‘Any sign of her?’ I asked Fluffy. ‘Any scent?’ He looked at me then very distinctly shook his head.
If there was no sign of her here, she was being held somewhere else. I logged the book as evidence, bagged it and took it back to Connor’s truck where he and Josephine were sitting in stony silence. Her jaw clenched when she saw her book in an evidence bag, but she didn’t say anything.
I needed answers. Connor looked at me enquiringly but I shook my head. He started the truck and took us back to the Nomo’s office, where I hustled Josephine into the interview room. After reading her the Miranda rights, I started questioning while Fluffy kept an eye on her. ‘Where’s Victoria Barrington?’
She looked at me blankly. ‘Who?’
‘I know that you demanded protection money from the black-market stallholders. I know you cursed the people on the docks, and I know you cursed Jeff. You’re in a sticky position right now and the only thing that will help you is if you co-operate. So let’s do this again. Where did you take Victoria Barrington?’
She shook her head. ‘You’re a shit cop, aren’t you? I didn’t kidnap that bitch! I have no idea where whoever the fuck you’re talking about is.’
I stared at her for a long minute; she might be despicable and a terrible neighbour, but I had the distinct feeling she was telling the truth.
Chapter 42
I had to make sure and I didn’t have time to play by the rules so I turned off the camera. She looked a little nervous. I went into the back room, came out with the truth-spelled cuffs and slapped them on her. She’d called Mum a bitch; yes, Mum was a bitch, but I was the only one who could say it.
‘Where’s the kidnap victim, Victoria Barrington?’ I demanded.
‘I told you I have no idea. Asking again isn’t going to change my answer.’
She really didn’t know anything about the kidnapping. ‘Are you working with anyone else?’
She shut her mouth. The truth cuff worked as long as you answered, but if you didn’t…
‘Have you ever cursed anyone?’ I asked.
A garbled noise came from her but no answer. Then she said clearly, ‘I want my lawyer.’
I had my answer: she might be the curser but she wasn’t the kidnapper. The interview was over. I removed the truth cuffs, let her make a call then stuck her in a magic dampening cell. I couldn’t question her further until her lawyer showed up, and if she didn’t use the local one that would take a while.
I checked the time on my phone: I only had five hours before the kidnappers’ deadline. Actually, I only had three because I’d need two hours to collect the gems if I was going to comply with their demands.
Connor was waiting in my chair. ‘Any luck?’ he asked.
I shook my head. My breath felt like it was catching somewhere before it filled my lungs. He sat me in the chair and pushed my head between my knees. ‘Breathe, Bunny.’
I gulped air, but it still didn’t feel like it was going where it should have done. It took a few minutes before I could breathe normally again. Finally I looked up at him. ‘I’ve got no idea where to find her. I might need those gems after all.’
‘Then let’s plan for that. Call Liv, get the witches together.’
I shook my head. ‘If we take the gems, the barrier will fail.’
‘It will have to be powered another way for a while,’ he said calmly, as if that were simple.
‘Can I destroy the whole town for one person?’
‘The witches have contingency plans in place,’ Connor reassured me. ‘And didn’t you say that the witches had to take the gems offline to fix them?’
I nodded. ‘Yes, but that would be for a short time. If I give them to the kidnapper, they’ll take them forever. They’ll be gone.’
‘So we plan ahead, get a team to stop them.’
I nodded, but I was full of despair. It wouldn’t work and I’d be responsible for destroying everything. I couldn’t do that, even for my mum. I needed to put this before the council. It couldn’t – mustn’t – be my decision because I was emotionally compromised and not thinking straight. ‘Let’s talk to the council. Can we get everyone together in an hour?’
He whipped out his phone. ‘I’ll get the mayor, Liv and Calliope. You call Stan and Thomas, and speak to Gunnar.’
I nodded and started dialling. I had the easiest three because I knew they’d show up. Stan was still in the hospital but he said he’d come for an hour; he was as antsy as Sigrid to get out of the hospital. Gunnar would support me, and Thomas seemed to like me; his interest in Sidnee might sway him to my side.