“I found her,” Jocelyn broke into her father’s seemingly growing rant.

“What?” Her father gave her a disparaging look. He searched the space behind her as if he’d somehow possibly missed Jenna hiding behind Jocelyn. Suddenly, he raised his arms. “Well, then where is she?”

“She didn’t want to come home. She’s happy where she is.”

“I don’t care if she thinks she’s happy with that lowlife musician. She doesn’t know what’s best for her. I know what’s best for her. She needs—”

“She’s not coming home, Dad. And it doesn’t matter how much you rant and rave. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but she’s decided to stay with Dean.”

Jocelyn’s mother bowed her head and seated herself in a chair as if the news of Jenna’s life plan was too much to bear.

“That is unacceptable.” Her father pointed to the door. “You get your butt back out there and bring her home like I told you to.”

“No. I’m done chasing after Jenna. She’s enjoying her life and I don’t intend to hound her any longer.”

“Do not contradict me, Jocelyn. I don’t care who you brought with you, I won’t stand for your sassy mouth.”

Logan took a half a step forward. “I think you should relax and listen to what Jocelyn is saying.”

Her father frowned and turned to him. “Why would you think your opinion matters here? Who are you again?”

“I’m the man who wants to marry your daughter. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to meet you today. I’d like your blessing.”

Jocelyn’s mother snapped out of her seeming torment, and stood up with eyes as wide as saucers. Out of the corner of his eye, Logan saw Jocelyn also turn toward him with a surprised expression.

Mr. Demarco made a humph noise. “Is that so? Well, this should be good.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “And how do you make your living, Mr. Pearson?”

“Currently, I work as a stable master at a Western theme park in Montana. I’m pretty good with horses, and the work is very satisfying for me.”

Her father’s immediate look of disapproval told Logan exactly how the direction of this conversation was about to go. Badly.

“I can see that both of my daughters have equally poor taste in men. One’s chasing after an unskilled musician, and one is in love with an impoverished cowpoke.” He shook his head, turned toward the ceiling as if seeking guidance, and then leveled a stern look Logan’s way. “And how do you expect to support Jocelyn as a stable hand at an amusement park? Huh? That can’t make you much money.”

Logan tilted his head. “Well, sir, Jocelyn has her own business, and quite frankly, I don’t think she needs or wants any financial support from me.”

“For the love of God, Jocelyn, he only wants you for your money. Are you too stupid to understand that?”

“Dad, stop it. Logan doesn’t need my money. And given how you’ve treated him, I can’t believe he still wants to marry me.”

Logan turned to her, took one hand, and stared deeply into her beautiful green eyes. “But I do want to marry you. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone before in my lifetime. So will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me, Jocelyn?” Logan, heart in his hands, asked.

The tears welling in her eyes told him she was sincere when she said, “I will marry you. I love you so much.” She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight in further persuasion. He started to hug her in return, but forgot one thing. He pulled back.

“Wait, I have something for you. If you want it. If not, I’ll buy you whatever you want.”

“What is it?”

He pulled a small gold envelope from his inner jacket pocket. He’d retrieved the family heirloom engagement ring before they left for Las Vegas, knowing that he wanted to give it to Jocelyn.

“I almost gave this to the wrong woman ten years ago. And I swear it never went on her finger, she wanted something grander. But this was my grandmother’s ring when she married my grandfather. If you’ll let me, I’d like to put it on your finger.” Logan handed her the old-fashioned ring. “However, if you’d rather have something more modern, I’ll understand.”