They exchanged another more serious look, but Kendall answered, “Neither of those things is true, Jocelyn.”

She pushed out a breath and eyed them each carefully once more as if searching for a clue to their reluctance. “Then what is wrong? I was hoping you’d be happy to see me again. I wanted to pay off the debt I owe you for the round two we never got to experience.” She looked at Kendall then Logan. “Somehow, I don’t feel like I’m completely welcome here.”

“Also not true.” Logan gestured toward the house. “Why don’t we go inside?”

She took a step toward the basement door, then stopped. “Are you inviting me into the basement or the upstairs?”

Kendall tilted his head to one side. “The upstairs?”

“Well, you both own this house, don’t you?” She smiled as if she’d figured something out.

His eyebrows traveled to somewhere near his hairline. “How do you know that?”

“I did some research on the owners of the Old West Town park. In a decade-old news article, your names were mentioned.”

“I see.” Kendall would have to check on that. He thought all public information had been scrubbed long ago. “Let’s go upstairs then.”

Logan didn’t look at all happy about her knowing their status as wealthy park owners, but he followed along up the front stairs and into the opulent home they shared.

Kendall led her into the den and didn’t mince any words. Nothing was happening until they’d shared some information. “Something has happened since you left. Some surprising information has come to light. We’d like to set things straight before anything else of a sexual nature happens between us.”

Her eyes widened. “What is it?”

Her phone buzzed in her pocket as if she’d either gotten a message or received a text. She looked annoyed by the interruption, but still retrieved the cell, and excused herself to study the screen.

“Hmm,” she said as if surprised.

“Everything okay?”

Her amazing green-eyed gaze fastened on his face, and she grinned. “Yes. Just that someone unexpected is apparently asking about me through some back channels. Probably business related.”

“Back channels? For business?”

She hesitated, then admitted, “Yes. I have my own business. I think someone is doing a security check to see if I’m legit.”

“And are you legit?”

“Of course.”

“What sort of business do you operate?”

“I have a private computer security consulting business.” She wasn’t hiding her occupation? Interesting.

He and Logan shared another despondent look. “Is that how you really found out we owned this house? Because you can gain access to information not in the public domain with your skill set?”

She looked startled. “While I will admit that I possess the skills necessary to get facts not publically available, in this case I didn’t have to use them. I can show you the article I found from over ten years ago, listing both of your names as part owners of the newly opened Old West Town park. The ownership of the house just seemed logical.” Kendall remained dubious, but why would she lie?

“Do I need to show you?” she asked, gesturing to her phone, even though her tone sounded hurt.

Her cell phone beeped once more. She huffed, but focused her attention back to the device. Distracted reading the screen, she didn’t see the look that passed between them. Her fingers fairly flew over the front, likely she was texting someone. A client? A cohort? Another man? Why was that so distastefully disturbing?

Logan was obviously despondent about her knowledge of his wealth. He would never in a thousand years admit that he had loads of money. Not ever. He’d been born into a wealthy family, but that was knowledge he also kept hidden. Logan’s ex had initially hidden the fact that money was the only reason she was willing to accept a lowly stable master into her life.

Jocelyn having knowledge of their financial status would not endear her to Logan. If fact, the opposite was more probable. Likely they were not about to delve into a possible round-two scenario.

Kendall put his focus back on Jocelyn. She’d stopped fiddling with her phone and shoved it into her front pants pocket.