"Rules aren't really something I abide by, but sure, I'll entertain this - what are your rules?" he responds, crossing his thick arms and giving me a cocky smirk.
"W… well. Umm," I stumble over my words, feeling a bit flustered. "Umm, well, get us out of the baby thing - I'm not having your baby, and I want the freedom to go out and see my friend, to do what I want," I manage to say, emphasizing the word 'friend' because I only have one, and I'm not willing to give him up.
Sebastiano takes a step back towards the bedroom, sitting on one of the chairs by the window. I follow suit, taking the seat next to him, ready to hear him out.
"I will definitely get us out of the baby thing; having a baby with you is not something I want at all. But not until my dad passes the title, so for now, we will play along. You can see your friends, go out shopping, do your nails, whatever women do. But…" his voice trails off, and I can feel the weight of his 'but' hanging in the air.
"You will have guards with you at all times, never leaving this house alone. Being my wife puts a target on you as well. You can see your friends, but no kissing random men in my club, any club for that matter."
My cheeks flush with heat, the warmth spreading down my neck. I had hoped he wouldn't bring up our kiss from that night. Even though it happened weeks ago, the memory of his lips on mine still lingers.
“Guards at all times and no kissing. Got it."
“I mean it. I hate to say this, but for the time being, we have to keep up appearances––an appearance that won't look good if you're seen kissing random men all around town, especially in my club. And your guards will be mine, not who your father wanted to send over. I don't care if you’re familiar with them or prefer them; I can’t afford additional eyes watching us. At least not until everything is transferred from my father,” Sebastiano tells me, not really asking.
“I understand. Y... your guards will be nice to me and not touch me, right?” I probably shouldn't ask, but I know the difference between good and evil, having experienced both, and I need to know.
“I will break the fucking hand of anyone who touches you!” His dark, piercing eyes bore into mine, telling me there's a lot of truth behind his words.
“As my wife, disrespecting you is disrespecting me. A death sentence to anyone stupid enough to try.” The intensity in his words leaves me speechless. It's a dark promise that should terrify me but, oddly, makes my body tingle. Sebastiano’s stern gaze gives me a strange sense of protection, a protection that I never truly had. It's apparent that in his world, the rules he follows are different. Being his wife means he will extend his shield. And for that, I am beyond grateful and no longer care about everything that happened today.
We linger in our chairs a bit longer, discussing the details of the role I'm expected to play—essentially, that of a don’s wife. Sebastiano explains that we'll sleep in the same room and bed. It’s a California King, so there's plenty of space for both of us to sleep comfortably.
To the outside world, we'll act as the happy newlywed couple everyone expects us to be. But behind closed doors, we'll simply coexist, living together until he claims the title. Then, as the new don, he'll use his newfound authority to grant a divorce, giving me the freedom to decide whether I want to stay in this marriage or leave Chicago behind.
A small smile spreads across my face as I sink into my side of the bed. “Oh my goodness, I'm never getting out of this bed. It feels like I'm lying on a cloud,” I exclaim. This is the most comfortable bed I’ve ever experienced.
“I’m glad it meets your standards, Tesoro,” he responds, disappearing into the bathroom.
As I snuggle under the soft duvet, biting my lip, I realize this is the first time I've ever shared a bed with a man. I push the thought away and let sleep envelop me.
My body jolts up, and all traces of sleep are gone when a bucket of cold water is dumped on me, a harsh wake-up call.
“Get up, useless bitch!” Dad's screams pierce the air as I struggle to pull my soaked body out of bed. The shivering chill wakes me up completely, but it's been days since he’s allowed me to eat. To him, this is just laziness, but truthfully, I'm just weak.
“Why are you sleeping? It's 4:42 AM, lazy Bitch, get up!” he shouts again.
Summoning every bit of determination in me, I manage to stand and grab dry clothes to change into. But as I attempt to move, my legs fail me, sending me crashing to my knees. Clutching onto the chair beside me, I try to regain my footing before he sees me.
I can do this. I can do th— “AHHH!” I scream as the first strike hits me. My body feels like it's splitting in half. My skin is burning as if on fire.
“I thought I said to get your lazy ass out of bed, Mia. You know how I hate repeating myself.” His calm, sinister voice sends shivers down my spine.
“I-I am s-sorry,” I mumble out, unable to focus on anything else but the pain.
Another sharp shock to the back of my head sends me flying forward, the impact blurring my vision, making me momentarily discombobulated.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I plead over and over, hoping he will stop.
“I'm sorry, I––”
Warmth surrounds me suddenly- large arms wrap around me, creating a cocoon around me, snuggling my back against a rock-hard chest. The hold is firm yet gentle, providing a safe comfort and keeping me protected from him.
I feel so safe.
"Shh, I got you," the comforting voice whispers against my ear.
Snuggling into a wall of muscle, all the bad fades away, replaced by a sense of comfort and warmth.