Unfortunately, there were those who’d attended a private party or two and then shot their mouths off to reporters about what often happened afterhours.

“So I see that you survived the gunshot and got away from the sheriff after all,” said a seductive and familiar voice from behind him.

Logan quickly turned to see the woman, freckles and all, from this morning’s stagecoach robbery. The mere sight of her punched his gut with recognition and lust. But he had a role to play here. Without thinking it through too much, he responded, “No, ma’am, you must have me confused with someone else. I’m the town’s stable master.”

“Is that so?” She grinned and his heart flipped over in his chest. The scent of her perfume drifted past his nose, and he edged a little bit nearer. Kendall would be unhappy about this meeting, but he found it difficult to care at the moment.

“Yep. I can help you if you need a horse or want a tour of the stables. Besides, I’m sure the sheriff dispatched the stagecoach robber.” He stopped himself from moving closer. With her golden, reddish hair and freckles calling to him at some primal level, Logan wasn’t going to be able to resist the urge to take her in his arms for very long. He really wanted to kiss her senseless. And then do more.

“Oh?” Her grin got even wider. The straight line of her white teeth mesmerized him. A flash of earlier memory assaulted him. He’d run the tip of his tongue carefully along that straight front edge of her teeth before dipping inside her mouth to tangle with her tongue. The recall sent a surge of lust to his groin so quickly he swore the blood shifting downward made him light-headed.

“How did you know it was a stagecoach robbery?” she asked.

Her question brought him out of his seductive reverie. Thinking on his feet, he said, “Because there’s always a stagecoach robbery. This can be dangerous territory, ma’am.”

She nodded, letting him off the hook momentarily. “I see. Well, I guess you’ve got me then. That makes complete sense.” She lifted one slim hand toward him. “I’m Jocelyn, by the way. And you’re Logan, is that right?” She grinned again. If he admitted to his name being Logan, he was also confessing to being the desperado from earlier.

He clasped her soft fingers in his, realizing that whatever he admitted was worth it. “Yes. My name is Logan. So, I guess you’ve got me now.”

“Well, I hope so,” she said, clasping his hand tighter. She pulled gently, and he took a step in her direction. She then stepped backward once more off of the wooden walkway between the buildings.

He also stepped down and moved closer, realizing suddenly that she was now standing in the narrow private space between buildings. The small quiet alley afforded them more and more privacy the further they moved away from the raised sidewalk.

Logan let himself be lured several feet before pausing. “Where are we going?”

“Off the beaten track.”

“Why?” he asked with a smile, but given her expression he already knew the answer. He’d never been pursued so relentlessly before. He’d always been the aggressor in every relationship in which he’d participated. At least for the past several years anyway.

The change was refreshing, but he wasn’t sure if a short-term relationship would work. He and Kendall did have particularly deep-seated tastes with regard to women, sex, and ultimately, relationships, long-or short-term. Then again, those sexy freckles across her nose were certainly worth a second look. He could play along and discover what she was after. Perhaps he could quench her desire with another kiss. Then again, perhaps she’d want even more if he kissed her. At this point, his primary goal was to try to entice her to want more.

“I wanted privacy this time.”

“This time?”

Her free hand cupped his cheek. His focus went to her lips and the shine of lip gloss she wore. “Given the kiss I got when we were in front of others, I wanted to know what you were capable of if we were ever alone.” She suddenly pressed her mouth to his.

Logan didn’t waste any time pretending he didn’t want to kiss her. He gripped her hand tighter in his grasp. He broke the kiss, grabbed her other hand still caressing his jaw, and quickly brought both of her hands around to the small of her back. He wrapped one foot around her calf and then tripped her, pushing the foot out from under her.