“Good. Now you don’t have to worry.”

She responded quickly. “But most importantly, I’m yours until tomorrow without my mind focused elsewhere.”

“Yes. You can put your mind at ease.”

“Thank you.” She actually looked sincerely relieved for the first time since entering the compound this morning.

Her phone rang again. She turned away and answered it. The nature of her short, clipped answers made Kendall think she was having a fight with the person at the end of the line.

After only a few minutes, she hung up after saying tersely, “No. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

She whirled around, her eyes bright with Kendall didn’t know what. Irritation? Determination? Either way, she surprised him by turning her phone off completely. She then handed it to him.

“Here, you keep this. I don’t need it until tomorrow. And I believe I owe you something that I’m ready to pay off without distractions.”

Kendall glanced at her phone, and handed it to Logan, who shoved it in his front pocket. It was truly daring of her to allow someone else to take possession of her business phone, but perhaps she felt like it was a good icebreaker to show she was in this fully. Kendall agreed.

Logan straightened. With a peculiar look in his eyes, he moved close to Jocelyn, pinning her against the right side of the desk. She wrapped her arms round his neck and put a lip-lock on him that Kendall figured was her opening salvo. Logan pushed her down to the surface of the desk and kissed her like she was already tied down.

“I’ve missed you,” she said when Logan released her. He pulled her up again and sent her in Kendall’s direction.

Kendall grasped her hands, secured them at the small of her back, and kissed her for all he was worth. Her lips were so soft. Her moans of desire were about to put him over the edge with each lick inside her mouth. She was so beautiful. So perfect. They would enjoy her today and through the night until tomorrow. Then he planned to ask her if she could find a place in her busy life for them on a more regular basis.

Jocelyn was the first woman Kendall had ever been with that made him consider the benefits of a committed relationship. He’d never planned on getting married. He’d once ridiculed his brother for chaining himself to a single woman.

He and Logan hadn’t been with any other woman since Jocelyn had left a week ago. And for his part, he hadn’t wanted to. Logan didn’t seem interested in anyone else either. He told himself it was because they’d left things unfinished between them, but deep in his soul, he knew he was lying to himself.

Jocelyn was extraordinarily special. No matter what happened between them tonight and into tomorrow, he knew he’d continue to want her.

Kendall finished the volcanic kiss, and pulled her toward the door. Logan was hot on their heels. He was headed to the basement, until Jocelyn stopped.

“Wait,” she said once they’d passed through to the central hall.

Her focus went to the staircase. “What’s up there?”

He paused before answering, “Bedrooms.”

“Is that where we’re going?”

Kendall shared a meaningful look with Logan. They’d never taken a woman upstairs before. This was their private space.

“If you’d like. Although all of our toys are in the playroom.”

“Maybe you don’t need toys.”

Kendall grabbed her from behind. His cock was already hard and ready to fuck. He pressed his dick into the cheek of her butt. “I need to stretch you so my huge cock will fit in your ass. I know it likely won’t be today or tomorrow, but I’d love to get started on the process.”

She trembled a bit and said quietly, “What if I told you I’d been preparing for this since I left? You know, just in case I came back for round two.”

“Preparing?” He squeezed her tighter as visions of what she’d possibly done circled his brain. “Explain.”

“I did some research and bought a toy set of my own. Something to stretch me this past week, so I’d be ready for you and your wide, impressive cock. Just in case I was able to return.”

Logan stepped in front of her and plastered her mouth with a decadent kiss. He broke away. “Tell me. What toy set did you buy?”