Kendall followed her out. It was late in the day. The sun was past the outline of the mountains, but the sky was still filled with a multitude of orange, red, and yellow strips of color melded together.

They walked along a stone path toward a narrow road paved with bricks leading to a large, stately home nestled in the wooded area. Across the driveway they walked to what looked like a large barn. The sounds of horses stamping, snorting, and whinnying drifted from the barn across to where they walked along another brick-lined footpath.

“This is lovely.” Jocelyn inhaled. The scent of pine trees dominated the air.

They walked along the path to the side of the house. Kendall pulled a traditional key from his pocket and opened a side door leading into what looked like a basement apartment. The ceilings were surprisingly tall.

“Do you and Logan both live here in the basement?” The moment she asked her question, Kendall’s phone rang.

“Excuse me.” He stepped away to answer and began a quiet discussion she didn’t hear. Jocelyn wandered further into the living room. The layout seemed typical of most apartments with a kitchen and dining room next to the living room. Directly to her left she saw a half bathroom through a partly ajar door.

There were two more half-open doors straight ahead that were bedrooms. She could see the corner of a bed through the space of each one.

Between the bedroom doors was a sizeable L-shaped desk with a computer tower, a wide flat-screen monitor, and a wireless keyboard on a pull-out drawer beneath the monitor. Was that a personal computer or one that was used to monitor security behind this walled compound? Jocelyn hoped to get a chance to find out later on.

To her right was another closed door. She put her hands behind her back and strolled toward the door, wondering what was behind it, and also keeping herself from staring longingly at their computer. Before she made it two steps, Kendall slipped up behind her, grabbed her wrists in his large hands, and whispered in her ear, “It’s time to negotiate, before you move any further inside.”

The sound of his voice made a pulse of moisture shoot into her panties. He laced his fingers with hers and brought her hands around the front of her body, trapping them against her belly with his strong arms.

“Where would you like to start?” she asked.

“Such a loaded question.”

“Are you going to let me have my way with you first?”



“The truth is that I’d rather move on to our round two first.”

“Of course you would. Tell me again what to expect.”

“First, I want to tie you down so you’re at my mercy. Both hands and ankles would be securely fastened to the very comfortable large bed behind the door you see. Then I’ll likely blindfold you.” An involuntary shiver rattled her calm the moment he said the word blindfold.

Kendall tugged her lobe between his teeth then gently kissed her neck in the sensitive place below her ear as if he already read her mind and knew what she liked most. She’d think Logan gave him notes, but the three of them had been together all day. “Once your other senses are heightened by your lack of sight, I’ll tease you mercilessly with various sex toys I’ve been wanting to try out until you are on the brink of climax.”

“And then what?” she asked a bit more breathlessly than she’d initially intended.

“It’s a surprise. That’s all of the hinting I’m willing to give you for now. You can figure the rest as it happens. Or contemplate it up until then anyway.”

“So will you then fuck my pussy raw with your exceptionally huge cock?”

His body stiffened against her. Then he laughed out loud. “You are a sassy wench. We’re going to have so much fun together.”

“Is Logan joining us very soon?”

“Probably. He’ll be on his way once the stable and horses are secure.”

“Will we get started before he gets here?”

“If you’d like.” He squeezed her tighter and kissed the shell of her ear.

“What if I still want to have my round one?”

“Tell you what, I’ll let you have your round one if you agree to spend the night with us.”