Page 21 of Love is Rage

“It’s what I do. Find shit out.”

As their spy, that was true.

Angel jerked a thumb toward Viking. “I think he should ask about the little bird he’s keeping in a cage below.”

Damon nodded. “You’d think he’d want to know why Pedro locked her up.”

“I would have asked by now,” his brother agreed.

“I’d want to know as well.”

They kept on talking about him as if he wasn’t sitting right before their noses. Annoying fucks. He wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction by asking.

“The little bird is my business. Stay the fuck out of it.”

“I heard Pedro Morelli is looking for her. Offering a sweet prize to whoever delivers her to him,” Damon said.

Angel looked as if he was pondering that idea. “I could use a new Zegna suit. The other one got ripped when I took on that Bulgarian guy.”

Damon shook his head. “Never fight a former wrestler. Once they get you between those meaty sausage hands, they can crack your skull.”

“He called me pretty.”

Viking kept his mouth firmly shut. He knew not to joke about Angel’s trigger. Calling him that was like offering a drip of blood to the twins’ pet shark: it couldn’t possibly end well.

“I’ll be moving the bird tomorrow. After Vicky’s settled at your place.” The last thing he needed was for Vasili or any of his hounds getting a whiff of his daughter.

When he took another cig, Angel cocked a brow. “You got it bad, brother.”

Viking summoned up all the reasons why Elena was bad for him, but his dick didn’t give a shit what his brain thought. It just wanted to go another round.

“You want my advice?”

“No.” He didn’t want anyone’s advice, and especially not from fuck ‘em and leave ‘em Angel.

“I thought you might,” Angel said, ignoring him. “Just fuck her and get it over with.”

Been there. Done that.

Still not over it.

“Shut up.” Viking was about to shove him off the couch when Katya walked in.

She sat on the table, right next to his feet. Her hands were folded in her lap, and her chin held that stubborn line he was all too familiar with.

“I like Vicky.” Her eyes narrowed. “I want to keep her.”

Some women collected jewelry, others designer bags; Katya collected people. “She can’t stay here, you know that.”

She speculatively eyed the stairs on their right. “When are you going to let Vicky see her mom?”

Not much went on in this house without Katya knowing about it. She knew the rules though, and not to intervene. Still, she had a big heart and might decide to go exploring into the basement. Another reason why he should move Elena out.

“Stay out of it, Tinker Bell.”

This earned him a pout. He could see by the gleam in her eyes she wasn’t finished with the subject yet. Time to haul ass.

He pulled himself up, placed a kiss on her temple, and went downstairs.