Beside him on one side was Jocelyn, also watching the impending gunfight with eyes wide and expectant. Logan was stationed across the street, also staring with interest at the macho Western display before them, but he looked much less worried.

On Kendall’s other side was a very beautiful woman. He’d just met her a couple of days ago. Her name was Angelica. She was married to his brother.

In the streets a few yards away, dressed in the appropriate Western wear, a cowboy hat on his head, a six-shooter at his hip, and about to participate in a gunfight in the streets, his brother, Clay, took the final few steps as Zane continued counting off the paces in the coming gun battle.

About to turn and face Clay, almost twenty paces in the opposite direction, was Clay’s best friend, Jake Salerno. He was similarly dressed, and also sported a six-shooter on his hips, primed and ready to fire.

His brother headed security for a very large property in Colorado called The Double Rider Men’s Club. When it was mentioned that the compound where they lived wasn’t officially named, Clay’s best friend Jake had suggested the label, Montana Double Riders. With amusement his tone, Kendall told him he’d take it under advisement, but made no promises. In fact, the name was actually starting to grow on him.

“…Eight…nine…” Zane’s voice echoed in the streets.

As a rule they didn’t do this sort of thing at Old West Town, not as a part of the regularly scheduled events anyway. But Clay and Jake had asked, then begged when he balked. Angelica rolled her eyes and shook her head, but it was obvious by the way she looked at both Clay and Jake that she was completely in love with them.

“…Ten!” Zane said loudly.

Clay and Jake both turned, drew their guns lightning fast, and fired their two shots nearly simultaneously. But Jake tripped backward a few steps, groaned loudly, then stumbled a few more steps.

His brother called out. “Fall down, Jake, or I’ll shoot you again.” Laughter from the assembled crowd of Old West Town owners and employees watching the gunfight erupted.

Jake let loose another gut-wrenching groan and fell backward into the dusty street.

The Old West Town park hadn’t quite opened for the day, but it was about to. He’d indulged both Clay and Jake’s wish to participate in an Old Western movie style shootout, complete with ten paces counted down, in the dusty streets.

From down the street, Jake sat up and yelled back, “Next time, it’s your turn to get shot and fall down.”

Clay waved, but approached the wooden sidewalk muttering, “Not likely.”

Angelica laughed. “So do the two of you have this out of your system yet?”

His brother strode immediately to Angelica, kissed her soundly on the mouth, and said, “I don’t think so. It was too much fun.”

Kendall rolled his eyes. “Well the park is about to open, you’ll have to shoot each other another time.”

“Thanks, bro.” He unbuckled the gun belt and handed it back.

Kendall put it back on his hips. “Sure. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

Clay eyed the gun and holster again. “I don’t know why you don’t like doing this. It’s a blast. See how I made a pun there? I’m funny, too.”

“Yeah? Whatever, Mr. Comic. Come back and tell me that once you’ve done three shows a day for almost a decade.”

Clay smiled. “Point taken.”

Jake came running from down the street. He also grabbed Angelica up in his arms, and gave her a juicy kiss, before putting her back down. “Did you see me, princess? I almost got him. I can’t wait to do this again. Shootouts in the street are fucking awesome.”

“Yes. Both of you are incredible masculine specimens of the macho Western cowboy. So when do I get a chance to face down someone in the dusty streets, count off ten paces, and shoot?”

“Never,” Jake and Clay said at the same time. Clay then added, “You’ve been in enough authentic gun battles to last me a lifetime, sweetheart. I’m not in favor of you playacting one.”

“I’m not either, princess. If you want some Western-flavored authentic drama, we’ll take you down to the saloon. You can dress up as a dancehall girl and entertain us.”