“Then what is it?”

If he admitted his—or rather his brother’s—suspicions, it was possible she’d back up, turn around, and leave forever this time. Did he want that? A one-second debate gave him his answer. No. Not really. He wanted to know why she was here. He wanted to lure her inside for further discussion.

“Why did you want to come back and surprise us?”

A wary smile appeared. “Well…I guess I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d missed with round two. I honestly didn’t expect to be back in this area anytime soon or really ever, but the truth is, I just couldn’t stay away.” She flashed a sexy grin which nearly undid him. He wanted to take her into his arms and forget he’d ever mistrusted her for a second.

A smile at her exuberance shaped his lips before he could stop it. He was already seduced by her mere presence. He wanted desperately to enact his previously thwarted round-two sexual domination plans from a week ago. He said calmly, “Is that so?”

She reached out a hand and clamped it over one of his forearms and squeezed a couple of times. “So tell me, is your offer still open?”

“Perhaps.” His tone was soft and he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist her much longer.

“I’m going to need a more decisive answer, Kendall. Either your answer is yes or no. If it’s no, then I’ll turn my car around and leave with no hard feelings. But a yes may well put me tied to your bed within the hour.” She was using his own words on him. He glanced at her eyes. Shining enthusiasm was fairly leaping out of her gaze. She wanted him. Wanted to discover the delights of round two. There would too be hard feelings if he turned her away. His.

A glimmer of the benefit of the doubt regarding her possible indiscretions suddenly turned into a blazing floodlight, and kept him from asking her to simply go. He couldn’t do it. She deserved a chance.

Without answering, he turned away and entered the ten-digit gate code into the keypad by the speaker. The massive metal gates started sliding open to reveal the ultraprivate compound that he, Logan, and the cadre of wealthy owners called home. He’d never brought anyone, especially a woman, through the front gates before.

He turned back. “Okay, get out and let me drive. I’ll take you to our house and we can discuss all your many things.”

She didn’t balk for an instant. She left her vehicle in park and running. Opening the door, she hopped out, planted a quick, sweet kiss across his mouth, and then rounded the front of the vehicle to slip into the passenger side.

Kendall inhaled deeply at the tingle from her lips, climbed in the driver’s seat, racked the seat back all the way to accommodate his long legs, and drove them to his house. Logan waited for them on the pathway leading to the playroom in the basement. It was clear what he already expected.

Jocelyn barely waited for him to get her car into park before she practically jumped out and ran to Logan. His expression was one of quiet contemplation, until he saw her running toward him. He opened his arms and allowed her to leap into his embrace and wrap her legs around his waist. Her lips fastened to his immediately, and Kendall’s only concern in the moment was that he wanted another kiss as exuberant as Logan was currently enjoying.

“Please don’t be mad at me,” Jocelyn said to Logan as Kendall approached them.

Logan shot him a look.

Kendall shook his head. He wasn’t exactly sure how to broach the subject of her possible duplicity without ruining the excitement she currently displayed.

“Why would I be mad at you?” Logan murmured. But even Kendall could hear the wary tone of his voice. Jocelyn obviously heard it, too.

She lowered her legs and withdrew from him. Once on her own two feet, she seemed to really notice their less than lively attitude about her sudden appearance.

Glancing over one shoulder at the shadowed outline of the mountains and the orange sky above the ragged line, she stared for a few seconds as if getting her bearings. The sun hadn’t completely set, and the air had a bit of a chill to it. She turned back with a serious expression.

“Either I am not wanted here, or I should have called because you have another woman hidden away inside, tied up, and awaiting your pleasure.” The fact that her eyes seemed to glisten with unshed tears at the idea another woman was sharing their life seemed to indicate she was a little jealous. Interesting.