Page 61 of Love is Rage

Elena grabbed her pants, ready to rush into their bedroom when she heard giggles. Two sets of giggles.

What happened next seemed to happen in slow-motion. Her head turned toward the door. Her eyes zoomed onto the pair of women standing in the doorway. They were dressed in tiny glittery dresses and—if she was being honest—had killer bodies. She immediately suffered from a case of comparativitis which made her feel all kinds of lacking.

“So, where do you want us to audition?” one of the girls asked.

Viking didn’t send the girls packing. One of them grabbed hold of his arm as she was swaying on her nine-inch platform heels. The other blonde ducked underneath his arm and sashayed her way into their living room, walking around as if she belonged there.

“I like your place,” the Tall Blonde said, and climbed onto the coffee table. Then she slowly danced to a tune she could only hear in her head.

Slightly-Less-Tall Blonde trailed after her friend and joined her on the table. She jiggled her breasts towards Viking, and radiated her interest like a neon sign.

All the while Elena stood rooted to her spot, standing between the recliner and a side table. The fern next to her showed more signs of life than she did.

She closed her eyes and waited. A song started to play, and she could hear the women dancing. Their spiked heels clicked and clacked on the hardwood table.

“Or maybe you like this song?” one of the bubbly blondes said as she put on another song from her phone.

When she opened her eyes, Viking was still on the phone. He didn’t seem in any hurry to remove them from the premises.

She understood the women were just trying to make a living. It was the way of the world. Everyone had their own story, their own set of reasons to make a buck in this dog-eat-dog world. Hadn’t she herself done things just to survive? However, that didn’t mean she had to be okay with it happening under her own roof.

She walked up to Viking and waved at the women. “Do something about it, or I will.”

His eyes narrowed. “Or you will? What are you going to do? Spray them with soda?”

Her back went rigid. Clearly, he’d heard about the Mandy incident and decided to make fun of her. She did not appreciate that. At all!

Here she was, in the middle of the night, in ugly pajamas, comparing herself to twenty-something-year-olds. She realized two things: one, it was a clear sign that the Universe was against her; and two, she had made a mistake by letting her husband clean up this mess. In hindsight, perhaps it wasn’t the smartest thing to do; zoom into that untapped well of female anger she had built up over the years. Or maybe it was because the lid of that bitter, angry well that had come off just a few hours earlier, hadn’t fully closed yet.

Then she asked herself a question. What would a woman in her right mind do in her place? She’d probably snap. Still, she’d try diplomacy first.

“Ladies, could you please give us a moment? I need to have a chat with my husband.”

They didn’t seem to hear her. Maybe it was the music, or perhaps they were just desperate for this job and chose to ignore her. The one on the left had dark circles underneath her eyes no makeup could cover. Regardless of the reason, even diplomacy had its limits and so had she.

Plastering a smile on her face, she walked up to the mantle and grabbed Viking’s gun. Then she pointed it at him.

The women screamed and jumped off the table. In their haste to run away, Tall Blonde’s shoe got stuck in the thick carpet. She had the audacity to stop and look back at her pump.

Elena shook her head. “Really? Your shoe for your life?”

The girl backed off and plastered herself against the wall like some terrified real-life poster. Her friend had just stumbled onto the couch and froze there, too afraid to move and draw attention to herself.

Sadly, Viking didn’t scare as easily, if at all.

He walked up to her, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

“I’m glad I got your attention.”

He stopped in front of her but didn’t bother to go for the gun. “Now what?” he growled, his eyes hard. “Remember what I told you?”

“Never pull a gun on someone unless you’re going to fire,” she quipped. But she didn’t need to fire to make her point.

The women were stumbling over each other in their haste to get out.

Elena’s sharp whistle made them freeze and turn their heads.

“Thank you for your attention, ladies. Any woman who touches him will bleed rivers of blood. I have people in low places, so I’ll always know. Do spread the word,” she said sweetly.