Page 9 of Fatal Sloth

“What would I do without you?” I don't think I want to know.

“Probably be bored at home,” he remarks sarcastically.

He is definitely right about that. He’s the only one who could talk me into going out tonight. Cameron and I go way back, all the way to third grade, when we were paired up as reading partners. From that moment on, we were inseparable. Even when I was studying at Juilliard, thousands of miles apart, we still texted every day. And whenever he could, Cameron would hop on a flight to New York just to hang out.

"Any possible suitors yet?" Cameron asks, his curiosity evident.

"None yet, but I just got back from New York, so I think I have a little time before he sells me off to the highest bidder," I reply with a wry grin.

The buzzer rings into his apartment, pulling me out of my thoughts. That must be the rideshare.

“Come on, Princess. It's time to escape your tower and knock the dust off your kitty,” he teases.

“So, where are we going tonight?” I ask hesitantly, avoiding his comment.

Grinning like the cat that just ate the canary, he replies, "Club Diavolo. Brad was able to get us on the list."

Brad is Cameron's flavor of the week. I love the guy, but man, he goes through boyfriends like he does underwear. It's also why it’s so hard for him to understand why I'm waiting until marriage and not as giving as he is. But he’s happy, and that’s all that matters. Also, it’s why Cameron insisted on a night out. He’s very much the free spirit of our friendship and doesn't believe in arranged marriages.

Although Cameron and I share the same background, his family disowned him after he came out. Apparently, it ruined the arranged marriage that his dad planned for him, causing a massive fight between the two families when they had to break the marriage off.

Once a marriage contract is signed, it's nearly impossible to break. Cameron coming out was the exception. His father didn't know how to react. I think he was more upset about breaking the contract than he was about Cameron being gay. His mother didn't want to disown him, but it was the only way.

Ever since he moved in with his grandmother and has lived life free to be himself- his mantra is ‘Live your life the way you want and only the way you want.’ It’s not that I want this marriage, but I was raised knowing that this would be my future, so I guess it's easier for me to accept.

Sitting in the back of our rideshare, I stare out the window, loving how the city lights twinkle at night. The city's skyline sparkles against the dark backdrop of the starless sky, making everything else disappear.

A short while later, we arrive at Diavolo, one of the hottest new nightclubs in the city.

Tonight is a celebration, my way of rebelling against the shackles my father has kept around me. Although the thought of marriage terrifies me, tonight is about being free and having fun, leaving old Mia at home to worry about responsibilities and expectations.

Walking right up to the bouncer, he gives Cameron a quick nod before opening the rope to allow us in. We exchange knowing smiles, a silent affirmation of tonight's adventures that await us. The pulsing beat of the music echoes around the stale air, my heart thundering in my chest along with it as I step inside.

We make a beeline to the bar, ordering two tequila sunrises to calm the nerves bubbling inside my belly. I'm not usually a drinker, but tonight, I've thrown all my rules out the window, and when the bartender sets the colored liquid down in front of me, I quickly grab it and raise it in the air. "To freedom, my little rebel!” Cameron toasts us as we clink our glasses together before throwing back our first drink. The drink is very fruity but carbonated, and the bubbles tickle my throat. I’ll have to remember to be careful with these. I can't even taste the alcohol in them.

Heat creeps across my skin as I down my third drink. Despite my background in dance, ballet is a world away from the pulsating energy of a nightclub. The liquor lessens my anxiety, and the urge to lose myself in the music on the dance floor becomes too much. Slamming my glass down, I shoot Cameron my best puppy-dog pout and plead. "Come dance with me." He laughs, downing the rest of his drink before taking my hand and leading us to the center of the dance floor.

We immerse ourselves in the pool of bodies grinding together as lights sparkle and shimmer around us. An upbeat remix of “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen comes on, and I throw my hands up. “I love this song.” My eyes slip shut as I sway to the beat, losing myself to the freedom the dance floor offers. It’s intoxicating, a welcome distraction from my everyday life.

Dancing has always been something that came naturally to me, and the freeing sensation it offers fuels my passion. I crack my eyes open, and the odd feeling of being watched sends goosebumps across my flushed skin. Scanning the crowd, I don't notice anything suspicious. As I let the music take me away, a pair of meaty hands rest on my hips, and I cringe as they pull me back. The putrid smell of cheap aftershave and cigarettes fills my nose, and I almost gag right then and there. I push at his hands, trying to get away, but that only makes him tighten his grip. I'm trying to pull away, but this guy won’t let go.

I look around for Cameron, but he's nowhere in sight. The icky stranger's hands tighten around my hips, and panic begins to bubble inside me as I struggle to break free. But just when I fear I can't escape, my knight in shining armor appears. With a swift motion, he pushes the creep away, effortlessly sending him fumbling backward. I watch in horror as the creep stumbles past the crowd, missing the sea of people and right into the bouncer, where I assume he's escorted out.

Relief washes over me, but before I can fully process what just happened, I feel a jolt from behind.

I stumble forward, my heart pounding in my chest as I brace for impact. But instead of hitting the ground, I find myself caught in strong arms. His hands wrap around my waist, and for a moment, time seems to stand still. His scent of woodsy amber undertones and subtle hints of expensive cologne cloud my mind, making the chaos of the club fade away.

I'm enveloped by the gentle yet firm grip of my knight in shining armor. Just when I think he's going to let go, I feel him tighten his grip, pulling me closer to him.

The sensation sends a shiver down my spine, igniting a spark of something unfamiliar yet undeniably thrilling. With each touch, I feel drawn further into his embrace, as if he's casting a spell over me. Despite the pounding music and the swirling crowd around us, it's as if we're in our own world, dancing to the rhythm of my pounding heart.

The unpleasant memory of the creep's touch fades away, replaced by the warmth of my mysterious dance partner's embrace. I glance up at him, searching his eyes for any hint of recognition.

His eyes are dark and intense yet hold a sense of familiarity that I can't quite place. Suddenly, he leans in, his lips brushing against mine in a soft yet electrifying kiss. My breath catches in my throat as a rush of sensation floods through me. His kiss ignites a fire within me, sending sparks of desire coursing through my veins.

But our blissful moment is shattered as another man appears, whispering something into my mystery hunk's ear. The spell breaks, and reality comes crashing back in. With a reluctant glance, he releases me from his embrace, leaving me dazed and breathless.

As he disappears into the crowd, a sense of longing fills me. Who was he? And why did our encounter feel so significant? The unanswered questions swirl in my mind as I turn to find Cameron, needing to share the whirlwind of emotions that's left me reeling.