Page 56 of Love is Rage

Everything but the man she loved. She opened her mouth, but reconsidered. It was useless. Telling Ricky how she’d felt for years wouldn’t change a thing. Her brother never understood, and never would. He had been the one to gain everything from her marriage to Morelli. He had been the one to become a soldier in his family, making it all the way to capo. And he had risen from being a junkie to someone who had gained respect in a crime syndicate. As for her? Well, she had been the one to instigate it by betraying Viking. In a way, she had enabled Ricky, and unlike her, he had made the best of a bad situation.

Perhaps it was time to stop blaming him. He’d played no part in her marrying Morelli, other than Lorenzo being at their house and seeing her.

She sat on the barstool next to him. “You said you had an understanding with Viking. What kind of understanding?”

He leaned closer as if sharing a secret with her. “I’m helping him find Pedro.”

Elena gasped. “You’re betraying the Morellis? If they ever—”

“It will get me killed, I know.”

It looked like Ricky was finally coming through. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Can’t have him get his hands on my niece.” Ricky sounded firm. “Where is she anyway?”

“Viking sent her away.” All the way to Europe, but no one needed to know that.

Ricky frowned. “I’m guessing somewhere out of state.”

“And beyond,” she admitted.

He nodded. “Good, she’ll be safe there.”

“She will be.” One of Viking’s most trusted men was with her. He had kept her security detail small on purpose, so there could be no leaks. As far as she could tell, Vicky was enjoying her incognito Euro trip. Though she did complain a bit about the man accompanying her not being much of a talker.

“I could have protected Vicky, you know.” Ricky sounded insulted. “I still can, if you want me to. Just let me know if you ever need my help.”

In a surprise move, one he hadn’t made since they had been kids, he gave her a hug. It was heartwarming in a way, and it would have been a great step toward mending their fences if it hadn’t been for his alcohol breath making her feel squirmy.

She pulled away and clasped a hand over her mouth to keep the bile in.

Not now. Please, not now.

“You okay, sis? You look pale as a sheet.”

“I’m fine. My stomach’s just a bit upset. Must be something I ate last night.”

“Must be.” Looking much more elated, he got up. “You know he’s never gonna forgive you, right?”

The words were like a punch to the gut, though he didn’t voice anything she hadn’t thought herself.

Ricky gave her a once-over. Pity lurked in his eyes. “I’m not surprised he married you. I mean, you’re the mother of his child. And I’m guessing he wants another one. Perhaps a boy he can raise himself this time.”

She felt sick. When his gaze turned to her stomach she didn’t flinch, didn’t even move, but she feared he knew. Reading people’s weaknesses had always been his strong suit.

“I’m not talking about this with you.”

“You don’t have to. Just remember, I’m your brother, your only family. I’ll always protect you. Viking? He’s out on a vendetta. He will never let you raise another kid of his.”

With those doom and gloom words, he left.

She was stumped for half an hour after that, mulling over his words in her head. Ricky was just looking out for her. Perhaps he really was getting his act together and being her big brother again.

Maybe there was a chance for them. Maybe she could still have some sort of relationship with the only other member of her family. Her mother would have loved that. In an unexpected twist, the afternoon hadn’t turned out as gloomy as she expected after all.

The same couldn’t be said about her evening. Viking didn’t come home that night. She didn’t call him, not that she would have expected him to pick up, nor did she wait up for him. And she most certainly refused to think about what he was doing right now and with whom. Then again, that was a lie. She was thinking about it. After all, he was her husband. No one had forced him to marry her. She hadn’t asked for it, nor was she asked if she had wanted to. Though her vows had been coerced from her for the second time in her life, she did intend to keep them. And also make sure Viking kept them. She’d made her point. Now the ball was in his court. If she ever caught him with another woman, she would kill him. It was her right as a woman, the mother of his child, and his wife.

She took a shower and went to bed. Sadly, sleep eluded her, and she kept turning and tossing until she gave up and opened her eyes. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand: it was almost midnight.