Despite my exhaustion, my mind continues to go back to Mia. I think the lack of sleep is making me delusional.
After sleeping for what feels like forever, I realize it’s nearly 5:00 p.m., and stumble downstairs. As I hit the bottom step, the sight before me snaps me to attention. Jealousy burns within me, fueling the fire of my frustration as I struggle to contain turmoil threatening to overwhelm me.
Why the fuck is Nico here? And why does he seem so close to my new wife?
Mia and Nico talk and laugh together like they are the best of friends. I grit my teeth, forcing myself to take deep breaths in an attempt to regain control. But with every laugh, every flirtatious gesture between Mia and Nico, the knot in my stomach tightens, and the resentment within me simmers.
Before I have the chance to rip the cocksucker's head off, Enzo’s voice cuts through. “I found something you need to see, Seb.”
Didn't he leave this morning?
“What’d you find?” I ask as we walk toward my office. Our conversation breaks up whatever discussion the two lovebirds are having because Nico is hot on our heels.
As we enter my office, I can't help but bark at Nico, “Why are you here?” My tone is sharp and full of hostility.
“Just being friendly and checking in on you and your new wife,” he supplies, a smarmy smile on his face that I’d love to slap off.
“Don't be friendly, and stay the fuck away from her.”
Am I really staking a claim on her like this? Fuck that, she’s my wife- Of course I am!
Nico takes a step forward, slouching in the chairs across from my desk. “Calm down, Cuz. I was just making sure you both settled into married life.”
“My marriage, it’s not your damn concern. Got it?” I bark, my tone leaving no room for discussion.
Tension fills the room, and Enzo redirects the focus to himself as he opens his laptop, pointing at the screen- trying to de-escalate the situation between Nico and me.
As I watch the surveillance footage with Enzo and Nico, anger and exhaustion fill me. "Whoever is behind this," I mutter, "turned the camera so we couldn't see anything."
Enzo's eyes narrow as he watches something in the far corner of the screen. "Or so they thought," he responds, rewinding and playing it again.
"Wait a minute," Nico interjects, pointing at the screen. "What's that?"
"Dumb fuckers," Enzo grumbles under his breath. "They thought they moved the cameras enough, but they slipped up."
A partial license plate comes into view, barely visible on what looks like a black truck or SUV. Despite their attempts to cover their tracks in the camera's view, it appears at just the right angle, revealing a crucial piece of evidence we didn't see before. Enzo, never missing a beat, is already in action as he speaks to Theo, our contact at the Chicago PD. " They are pulling the plates now," he says with determination. "We're going to find out who's behind this."
Enzo is relentless, like a dog with a bone. I know he won't stop until he catches whoever's behind this. His findings and determination have improved my mood from earlier. It's reassuring to have someone like him on our side, someone who won't rest until justice is served.
However, despite Theo's assurance that he would make this a priority, we still haven't heard back from him. He is on our payroll, after all. Nico grew tired of waiting and took off, leaving Enzo and me to discuss Diego and how he still hadn't been found.
Usually, if it's a hit, they would deliver his head or body part to show dominance. But it's been days, and we've received nothing. The silence is unnerving, hinting at something more sinister at play.
“You going to Diavolo tonight, man?” he asks, giving a shy smirk. “Or are you staying home to tap your virgin wife’s ass again?”
His teasing grates on my nerves, but I force a smirk in response, masking my irritation. "Fuck, I don't even want to sleep in the same bed with that frigid bitch," I reply, my tone neutral. "Let alone fuck her."
He laughs just as I hear her gasp.
“Fuck!” I curse, feeling the guilt start to build as I watch her walk away from the door she just opened. That wasn't something I wanted her to hear. But for now, I'll grit my teeth and play along, biding my time until Enzo leaves and I can talk to Mia about this.
“Have fun dealing with that,” Enzo offers as he stands up to leave, leaving me to deal with her wrath.
I bolt upstairs, taking them two at a time. Marie had brought Mia’s stuff in earlier, so she should be in my room without bothering to knock because it is my room, after all. The closet door is open with the light on. I stride in, only to find Mia standing there in just her bra and panties.