With his hand in mine and his scent surrounding me, I find myself gripping his bicep with my free hand, seeking comfort in his presence. Leaning closer to him, I take in his fragrance, finding it soothing and familiar.
There are many uncertainties for tonight's dinner, but somehow, I feel calmer now. Maybe it’s my post-orgasmic state, or perhaps it's because Sebastiano can always pull me from my comfort level and still make me feel safe.
Moments later, we drive through the winding driveway leading up to the front entrance.
It’s just as I remember. Although it hasn't been more than a few months since I've been here, it feels like a lifetime.
The yard is meticulously groomed, with vibrant greenery framing the elegant white brick two-story house. As we pull into the driveway, I notice the two SUV’s already parked. Four men step out of the SUV’s simultaneously, as we park.
A flush of embarrassment creeps onto my cheeks and down my neck as I realize we've kept them waiting, but they make no mention of it, and neither do I.
I quickly exit the car and smooth down my dress. Sebastiano walks to my side, his hand finding mine, and together, the six of us make our way toward the front door. I take in the large stained-glass windows adorning the entrance that offer a glimpse of the outside world while maintaining privacy from the inside. Dad always emphasized the importance of keeping our privacy while still enjoying the view outside.
So, when the door swings open before we even reach it, it's not entirely unexpected. Karen stands on the other side of the door. We lock eyes, and I can feel her scrutinizing me with a judgy stare.
Crap, she's going to bring up the dress. The dress that Marie happily threw in the trash––what was left of it, anyway.
As if he can sense my apprehension, Sebastiano gently squeezes my hand in reassurance. It's the silent encouragement I need to hold my head up high, walk inside, and greet my dad and Karen. I'll maintain the facade of one big happy family, no matter what. Despite the sinking feeling in my stomach, I embrace both of them with a kiss on the cheek, each touch feeling like acid on my lips.
When I take a step back, I catch sight of Karen's attire, and I have to bite back a chuckle.
Is Karen wearing an evening gown?
Her choice of outfit is certainly... bold. The long red dress hugs her figure tightly, with a daring slit up the left leg that seems to scream for attention. It's strapless, showcasing her enhancements, and the sweetheart neckline adds an extra touch of drama, which is very suitable for her. Still, I can't help but find the whole ensemble amusing.
Despite the tension of the moment, I can't shake off the laughter bubbling up inside me. It's a mix of disbelief and amusement at the absurdity of the situation. Here we are, gathered for a family dinner, and Karen looks like she's stepped straight out of a comedy sketch starring her, as Jessica Rabbit.
I quickly swallow down my laughter, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention or risk offending her in front of everyone. Dad, on the other hand, stands tall and imposing beside her. His presence almost serving as a contrast to her flamboyance, looking every bit like Karen's bodyguard husband- dressed in black pants paired with a black button-down shirt and a sleek black tie. The monochromatic ensemble only adds to his air of authority, making it clear that he means business this evening. With his stern expression and commanding presence, he exudes an aura of power that demands respect. It's no wonder he's always been a force to be reckoned with in our family.
As we step into the foyer, my eyes immediately find Don Antonio. He’s a familiar sight with his lowball glass in hand. No doubt top-shelf whiskey, considering that’s Sebastiano’s drink of choice as well.
Don Antonio is the epitome of a powerful don in his navy blue suit, crisp white shirt, and bold red tie, his posture radiating authority and confidence befitting for his position.
Beside him stands another man, whom I assume to be Aldo—Sebastiano mentioned his dad would be bringing his second in command. Aldo is clad in a sleek black-on-black suit, adding to his aura of mystery and intimidation. Despite being in his late fifties, Aldo appears to be in excellent shape, with muscles that show his strength, albeit not as imposing as Don Antonio's. Standing nearly six feet tall, with salt and pepper hair, he exudes a quiet confidence. While he doesn't say much, I notice him constantly scanning the room, his demeanor suggesting he's on high alert, always ready to spring into action if needed.
Sebastiano briefly releases my hand to greet the others, but he keeps me close, placing a reassuring hand on my lower back as he navigates the small crowd.
Warm breath brushes against my ear as Sebastiano whispers, "I have to speak to my dad really quick." Despite the reassuring smile I offer him, my insides scream to stay close to him. "But I'll be close by," he finishes before walking over to Don Antonio.
"Perfect, now us girls can catch up." Karen's voice rings out, overly chipper. It almost makes me want to laugh, but I'll give it to her. She's definitely playing the part.
I force a smile, mustering up what feels like the fakest grin in existence. "Sure, let's catch up," I respond, trying to keep my tone as neutral as possible.
Her arms stretch out, clasping them together like a mother beckoning a child, pulling me away from the crowd with a gentle yet firm tug.
"Sebastiano, my boy," Dad greets me with a smirk as I approach. He sets aside his glass of whiskey and gestures for me to take a seat, and I sink into the chair opposite him.
"We need to talk."
His expression shifts, a flicker of concern crossing his features. "What's on your mind, son?"
Gritting my teeth, I dive into the shit show at the docks. I spill every damn detail––how someone has been moving the cameras to create dead zones to cover their tracks, Diego, and the missing employees. Dad listens, his face like a stone wall and unreadable as I lay out the facts.
When I finish, he nods thoughtfully. "The situation is under control for now," I growl with a sharp tone. "But there's a fucking rat among us."