Jocelyn’s whole demeanor went from slightly alarmed to full-blown panic. She tugged fiercely on the manacles above her head. The chain between the cuffs rattled.

“Please release me.”

Logan put one hand on the restraints at her wrists, and kissed her cheek. “Relax.”

She stilled and put her focus on his face. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Logan leaned in and kissed her mouth quite aggressively. After a few seconds her whole body relaxed and she moaned.

Kendall’s cock stiffened even further as he watched them. When she moaned, he had to clamp down on his suddenly inadequate control. While he wanted to strip down, tie her ankles to the bed, and take a turn, he took a less aggressive approach.

He unbuckled and removed his holster with the fake replica gun, dropping it to the floor, and simply got on the bed beside them, still fully dressed.

“What about sharing a kiss, Jocelyn? We did that before. You didn’t seem to hate kissing me.”

Jocelyn blinked. She looked back at Logan as if seeking permission. Kendall’s heart squeezed. Logan had her under his immediate control.

Kendall wanted nothing more than to earn her trust so that he could do the same thing. If she agreed and acquiesced to him as well, the three of them coming together as a ménage trio would likely be unequalled.

Logan shifted to one side, revealing her exquisite naked body. Kendall rolled on top of her, pressing her into the bed. She pulled on the manacles lightly. He pressed a gentle kiss to her chin. And then another one to the corner of her mouth.

Retreating only a bit, he stared into her beautiful green eyes, wanting her trust. Jocelyn licked her upper lip. Seeing that pink tip sent a surge of lust so hard to his groin, it was a good thing he was already prone or he might have fallen down. He pressed his mouth to hers more aggressively than initially intended. She was tied down. Mostly. He kissed her like he had earlier. She didn’t fight. Didn’t stop him. After a few moments of lip-licking pleasure, she moaned for him, too. The sound sent him straight into a primal, lust-driven I want to fuck mode. He was undone. Had to have her. Needed to fuck her. His cock took that as a sign to start moving. His hips pressed into her groin. Her legs were slightly apart, but not enough.

He slid his hands to where she was bound. Gripping her forearms tightly, he planted his lips ferociously on hers once more, intensifying their connection. He wanted to possess her.

“Open your legs for me,” he commanded quietly then continued the intense lip-lock.

Instead of compliance, she stiffened and soon broke from the ravenous kiss. Their lips wrenched apart. “No,” she said.

“Open them,” he said with more authority. He wasn’t used to hearing the word “no.” Ever. Wait. Fuck. What was her safe word? He didn’t know it. Fuck.

“Stop, Kendall. Now.” Logan reached up and released her from the loop securing her manacles to the bed. At the exact same time, Kendall rolled off of her immediately and cursed himself as he stood up from the bed.

Legs shaking from restraint, he turned back with an apology on his lips, but held back, embarrassed by his actions. Logan helped her up from the bed. The manacles were still in place, but Logan started taking them off. He bent closer and whispered something in her ear. Kendall thought he heard something about her clothing.

She looked puzzled, and asked in a low tone, “Why did you tell him to stop?”

“Because you and I haven’t established any parameters yet,” Kendall answered for him. “I’m sorry. I lost myself for a moment. You make me lose myself. But that’s no excuse.” He glanced down her beautiful naked body once more and then turned away.

He didn’t expect her to respond, and she didn’t. Her gaze wasn’t quite wary, but maybe cautious. She seemed very surprised that Logan was releasing her. The brief thought of anyone from her past not stopping when she said to crossed his mind and made him even angrier at himself.

After several seconds he heard her close the door to the small bathroom. Logan started putting his clothes back on if the rustling sounds were an indication. Kendall thought Logan would yell at him, but he didn’t. His friend seemed lost in thought or maybe satisfied into a very mellow state.