“You came, didn’t you?” Her tone was so hopeful, as if she wasn’t a success if he hadn’t attained the ultimate pleasure.

“Damn skippy, I did. Like a fucking out-of-control freight train.”

“If round one is this good, I hope I can last through round two.”

“I’ll help you,” he said, and kissed her shoulder. “Although, I did sort of subdue you against the wall at the end there. Lost my head a bit.”

“I didn’t mind.”

With one last kiss to her cheek, Kendall pulled his still-stiff cock from her and went to clean up. Even as relaxed as his muscles were from the finest noncontrolled sex in a decade, his sole focus was on returning to tie Jocelyn down and take her again. And again.

He heard music suddenly emanate from the other room. When he walked back inside, he was surprised to see Logan dancing close with a still-naked Jocelyn to what sounded like a familiar eighties slow song he couldn’t name playing from their sound system. She was hanging on him as if spent.

Kendall watched for a slow count of ten before moving in closer to step in, tap Logan’s shoulder, and take a turn. Once she was leaning hard against Kendall’s body, Logan backed away with a sly smile, unbuttoning his shirt as he went.

Even as relaxed as she felt in his embrace, Jocelyn still looked a bit nervous. Kendall wanted her again with a lust he hadn’t felt in quite a long while. Especially not for a woman he just fucked like a crazy jackrabbit on speed, even though he hadn’t tied her down yet.

“Are you ready for round two, Jocelyn?”

One of her shoulders lifted slightly. “I think so.”

“What’s your safe word?”

“I’m going to stick with ‘stagecoach.’”

He grinned. “Perfect.”

Before he could even form the thought in his head for the leather bindings he wanted to use for round two, the damn emergency phone rang. Both he and Logan stopped what they were doing and stared through the wall at the offending sound of the phone as a second ring pealed gratingly.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Kendall said under his breath.

He released Jocelyn carefully, strode out of the room still naked, and now furious, to the separate phone on the desk for park emergencies.

“What?” his less-than-civil tone fairly screamed into the phone before a third ring could sound.

Zane cleared his throat. “Sorry to bother you, Kendall, but Reggie is missing.”

“What the fuck do you mean by missing?” Murderous thoughts coursed through his brain at the idea of Reggie ruining his evening.

“No one saw him leave. We think he might still be inside the Old West Town park somewhere. Maybe hiding or looking around for an afterhours story.”

Kendall closed his eyes, and felt his blood pressure rise. “Maybe he slipped away without anyone seeing him,” he said, not really believing his own hopeful words.

“His car is still in the parking lot, along with one other vehicle that Logan told me to expect.”

“Fuck.” Reggie being loose afterhours was a bad idea. Damn his foolish, sex-story-seeking hide.

“Yeah. I know. I really hated to call you, but me and Cooper have been looking for over an hour now with no luck. We need to call in more folks for a more complete search. Didn’t want you out of the loop. Didn’t want him to find anything. Especially the underground tunnel to our private residences.”

Kendall closed his eyes, squeezing the phone tighter in his grip. He truly appreciated that Zane waited to call, but this was about to ruin his evening. “You were right to call. And you’re right to want reinforcements. In fact, call everyone so it will go faster. We’ll do a full sweep. Also, if anyone wants me to continue as CEO and sheriff of this organization, then I’d better not be the one to find him tonight.”

Zane laughed lightly. “Well, we like you being in charge, so we’ll do our best.”

Logan, wearing only his jeans, strolled slowly into the room as Kendall hung up.

“What’s up?”

“Where’s Jocelyn?”

He grinned. “After our dance, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep immediately. Guess you wore her out. I covered her with a blanket.”