Suzanna leaned in close, kissed his cheek then the corner of his mouth, and finally rested her head against his shoulder, the gesture so intimate, even he believed they were a couple.

Gabriel put his focus on Suzanna, kissed her forehead, and hugged her again as if he just couldn’t get close enough.

“Well, it was nice to meet you, Suzanna. See you around, Gabriel.” Cindy walked slowly back to her car, got in, and waved before driving on toward Enclave.

Reluctant to let Suzanna go, Gabriel waited until Cindy was well away from them before releasing her. “That was amazing. How did you know she wouldn’t go all femme-fatale crazy on us?”

Suzanna stayed right in his personal space. “If she’s been chasing you, and you’ve been avoiding her, then a plausible romance she didn’t know about is a graceful way to accept and, best of all, understand why you haven’t been seeking her out in return.”

He nodded.

“If nothing else, it will buy you some time, even if I’m not around. This gives her a reason to consider. Plus, it saves face for her because it is also entirely plausible that your continued disinterest isn’t because you don’t want her, it’s just you’ve got other current commitments.”

“That’s good. Really excellent.” Gabriel smiled. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Although, it won’t last forever. And you won’t be able to be seen with any other women until we have a horrible break up online.” She grinned but didn’t step away from him like he expected. Instead her head tilted to one side as if she wanted him to kiss her again. So he did. Since they hadn’t quite broken up yet.

Lowering his mouth to hers again felt like coming home. Her arms tightened around his neck. Their tongues curled against each other, dancing together as if they had all the time in the world to pause in the middle of the road and share a kiss in wild abandon.

Without consciously realizing his intent, Gabriel slowly danced her backward toward his car. He told himself it was because standing in the road was dangerous. However, when she stopped moving because her butt hit the trunk of his car, the only danger was what he’d do to her before the tow truck arrived, if allowed free rein.

They kissed and kissed and kissed. Even though they were practically strangers, he was struck by how amazingly good it was to kiss Suzanna. Like they had an uncanny familiarity. Like two kids who’d fallen in love for the first time, discovered how exciting it was to taste each other, and found the opportunity to press their lips together every chance they got.

Twenty minutes ago he’d never met her, and now he was wondering how he’d ever let her go.

He slowly bent her back over his car trunk. If she flinched or acted like he’d gone too far, he’d stop. But she didn’t. The moment her shoulders hit the metal surface, she moaned. His cock reared forward, ready to introduce himself. She had to feel his stiff dick digging into her thigh. But she didn’t stop him. She moaned again. Her surrender was unyielding. He wanted her with every beat of his heart. Every breath in his lungs. Every ache in his soul.

Gabriel pushed his hips forward over and over again. His cock getting harder and harder with each drive against her soft body. He curled his tongue seductively against hers again. And again. There was no end to his need. And she was not stopping him.

Somewhere in the back of his sane mind, he knew this couldn’t continue for much longer. He’d called out a tow truck. The driver would be here any minute. Did he want to get caught fucking her against the trunk of his car in broad daylight? Because that was the happy trail his cock was presently speeding down.

He pressed harder into her body, his cock really making a dent against her belly. Was he really going to fuck her in broad daylight? Maybe. If she wanted him to. He’d certainly oblige her every desire. It wasn’t like he had any problem performing sexually for an audience.

As if suddenly realizing the direction of his thoughts, or the open location of where they were currently canoodling, Suzanna stiffened in his embrace. He broke the kiss, asking a question he already knew the answer to. “What’s wrong?”

Her panicked facial expression had him lifting off of her and retreating a half step. She scrambled off the trunk, landing back into his arms, but didn’t stay long. Her head swiveled around as if searching for a witness to her recent oral seduction.