“How can you help me?” he asked with a hopeful smile and a tone to match.

Suzanna glanced over her shoulder again noting the distance of the car. It was close enough that she could see a woman was driving. She turned back and stared at his mouth.

“Like this.” She closed the distance between them, slung one arm around his neck, pushed up on her tiptoes, and planted her lips over his. She licked past the seam of his mouth and tangled her tongue inside for all she was worth. Amazing.

He not only felt good against her body, he tasted incredible. His lips softened. He engaged. His hands went to her waist. This man knew exactly what he was doing when it came to kissing. He was good at it. He did use his tongue. He did push the whole length of his body against hers, and best of all, his cock was growing hard and fast against her belly. Excellent.

Suzanna just hoped he wasn’t annoyed by her being so forward, or worse, too possessive like Marcus.

Chapter Two

Gabriel reeled for a moment as the seductive blonde moved into his personal space and laid a lip-lock on him like he hadn’t had in quite a long time. His hands fastened to her waist immediately, and soon one palm slid upward, spanning her ribcage beneath one breast. He told himself it was to help keep his balance, but truthfully, he’d wanted to touch her since the second he’d gotten close enough to see her perfect body.

Suzanna was very smart, too. This kiss with a beautiful stranger was exactly what he needed to get Cindy to stop chasing after him. Most especially when his friend’s sister drove by and caught them. If she stopped, he’d tell her Suzanna was his new girlfriend. They had a long-distance relationship, however he planned to be totally faithful.

The relative stranger he locked lips with wasn’t so very tall, but her body was stunning. She fit perfectly in his arms. Her face, what he could see of it beyond the big sunglasses, was beautiful. Especially her mouth. Her lush breasts pressed into his torso. Behind the Hollywood shades he hadn’t known what she was staring at, but he felt her interested gaze by the way she held herself, followed his every motion with subtle movements of her head, and held his hand longer than expected both times.

Cindy’s car got closer and closer. He heard the engine slow. Shit. He’d hoped she might just drive on by. The sound of her brakes squealing to a stop made him reevaluate what to do next. Life was never easy.

He pulled his lips from Suzanna regretfully and asked in a whisper, “What now?” The sound of a car door wrenching open echoed in the air.

Suzanna smiled, put her hand on his face, and honest to God, rubbed her nose against his a couple of times. “Leave it to me,” she whispered. “Just keep your arms tight around me.”

Gabriel squeezed her closer. It wasn’t a chore. “Hi, Cindy.”

Cindy walked up, her gaze fixed solely on Gabriel. “I thought that was you,” she said slowly. Then her whole body turned to face Suzanna. “Who’s your friend?”

Before Gabriel could open his mouth, she spoke.

“Hi, I’m Suzanna,” she said in a totally affable voice as if she expected the two of them to become immediate best friends. He thought it highly unlikely. “Oh my gosh. It’s been such a crazy day. Gabriel had to come out and rescue me before I made it all the way into town. Can you believe it?”

Cindy’s eyes narrowed. “So…the two of you know each other?” she asked as if surprised.

“Oh my, yes.” Suzanna giggled once, kissed his mouth, snuggled closer, and then turned back to Cindy. “We’ve been corresponding online for quite a while now. Although, this is the first time we’ve ever met in person, isn’t that right, babe?”

Gabriel looked at a very puzzled Cindy, and said truthfully, “That’s right. Today is definitely the first time we ever met.” He pulled Suzanna a little closer. Even though she was already anchored to his side like they were superglued together.

Cindy looked at Gabriel as if she hadn’t ever considered him with an Internet romance. A half-smile appeared.

“Do you two need any help?” Cindy looked a little like she wanted to be anywhere but here.

“No, thanks,” Gabriel said. “I already called Dylan for the tow.”