Curbing her guilt by giving herself this one day away from her family-imposed duty of discovering where her wayward sister had gone, Jocelyn eagerly followed Logan into the unknown, with the idea that she’d give herself the freedom to explore Logan, and possibly Kendall as well later on, until the stroke of midnight. If two men were on the menu, she’d truly get to fulfill all her sexual fantasies before returning to reality and her familial quest tomorrow.

“I know of a quiet place where we can”—he paused and sent a rapacious look over one shoulder before continuing—“get acquainted.”

“Does it have a bed?” she asked.

“We’ll see.” Without further comment, he led her along the back side of the buildings facing the chief thoroughfare in town. The town’s main street wasn’t merely a façade or wooden faces with no substance. The brochure to this Old West Town park boasted authentic places of business. Right now she was seeing the backside of these establishments.

Ahead, she heard the sounds of horses whinnying and saw the barest edge of what looked like a rustic wooden corral. She thought they were headed into the large doors at the back of the stables, but instead, Logan took a turn at the corner of the building and led her up a steep flight of rough-planked wooden stairs.

Solid beneath her feet, the staircase was built into the back of the building where the stables were housed. The staircase was wide open on one side save for the sturdy railing. Above her head was an overhang forming a roof. Logan led her to a door at the top of the steps.

He pulled out a skeleton key, and opened the wood door, pushing it wide and stepping just inside before gesturing for her to enter.

The room was small and looked much like an office rather than a boudoir. She didn’t know why she’d expected a love nest here. There was a large rolltop desk along the closest wall on her left, and the light from two mullioned windows set next to each other perpendicular to the desk filled the room with a surprising amount of brightness.

Centered opposite of the desk on the far wall was a dark green, very comfy-looking sofa. It looked a bit out of place in the otherwise old-fashioned room, but she gravitated in that direction to sit down and find out if sex would be comfortable on its solid surface.

In the corner between the desk and the curtain-free windows was a small college-dorm-size refrigerator. Definitely not of the nineteenth century.

“What is this place?” Jocelyn asked as she made her way to the sofa.

“It’s the official office for the stable master. That’s me.”

She sat down on one cushioned end, and pointed to the fridge. “Did the official stable master visit the future and come back with that newfangled invention in the corner?”

He shut the door quietly but firmly. “The stable master likes a few creature comforts day to day. And this is a no-public-access area anyway.” He shrugged, but didn’t approach her.

“I see. What are you here to show me?”

“What are you here to see?” Pressing one shoulder against the doorframe, he didn’t make any move to join her.

She curled one forefinger in his direction, and then patted the sofa cushion next to her. He didn’t move, but remained leaning against the door. He only smiled and watched her carefully. She tried another tack. “Since we can’t seem to finish a kiss without someone interrupting us, I thought perhaps we could try once more. Third time’s the charm, right?”

“That’s what I hear.” He put his considerably sexy focus in her direction, lifted his shoulder off of the doorframe, and moved forward. He walked slowly across the room and seated himself on the sofa next to her so that together they were seated in the center.

She expected him to make the first move. Launch on to her, or grab her and just start kissing her silly. In her current fantasy he wouldn’t stop until he’d persuaded her to have sex or just pulled her legs apart to go for it.

Jocelyn was prepared to let him have her instantly. This was her one day for allowed fantasies, after all. But he cleared his throat and sat quietly. Forearms resting on his knees, body pitched forward slightly as if he may need to leap up from the sofa at any second, Logan laced his fingers loosely together, but didn’t move to kiss her.