Nathan’s help.

He wondered how she felt about bondage or if she’d ever been spanked.

The mere visual of her hands cuffed to his bed sent a pulse of longing to his cock so strong it was a wonder he could still stand upright with all the blood in his body hastening south.

One thing was for certain. If she was interested, he was ready, willing, and able to ensure she would never ever forget her idle time while stranded in Enclave, Montana.

* * * *

With her clit pulsing in wildly unsatisfied desire every time Suzanna so much as glanced at Gabriel, she decided to ride into Enclave with the tow truck driver. She didn’t trust herself not to do something inappropriate with Gabriel while he drove, even in the short ten-mile trek to town. He graciously told her that he’d follow her to the auto shop and introduce her to the lead mechanic, Dylan. Additionally, he promised to escort her personally to the motel to check in for the night.