With a huff, I raised my wrist over our heads and thumbed through the messages that had arrived now that my device had a signal again. There were two from Darth, reporting the good recovery of Belal in the first and the second stating that everything was calm and quiet. He managed not to sound concerned about our whereabouts in both but I was sure they were pretenses to check up on us.
I quickly typed out a reassurance that we were fine and had reached our goal so that he’d get that as soon as his device was free of the storm. Done, I turned back to my more pressing interest and discovered that Vi had opened a message on her own com and was staring at it with huge eyes. “What is it, sweetheart?” I asked, my spine tingling and my senses going into high alert. Something had spooked her and I wasn’t going to let her keep it from me this time.
She bit her lip, one of her slightly sharper than humanly normal incisors tugging at the soft pillow. “It’s a message from my witsec contact. Merila’s asking for my location so she can extract me….” But she looked troubled instead of elated at this news which meant that she didn’t trust it and that something felt off about it.
“Don’t answer it,” I said, folding my hand around her wrist and the com device so she could no longer see it. “You don’t need their help right now. We’re safe, in a place I doubt Elpherian will find us, and once this storm passes we’ll get word out to the Vagabond. That’s your extraction. I mean, they’ve clearly done a shit job protecting you anyway, so let me take care of it now.”
I was filled with a sense of satisfaction at saying that, at making it clear to her that I was taking full responsibility for her safety. I had already, but now she knew it too. I would keep her safe, at least, when I wasn’t out cold from a head wound, and I was going to make damn sure her ex wouldn’t find her. I was starting to think that trusting the Elrohirian justice system was just stupid. This wasn’t their territory, this moon wasn’t anyone’s, so the laws of space applied. If I ran into that bastard, I was going to take care of him myself.
There was a tentative smile, “You really mean that huh? Why? I’m just some random female that walked into your cockpit by mistake…” She was nibbling her lip again and I was finding that far too distracting, I wanted to do that too, I wanted to taste her again. Heck, I wanted to do much more. I wanted to live out all the filthy fantasies she’d filled my head with just by being her.
“And then you fell into my lap,” I said with a grin, my thumb rubbing over that bottom lip before I leaned in and kissed her. “And now you’re mine,” I said against her mouth. “I’ve learned that’s how it works out here, so I’m staking my claim.” I figured she’d either protest my possessive words, or she’d finally start accepting that my help was all hers.
A throaty laugh filled the space between us and though she didn’t say a thing, she surrendered. She melted in my arms and flung herself into the kiss, which was growing hotter and hotter by the minute. Yeah, that was it, she was all mine now. I wasn’t going to let this end the same way as any of my previous relationships, this felt like it was much more, much more important, bigger. I wasn’t going to let it go. Because unlike with previous partners, Vi wasn’t just a damsel, she was a badass too. She gave as good as got, fighting for me as much as I was for her. She was perfect.
Chapter 11
Oliver’s words were doing all kinds of crazy things to me. Unknotting painful places inside my heart, telling me that I could matter to someone, that I wasn’t a failure. That I was worth something to at least one person in this universe, even if we’d only just met. And his protectiveness was like oil to the flames, lighting a fire inside of me I’d never experienced before.
I ached for his kiss and ached for his touch even more. This wasn’t just sex, he was right to have stopped me last time. Then I just wanted to escape, I wanted a release and he’d given me that without hesitation. He’d protected me from making a mistake I’d regret later but I wasn’t going to regret it now, I understood everything much better this time.
I wanted to be with him for him, for Oliver, for what he meant to me, and because I found him so sexy that just a glance could make me squirm. It felt like I had opened something up inside of me, allowing this to be intimate in both the mental and physical way and I had never done that before. This time I wasn’t just sharing my body, I was sharing my heart too. It was scary as much as it was exhilarating.
Wrapping my leg around his hip, I arched against him, delighting in the feel of his big body over mine, pressing into me just enough to feel caged, but not enough to crush me. His cock was a hard bar against one hip and I shifted to get it right where I needed it the most.
I moaned when he dug one hand into my hair and grabbed on tightly, my scalp prickling from the tugging sensation that bordered just on the edge of pain. “Naughty elf, I set the pace this time,” he growled against my throat, nuzzling with his mouth and the raspy texture of his beard. I was pretty sure he set the pace last time too, but I wasn’t complaining as long as he’d actually fuck me this time.
A few hours ago I’d woken up in this bedroom with him and taken the chance to wash up, I was extremely grateful for that now. Oliver seemed to want to taste each and every part of me, nibbling along my throat, tracing the sharp line of my collarbone to my shoulder. I felt his beard gently scrape my skin, adding a very different dimension of sensations to it all.
Although I was certain his species didn’t have a sharply developed sense of smell like some of the others in the Zeta Quadrant, he inhaled deeply at the hollow of my throat. “You smell so good, little elf. I want to eat you up.” He nuzzled at the slopes of my breasts through my shirt, then hooked one calloused finger in the collar and pulled down. His tongue lapped across the skin he exposed and I moaned, eagerly pressing my chest up so he’d go where I really wanted him to go.
He laughed and then he sucked my nipple into his mouth through my shirt, teeth gently scraping over the areola. Pulling back he inspected the wetness and my nipple pressing up against that clinging, nearly translucent fabric. “So pretty,” he murmured and he pursed his mouth to blow cold air, making my nipple tighten even further and a shiver course through my body.
“Mean,” I panted, wiggling my hips against his thick erection. Everything felt slick and wet between my legs, from just those teasing touches. I wanted to come so very badly, I wanted him to fill me with that impressive cock, and I really wanted to see what it looked like. Oliver wasn’t letting me hurry this along, each time I moved a hand along his back, down his flank to his belt, he’d grab my fingers and press my palm back into the pillow above my head. He never said anything, but the firm move made it very clear that he considered himself in control. So very very bossy, my human.
“Oh no, I’m going to be, very very good to you. I promise,” he said, finally abandoning my breasts and sitting up. With a quick motion, he yanked his shirt over his head, revealing his chest with his finely honed muscles. He had thick pectorals with a little crinkly pelt of hair curling over the center, it trailed into a thin line a bit lower, disappearing over an impressive set of abs, and then thickening into a tantalizing trail down into his pants. He looked as lickable as he’d made me feel a moment ago. I wanted to put my mouth on his dark brown nipples and wanted to run my tongue along the bumps of his abs.
He offered a cocky little smirk, tilting his head at a jaunty angle as he looked at me. “Like what you see, sweetheart?” He knew I did so I wasn’t going to answer that, he was arrogant enough as it was. Biting my lip, I put on a sultry smile and shed my own shirt in a purposely provocative wiggle. I loved the way his eyes clung to my gently swaying breasts, and I loved the heartfelt groan that followed even more.
“Yeah, here’s the thing, Vi,” he drawled, his body shifting as he caught his weight on his hands on either side of my head, pinning me down. His gaze was intense and possessive; I felt a shiver run down my spine, my belly tightening with desire under that potent gaze. “Once we do this, I’m not letting you go. I’m going to convince you to stay with me because once I get a taste, I don’t think I’m ever going to get enough. You got that? You want to run, or are you going to take me up on that?”
The way he said ‘run’ made it clear what he thought of that, that it was my default, that I liked to run when things got too close to my heart. He was almost daring me to make a commitment, right here, right now. What kind of man did that right as he was about to have sex? In my experience, that kind of thing was the last thing on their mind, especially if they knew it could send me running. Which he definitely knew.
I had heard claiming statements like that before too, from Elpherian even, but they weren’t anywhere close to the same. I knew what Oliver was saying between the lines, that he saw me for me, not as a possession he could own. He wanted me as his life partner, his mate, his equal. That’s the kind of man Oliver was. He gave of himself far too much, too passionately and yet he was willing to do that despite the risk it posed, absolutely fearless in how he loved. I wished I was that brave.
Making myself as brave as I could right now, I reached up to press my palm over his heart and felt it pounding wildly in his chest. Not as calm as he seemed. Wetting my lips, I dug for the words I wanted to say and willed them from my lips, I wanted to listen to my heart without doubt, without fear. “I will give you all the chances I can to let you convince me, I will promise I won’t run without talking, but Oliver, I’m scared. I can’t promise more than that right now.”
His eyes softened and he nodded, the longer, thick brown hair on top of his head swinging forward into his gray-blue eyes. “Good enough for me.” He claimed my mouth in a fierce kiss, our tongues clashing, lips melding, and his taste flooding me until all I knew was him.
One of his big hands cupped my breast, squeezing the soft globe, and then he slid his fingers down in a caress down my ribs and along my flank. His grip was firm and possessive, the heat of his palm scorching me to the bone. His fingers arrowed into the small slip I was wearing, the last scrap of clothing that covered my most private place.
Spreading my lips, he ran a finger along the sensitive bundle of nerves at the top and gently flicked one fingertip against the side. I hiked my legs up in response, opening myself up to him and the movement felt like I wasn’t just opening up my body to him. It felt like I was cracking open all my shields, all the layers I had wrapped around myself to protect my fragile, bruised heart.
Rubbing that finger in a maddeningly slow rhythm he made my blood pound and my body grow tight, letting me hover on that edge, almost there. He never allowed me to fall, his expression telling me he knew just what he was doing, and enjoying it. To let him know I didn’t agree with this, I raked my nails along his spine and smirked when that made him arch his back like a Riho, almost purring with pleasure.
“Take off your pants,” I demanded, and this time he did as I wanted, his hand sliding from my panties so he could get up and shuck his last clothing. There was more crinkly hair nested above his cock, which was thick and standing up like a flag, pointed in my direction. Unlike most Elrohiran males, his cock was not pierced but I loved how it made him look. Somehow it was more sensual to me, as if he was even more naked, more primal that way. Less civilized. I loved how wild and raw Oliver was, how his big frame made me feel small. He was the wilder, more primal version of males of my own kind and it was the sexiest thing ever.