His brows knit together. “Why wouldn’t I want you? Trust me, Jocelyn, I already know that much.”

“Fine. Then undress me like you aren’t sure what you’re going to get once you get my clothes off.”

His eyes narrowed right before his gaze went skyward, but for only a moment. His gaze settled on her face, dipped to her breasts, then down further. Then she remembered. He’d already seen her naked earlier. She pushed out a frustrated breath. She just wanted him to take his time. Why in the world had she wanted to be in charge of this round?

“Just undress me slowly, okay?” He nodded, and his smile told her he understood what she wanted. She just wished she knew what came next.

Piece by piece her clothing fell to the floor beside them. With each article of clothing removed, he brushed her skin unexpectedly. He was very good at tantalizing her, and making her flesh tingle as he disrobed her ever so slowly. She was wet and completely aroused by the time he removed her panties. Fairly vibrating with lust after the slow striptease he’d performed while taking her clothes off, Jocelyn undressed him in completely the opposite fashion, practically ripping his clothes from his muscular body as if they were ablaze, and she tried to save him from burning. In fact, she was the one burning with lust. Too bad she didn’t have a plan for what happened next.

They stood there for a moment naked. She glanced over one shoulder at Logan. Pitched back, body fully relaxed as he watched, Logan’s legs were crossed, an ankle resting on his other knee. Still, he looked at them intently. The piercing gaze of his vivid blue eyes was almost mesmerizing. She’d never been watched while having sex before, but it certainly added a particularly vibrant layer of excitement to what was about to happen.

Part of her wished he would just read her mind and do what she wanted without having to tell him. However, that was completely unfair. She’d negotiated for this short first round of having the mantle of power. She should enjoy it.

Jocelyn turned slowly back to look at Kendall, desperately trying to think of the most shocking thing she could come up with to ask for. Then it came to her.

“Lick my pussy,” she blurted out, almost unable to believe she’d said it. Her heart thumped hard in her chest the moment she gave the order. She’d never, ever ordered a man to do anything to her before.

Kendall fell to his knees quickly, grabbed her ass cheeks with both hands, and buried his face between her thighs. She hooked one leg over his shoulder to give him easier access. The moment his talented tongue stroked hard against her clit, a punch of dramatic sensation pushed a prickling rush across her body. She almost slithered to the floor in a heap of melted putty after a single lick. A few more seconds of attention like that and she’d climax. And her turn would be over.

Putting her hands on his head helped her steady a bit, but his insistent tongue blazed a path along her pussy lips and then back to her clit again, making her whole body weak. She stumbled backward, disengaging his mouth. She didn’t want to come so fast, and she would lose it any second if he continued.

“Wait,” she said, breathing hard. “Oh. My.” He stood as Jocelyn dropped onto the end of the massive bed. Kendall moved forward. He towered over her seated position. She had to tilt her head all the way back in order to see his face. The lust displayed there made her even hotter. After a few moments, he bent at the waist, and leaned down, pressing his lips to her upturned mouth.

She tasted the musky essence of her pussy as he kissed her. She couldn’t stop the moan as his tongue invaded the seam of her lips to lick inside. He dropped his hands on her thighs, stroking his fingertips from her knees to her pussy. When one of his long fingers slid easily between her slick pussy lips, she groaned and widened her legs to allow him easier access.

“You’re really wet,” he murmured against her mouth before resuming the scorching kiss. Two fingers suddenly shot deeply inside her pussy. His thumb grazed her clit, and she startled. He rubbed her fast and hard for several pulse-pounding seconds, but she didn’t want to climax until his cock was buried to the hilt in her body.

“Wait,” she said once more. He stopped, withdrew his fingers, and promptly shoved them in his mouth. When she stared at him wide eyed as he licked her essence off of his fingertips, he then said, “No sense in wasting this, right?”