Page 64 of Love is Rage

Then he grabbed the bottle.



She’d been staring at the stick for over an hour now: the pink line that told her what she’d already known in her gut. She was going to be a mom again after a sixteen-year hiatus. Mother to a child whose father still hated her. There were so many unresolved issues between her and Viking that she didn’t even know where to start.

Ignoring the pit in her stomach she threw the pregnancy test in the bin, then took a long shower. The hot spray hit her back, turning her rigid body softer, more pliant. After what felt like the longest shower ever, she got out, wrapped herself in a huge bath towel and sat on the edge of her bed. No, not just her bed, it was their bed. She was all alone in the apartment, but there was one place where she and Viking came together night after night and that was in bed. Could that be enough to hold them together? Would it be enough of a foundation for a new beginning? A new life was a new beginning and maybe their baby could be the same for them.

After putting on sweatpants and a tank top, she called Vicky. Hearing her voice always elevated her spirits. She couldn’t yet bring herself to give Vicky the news she would become a sister. Her little girl had always wanted a brother or sister, something Elena had always felt guilty over, since she never had the intention to give her one as long as she was married to Lorenzo.

Next on her list was Katya. The girl picked up after the first call.

“Hey, Elena.”

Her voice was void of its usual perkiness. “That bad, huh?” She could only imagine how Kristoff must have reacted when he’d found out about last night.

“Worse.” The girl sighed deeply. “Kristoff kind of…well, I’ve never seen him this mad.”

Elena’s heart rate spiked. “What do you mean? Did he hurt you?”

“Gods, no.” Katya laughed her concern away, giving her relief. “He just has this way of telling me he’s disappointed in me, without telling me, you know. He threatened to put a chip in me. And I doubt I’ll be leaving the house without a group of bodyguards any time soon.”

She could only imagine. “I’m sorry he found out. Are you mad at me?”

“What would I be mad at you for?”

“I might have overreacted a bit with the bat and stuff. If I hadn’t, maybe I would have been able to evade Baran, and Kristoff wouldn’t have found out.”

A silence fell for a moment. “My cheek is swollen and green,” Katya finally spoke. “So there was no hiding that. Also…Kristoff touched my cheek. It was…he never does that. Usually, he avoids touching me like I have the plague or something.”

Elena’s heart kind of broke after that admission. Katya sounded so happy for a scrap of tenderness from a man who didn’t seem to have a heart. Worse, because she sounded hopeful that, one day, he would return her feelings.

You’re projecting.

I know that.

“I’m glad you’re okay, kiddo.”

An annoyed huff followed. “I’m not a kid, you know. I’m twenty-two.”

“I’m a mom, so I’m allowed to call you a kid.” Speaking of, another “kid” came traipsing to her side. Loki put his head on her feet, giving her big puppy eyes.

Katya laughed, then her voice turned soft. “Thank you, Elena.”

“That’s what friends are for.” As she spoke the words, she realized she truly considered Katya a friend. Her first real friend as an adult. It felt empowering, knowing she had someone in her life who cared, someone she could share her thoughts and feelings with.

“I hope you didn’t get into trouble with Uncle Vik too much.”

“We’re fine.” After some small talk, she hung up. Loki needed some food, and so did she.

As she fed the dog and reorganized the kitchen for the third time, she did some thinking. Last night, Viking had been her rock. He had supported her and actually listened to her during her almost break down. For the first time, he didn’t judge her or threw any hateful remarks her way. Did that mean he’d changed? That he was willing to overlook their past? And if he had, didn’t she owe it to him to do the same? What better way to look to a new future than tell him about their baby?

She went through his extensive LP collection and put on an Andra Day album. She curled up on the couch and patted her stomach.

This time, it’s going to be different, baby girl or baby boy.

You will grow up with your dad and he will love you.