Page 72 of Fatal Sloth

"Don Antonio only cared about two things when he agreed for his son to marry you." My father begins dismissively. "You needed to be pure, not some whore off the streets, and he wanted grandkids."

His words confuse me even more. "What does that have to do with anything?" I stammer, struggling to comprehend what he’s telling me.

"I knew you wouldn't be ready to have kids. Hell, I wasn't even sure if the bastard would sleep with you," he continues, dripping with contempt. "But I did know that you wouldn't get pregnant on the damn pills Karen insisted you take."

His words are beginning to sink in slowly. "But how?" I can't help but ask, my mind racing with a million questions.

"Like the pharmacist is going to tell me no?" He laughs sadistically, the sound grating on my nerves. Tears welling in my eyes, but I refuse to cry in front of him.

"Fucking women, grow a pair and toughen up," he snarls.

"That's against the law," I retort, my voice trembling with anger.

My father sneers at me. "I'm pretty sure half of what your husband imports through my docks is against the law, so don't get all high and mighty on me now that you're the don’s whore—you’re still a useless nothing, just like your mother was. But you will make this right—do whatever he tells you. You got pregnant. You did your part by spreading your legs. It's on Don Sebastiano if he wants to get rid of it."

My heart sinks at his cruelty, and his betrayal cuts deep. "Why? Why would you do this?" I choke, my voice cracking with emotion.

He scoffs, waving away my words with a dismissive gesture. "Ignorance is not an excuse, Mia. You're a woman now. You should understand these things." A sob escapes my throat, but I swallow it down, knowing how much he despises me crying. "This is why you should have been a boy," he screams venomously, and before I can understand what's happening, I feel the sting of his hand across my face. I crumple to the ground, instinctively curling up to protect my stomach, my heart racing with fear and pain.

To him, it's not just about a pregnancy. It's a threat to his social stability, a debt he can't afford to bear. In his eyes, I'm nothing but a pawn in a game of power and control.

"I did my part to make sure you’d get knocked up. If he doesn't want it, you’ll get rid of it," he spits out, his leg lifting to kick me.

I brace myself for the blow, but Karen's voice pierces through the tension. "Don't," she shouts, rushing down the stairs. "She's pregnant!"

Now, I’m even more confused. Is she really defending me? Maybe the blow to my head was harder than I thought. I'm either hallucinating or unconscious and making up this Karen scenario in my mind.

My father's words hit me like a second slap in the face, each one more hateful than the last. "He doesn't want the bastard, so I'll take care of it."

Karen throws herself over me, like a mother protecting her child. This sudden intervention catches me off guard.

Her outburst startles even him, but he quickly recovers by turning his fury toward her. "Stay the hell out of this."

I can see the fear in her eyes as she hesitates before standing up, her voice trembling as she steps toward my father, her defiance surprising the hell out of both of us. "No, I will not allow you to harm an innocent child," she says firmly. I realize she doesn't want the baby to be hurt. And neither do I. It's the most selfless thing I've ever seen her do.

Dad waves his hand at Karen, dismissing her with a gesture as if he couldn't be bothered to argue back with her, or maybe she wears the pants in the relationship. I'm not sure.

He turns to Julio, who is standing close by. "Lock her up. She is not to leave her room unless it is to get rid of that thing," he spits out in disgust.

"Keeping me incarcerated won't change my mind about keeping my baby," I plead, my voice trembling as tears well in my eyes. "Please, just let me go."

Deep down, I knew coming here was a mistake. What was I even thinking? I should have just jumped on a plane and left the state, maybe going back to New York.

He shakes his head, his expression hardening. "You'll stay here until you come to your senses, Mia. I won't have you ruining everything we've worked for." Julio's grip on my arm is tight as he lifts me from the ground, practically dragging me up the stairs. When we reach my bedroom door, he shoves me inside before the door slams shut behind me. I hear the distinct click of the lock from the outside. My door never locked from the inside––Dad made sure of that.

Tears stream down my cheeks, staining my face with anguish. I'm lying on this rock-hard mattress, wishing Sebastiano's arms would magically appear and whisk me away from this mess. This bed feels like a slab of concrete compared to the cozy one we share. Or rather, we once shared. Despite the pain he's caused me, he's all I can think about until I cry myself to sleep.

I stir from my uneasy slumber as the door creaks open, the sound grating against my ears like nails on a chalkboard. With blurry eyes, I squint toward the doorway as Karen's voice echoes through the room.

"Mia, are you awake? Mia?"

I struggle to shake off the remnants of sleep, my mind still a bit foggy. "Karen, is that you?" I manage to mumble.

A moment of tense silence passes before Karen responds sincerely. "I brought you something to eat and drink." Her voice echoes softly in the dimly lit room.

My instincts scream at me to be cautious and not let my guard down. So I politely decline her offer. "No thanks," I reply.

Karen rushes to assure me. "It's sealed, Mia, I swear. I didn't tamper with anything." Her eyes flick nervously toward the door, relaying her unease. In her outstretched hands, she holds a small bag of potato chips, the packaging still intact, and an unopened can of soda.