“That was never really my goal.”

“What will you tell your parents?”

“Don’t know yet. But that’s where I’m headed next.”

Logan turned to her. “I’ll go with you.”

Kendall said, “So will I.” His phone buzzed in his pocket and he retrieved it.

“What’s up, Zane?” After listening for only a few seconds, he closed his eyes. “I see. That’s disappointing.” His eyes opened, and he looked at Logan.

“I don’t imagine so, but I’ll ask him. Yes. Call you later.”

Logan watched with a wary expression. “What’s wrong now?”

“That was Zane. Through the lawyers he just got a copy of the article Reggie plans to publish tomorrow. It seems he has a firsthand account of an afterhours party we held years ago.”

“We never did that.”

“We did once.” He stared at Logan for a few more seconds and a dawning realization seemed to come over him. “Fuck. Are you kidding? That was private. Before we even opened the park to the public.”

“And yet apparently, Reggie has acquired pictures to go along with his article.”

“Pictures? Where did he get pictures?”

Kendall remained silent for a long time before he sighed. “Don’t make me say her name, Logan. I promised you a long time ago that I wouldn’t ever utter it again.”

Logan’s eyes slammed shut. “Please fucking tell me that Brittney didn’t provide the pictures she swore to me she didn’t have.”

“Sorry. Unfortunately, that’s the source Reggie named.”

“Why would she fucking do that after all this time?”

Jocelyn put a hand out and stroked Logan’s arm. He startled as if he’d forgotten she was there. “Who is Brittney?”

“My ex-fiancée,” Logan answered. The tone of his voice was utterly dejected. He shook his head. “Actually, that’s not true. We were never engaged. I asked her to marry me, but she put me off when she only knew me as the up-and-coming stable master for the Old West Town park. She only agreed to the wedding after discovering how much money I had. Then she agreed to marry me, but by then I’d heard her tell a good friend she’d never marry a two-bit stable master with no prospects. She wanted to marry for money. I decided not to give her any of mine, and rescinded my offer of marriage.”

“I’m so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help.”

Logan turned to her and pushed close. “Not unless you can erase my idiotic past.”

Jocelyn wrapped her arms around him and gave Kendall an inquisitive look. Kendall just looked troubled. He added, “Looks like I need to head back home. Guess I’ll have to meet your parents another time.”

“Trust me, you’re lucky to escape.” She pulled away from Logan and hugged Kendall.

He kissed her hard on the mouth. “I’ll miss you, Jocelyn. I’ve discovered that I really hate it when you’re out of my sight.” He kissed her again, like he couldn’t get enough.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is. So hurry back.”

“I love you, Kendall. Someday soon, I’d like to discuss what you expect for our future. My business will be fairly easy to move. If, say, I wanted to relocate to Montana, for example.”

He kissed her again. Deeply, intoxicatingly. “I’m delighted to learn that you want a future with us.”

Jocelyn laughed. “Well, I do. Being with the two of you is the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. And seeing Jenna follow the boy she loves made me realize I want to follow a couple of boys, too. I just have a few responsibilities to wrap up first. Not the least of which is a long-overdue conversation with my parents about how things are going to be from now on.”

Kendall hoped that overdue talk didn’t change her mind about joining them in Montana for a relationship he’d never even contemplated having until this moment.

Logan drove them back to the airport in the SUV. Kendall took a commercial flight back to Montana, while he and Jocelyn continued on to her home in his private jet. After landing at the local airport, they rented another vehicle, and headed to her place before the coming visit to her parents’ house. He was anxious to see where Jocelyn lived. Plus, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to contain his anger if her father exhibited the same attitude as he had over the phone. Logan needed some time to prepare to be calm in the face of difficult attitudes.