“I know someone’s in there!” she shrieked, leaning closer to the camera. “I’ve already called the cops! They’re on their way since someone is clearly trespassing in my fiancé’s house.”

I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips. “I’ll take—”

“No,” Scottie quickly began, a rather wicked smile spreading on her lips. “Allow me the privilege of taking care of this.”

Lifting my hands in submission, I raised my brows. “She’s all yours. But I’m coming to watch.”

Scrambling off me, she raced to the closet and snatched out a simple T-shirt and leggings. I chuckled, pulling on a pair of boxers and shorts as she hopped into her outfit. She raced down the hall as I followed closely behind until she rounded the corner to the front foyer of the house.

As I remained tucked behind the wall, she flicked the light on, stepped across the entryway rug, and unlocked the front door. While Scottie swung it wide open, Rachel didn’t even bother to look at who answered as she swept some hair away from her face and smiled.

“That’s better,” she said and then looked directly at Scottie.

Such a stark contrast in women. What the hell had I been thinking when it came to Rachel? Like damn…

“Can I help you?” Scottie sharply asked, resting a hand on the oak door. Her long, black hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall. I swallowed stiffly, attempting to ignore the rush of desire creeping through my veins as I unabashedly checked out my girlfriend’s ass.

“Who are you?” Rachel sneered.

“I live here,” Scottie answered politely.

I smirked, though I was annoyed I chose to be a better man and actually pay attention to the interaction, not just drool over Scottie.

“Uh, no you don’t. Unless my fiancé decided to rent out his home while he’s deployed. Did I mention that he’s a soldier?” Rachel cocked a hip and slammed her hand onto it.

“He’s not a soldier, dumbass,” Scottie replied nonchalantly.

“He’s in the military. So, yes, he is.” Rachel pursed her lips that looked even bigger than the last time I’d seen her. Kind of like a baboon’s asshole.

“But Mikey’s not in the Army. He’s in the Navy. You know, a Navy SEAL.” Scottie mindlessly brushed some hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms.

“So? There’s no difference and—” Rachel slammed her mouth shut and furrowed her brows. A strange, crazed look flashed across her face in a way I hadn’t seen before. “Wait, how do you know who he is?”

“Because he’s not your fiancé and hasn’t been for a while.”

“Yes, he is. We just got in a…disagreement before he shipped out last.” Rachel blinked her overly long lashes, flustered.

“You call fucking another dude a disagreement?” Scottie took a menacing step forward.

“I…It was just a misunderstanding. I was lonely, okay? Look, where is Mike? Or is he too much of a coward that he has to send his new little bitch to answer me instead?” Rachel glanced around Scottie’s shoulder, peering like an ostrich.

I leaned up against the wall and wiggled my fingers in greeting, but said nothing. There was no need, despite how much her calling Scottie a “bitch” pissed me the fuck off. My girl wanted to handle this. Damn, I wished there was time to make some popcorn.

“Come out here and talk to me yourself!” she screeched.

“I don’t know how much clearer I have to make it that I dumped your ass,” I casually replied. “I blocked you from everything, didn’t answer a single letter, didn’t even read them, and I’ve been home for a bit. Also, don’t you fucking dare call my girlfriend a bitch.”

“Michael!” She stepped forward, attempting to lunge past Scottie, who blocked her entry. “Come talk to me you coward! I didn’t mean it! He means nothing to me! I’ll break up with him!”

I chuckled and shook my head. “You called the cops already, right?” I asked.

She nodded yes. “I thought someone had broken into your house. I care about you and want to take care of you.”

“Nah. You cared about the image it gave you being with me. Anyway, you should probably leave before I have the cops you called arrest you for trespassing on my private property.” I sighed, over all of this. And partially annoyed that if this was happening overseas, Scottie could do more than threaten her with words.

“You wouldn’t dare! You need me!” her voice raised, and she suddenly dug into her purse. “If I can’t have you, no one can!” Sirens wailed in the distance, encroaching down our street, certainly waking up our neighbors.

Whipping her hand out, she pointed a Smith & Wesson Shield 9mm at Scottie’s chest. “Are you fucking serious?” Scottie grumbled.