“Ma’am,” the voice said, startling her. A glance at her dash clock and she realized she’d been waiting over five minutes.


“Remain where you are. Someone will be out to speak to you directly.” There was a click and no further noise.

“Hello?” she said uncertainly. Nothing. She watched three more minutes click by on her dashboard digital clock.

Before Jocelyn could dig out the card with their phone numbers on it, a door to the left of the gate swung open. The concealed entry had been so artfully blended into the wall, she hadn’t even realized it was there.

Kendall stepped through the space, but unfortunately, he did not look happy to see her.

Chapter Seven

After Jocelyn left them a week ago, Logan had spent the ensuing days in a particularly dark funk. Unwilling to believe that a woman had put him in this foul mood, he’d tried his best to forget her.

The fact that they’d not been able to enact that final round two of sexual bliss in favor of chasing all over the Old West Town park in the middle of the night searching for an annoying trespassing blogger had made the loss worse somehow. Like they’d missed a premium prospect by chasing after Reggie instead of tending to Jocelyn on that ill-fated night.

They didn’t know anything about her except the way that she sounded when she climaxed. Which was awesome. And the amazing way she kissed, and loved, and was willing to try scary, dark bondage sex with them.

While Kendall told him he viewed it as a lost opportunity. Logan knew he’d been more taken with Jocelyn than he was willing to admit. Now only a week later, it truly sucked to feel like something remarkable had slipped through their fingers.

“Logan, where are you?” Kendall called out.

He left his side of their large house, heading for the stairs. Kendall had just been talking to his brother, Clay. Likely he wanted to discuss security. Logan wasn’t particularly in the mood, but resigned himself to it.

“I’m here. What’s up?” Logan came out of his bedroom, expecting Kendall to be in the entryway, but he was on the stair landing.

“Meet me in the study.” Kendall looked completely devastated.

“What’s wrong?”

He didn’t answer until they were both seated in the den. “That was Clay on the phone. He said that the hacker could only be one of a very few people with the necessary skills to get into our system without leaving a trace.”

“So?” Logan wasn’t sure where he was going with this, but after this discussion planned to ask him once more to consider looking up Jocelyn’s address from her credit card processed at the ticket office. It was wrong, but Logan truly wanted the chance to get in touch with her once more. Just to make sure there was no possibility that she’d be in the area anytime soon.

He wanted to hear her sultry voice again. He wanted any possible contact again.

“So, Clay gave me a couple of names off the top of his head of hackers who would have the skills to get into our system.”


“And one of them was the name Jocelyn.”

Logan had only barely been paying attention until Kendall said her name.

“Jocelyn? What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that she might be the one who hacked us both times.”

“I don’t believe it. Why would she do that?”

“I don’t know. We weren’t very interested in more than getting her naked and tied down for our mutual pleasure. For instance, her occupation never came up when you were with her, did it?”

Logan stared at him for a few seconds. “No. I haven’t the foggiest idea of what she does for a living or where she’s from or really anything useful to help find her again.” He paused as a hopeful thought crossed his mind. “Does Clay know where she is?”

“Probably, but he’s not telling.” Kendall looked so disgusted, it made Logan laugh.

“Not funny.”

“It’s a little funny.”

“Did you see her near the computer when you came back here to take her to her car that early morning when she left?” Kendall took security very seriously. If Jocelyn had been the one to hack their system, it would be a crushing blow.