“Sure it is. As we speak, you’re ensconced within the perimeter of the very private Montana compound you hacked three weeks ago, aren’t you?” Fuck. He did have better equipment. She was caught.

“What do you want?”

“I get the impression—although I have no proof beyond my gut—that your reasons for both the uncharacteristic break-in and the current visit to Montana are entirely different in purpose. However, they are also purely personal and not malicious in nature. Would you say that’s a fair assessment?”

Jocelyn warred with herself for several seconds on whether to answer or not. “Yes. That is correct. And now I need to know your intent. For both reasons.”

“Are you with my brother right now?”


His darkly amused tone suddenly asked, “Did I interrupt anything?”

Brows crinkling in disbelief of his personal question, she answered honestly. “Not yet.”

“Good. Then my intent is simple. I want you to know that I didn’t tell Kendall your identity. I only mentioned a few names of those I calculated could have done the break-in three weeks ago. He obviously recognized your name from the short list I gave.”

“And when was this informative conversation?”

“Less than an hour ago. I told him I’d check for sure. But once I realized where you were, I wanted to square things. I would never have given him your identity or location.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. If either of your reasons had been maliciously motivated, I would have come after you myself. You understand what other skills I possess, correct?”

She cleared her throat. “Yes.” He was a security mastermind, but that was second to his being a skilled mercenary and protection badass.

“Excellent. Then I’ll let you decide how best to handle the aftermath of being inadvertently caught.”

Jocelyn wasn’t sure that was a good idea either. “Fine.”

“Oh and if you’d like, tell my brother I said hello.”

“Right.” Jocelyn ended the call, tucked the phone in her pocket, and wondered what on earth she’d say to them.

“Everything okay?” Kendall asked.

She shrugged. “I don’t know.” Her gaze stayed trained on Kendall when she added, “Your brother says hello.”

Logan piped up, “That was Clay?”

She nodded. “And since you know it was me who hacked in and now I understand how you have this information and the force I’m up against, I’ll tell you why I hacked into your system. And then I’ll leave quietly.”

“Did Clay threaten you?”

“No. But you obviously don’t trust me any longer. I understand that. How could you? I broke your faith before we even met.” A wave of sadness crashed down her body and through her soul. She’d screwed up royally and lost something precious as a punishment. They’d never look at her and not think she was scheming. Hard to blame them.

Jocelyn turned away from their intense regard and explained her indiscretion. “You see, my younger sister, Jenna, ran off with her shiftless boyfriend, Dean, about a month ago. She’s nineteen, but my parents are understandably worried and asked me to find her at all costs and bring her home. I took extreme measures, ones I’m not proud of, to accomplish my goal of locating where they’d gone after they ran off. So I’m sorry for what I did to you. And I’ll leave now. I won’t bother you again. Please forgive me.”

Without looking at either of them, she made her way slowly to the door.

Before she even got close, Kendall strode quickly and blocked her path to the exit. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I…” Jocelyn couldn’t look him in the eye. “I’m removing myself from your presence. I won’t bother you again.” She kept her eyes averted, afraid to see any disappointment in his expression.

Logan approached her from behind. She felt his warmth at her back. Also, a rush of his masculine scent washed over her once he got close, making her clit twitch in need. She was suddenly so horny she hoped she’d be able to walk back to her car without limping from lack of release.