“Why are you crying?” Kendall asked.

Jocelyn took a deep breath, planning to say nothing and simply leave.

She started talking before realizing she intended to speak. “Because I did something I shouldn’t have. However, I never expected anyone to find out. And I’m not even sure how you ever discovered I’d hacked your system to look around in the first place.

“I thought I got away clean. I mean…that’s what I do. Up to now, I’ve always been pretty good at it. But because of the way you found out about what I’ve done, nothing I say now will be good enough to convince you that I wasn’t doing nefarious things to your security.

“And I know it’s not an excuse. I really do. There is not really any good excuse, but I swear to you that I had what I considered a really good reason to hack in and take a quick look. Additionally, I would never use sex as a means to get into your system. You probably don’t believe that either, but it’s true.

“Only now that you’re angry, you’ll never believe any explanation that I give or trust me ever again, and I’m pretty sure round-two sex is off the table…and…and I find that…really sad.” She hung her head and let tears fall from her closed eyes to the floor below. She should suck it up and head for the door.

“Something just occurred to me. Something I’d completely forgotten,” Kendall said quietly.

Jocelyn sniffed. “What?”

“I’ve really missed your rambling explanations.”

Her head popped up, and she opened her eyes to find both of them smiling at her.

Kendall moved forward and took her into his arms. Jocelyn practically melted into his frame, so grateful that he wasn’t too angry that he would dismiss her completely, like she expected.

“I’m really sorry. And I promise I didn’t do anything bad or damaging to your system. Not at all,” she added, and then sobbed uncontrollably with relief. She hadn’t realized how important it was to have them forgive her until this minute.

Kendall squeezed her tight, and seconds later, Logan pressed against her back and leaned his face on her shoulder, each of them comforting her. But she didn’t deserve it. She’d crossed the line when she’d hacked their system the first time. Then she’d added insult to injury by sneaking in to take a look the second time.

She didn’t know what she’d have to do to make amends to these men, but she would. As long as they gave her a chance to redeem herself.

“Does this mean you’re willing to forgive me?” she asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. The phone in her pocket suddenly chimed an unexpected sound, and she startled. “No. No. No.” That signal meant someone had tracked her private account and found a very secret number. She hadn’t ever expected anyone to call her from this number.

Kendall and Logan had stepped from her the moment the phone rang. She retrieved her cell and answered the completely unanticipated call.

“Who is this?” she asked angrily.

“Ms. Demarco? My name is Clayton Forrester. Do you know who I am?”

Her gaze went immediately to Kendall. She stared a hole in him. His eyes narrowed in return. “I know of you, however, I don’t believe we’ve ever met.” She kept her stare on Kendall. He returned the intense look.

“That is correct.”

“How did you get this number?” she asked, although if this were truly Clayton Forrester, she knew exactly how he got it. He had similar skills to hers. A rush of information suddenly filled her brain. Kendall’s last name was Forrester, but she’d never consciously connected it to the legendary Clayton Forrester until this moment. Were they brothers? Cousins? Definitely related somehow.

“I think you know. Just as I know you hacked into a certain secure perimeter in Montana a while back.”

“And how do you know that?” Her gaze on Kendall never wavered. His return stare wasn’t angry any longer, but definitely intrigued by her phone conversation.

“I traced the location of your cell phone. I know where you are, Ms. Demarco.”

“That’s not possible.” Her line was untraceable. Unless he possessed better equipment than she had.