‘You got it, boss.’ I flipped him a cheeky salute.
‘I used to be respected,’ he muttered as he went into his office.
Sidnee and I exchanged grins. ‘Email me the photos from your phone,’ she said, ‘and I’ll start a draft of the paperwork.’
‘You’re the best!’ I sent the photos then I studied her; she looked tired. ‘You sure you’re okay?’
‘I’ll be fine. Thanks.’ She gave me a quick hug. ‘Go on, now. Let me steal your cat while you fight crime.’
‘I have to find it first,’ I groused.
Fluffy and I left together, determined to find the highly illegal, carefully hidden black market – before someone else got cursed.
Chapter 12
Portlock wasn’t that large, so I decided to go down by the docks and look for extra cars around the warehouse district. I went to the South Harbour, my favourite of the harbours, and headed for the fish plant. There were plenty of cars parked out front, but probably no more than usual. Even so, I decided to check inside; if Liv would host a black market, there was every chance that Calliope would as well.
I let myself in and walked around briskly, powering through the overwhelming stench of fish. I’d already covered most of the place before Soapy found me. ‘Hey,’ I gave him a jaunty wave.
His dark expression didn’t waver. ‘She wants to see you. She doesn’t take kindly to trespassers.’
No need to ask who he was referring to. I followed him dutifully to the office knowing I was about to get a verbal spanking for snooping around uninvited.
As usual, Calliope Galanis was sitting at her desk exuding the aura of a general. Today her blue hair was piled on her head in a series of intricate braids. Her light blue eyes met mine, and they were calm like the waters she lived in. I reminded myself that still waters ran deep and Calliope ate people who pissed her off. ‘Lovely to see you,’ I started.
‘Indeed. How nice of you to drop by so … unexpectedly.’ Her glacial tone made it clear she didn’t think it was nice of me at all.
I’d already checked her fish plant and there was no black market there, so I saw little reason in keeping the truth from her. ‘The black market is in town,’ I explained. ‘I’m looking for it.’
Her lips curled. ‘And you think I’m hosting it?’
‘Liv was,’ I shrugged.
Her smile widened, showing her sharp teeth. ‘Yes, it’s her turn. I did it last year.’
I blinked. ‘You take it in turns?’
‘Along with other concerned citizens. Sometimes we need more items than the proper channels allow.’ She studied me. ‘Are you going to report me?’
I sighed. Portlock was fifty shades of grey; I’d talk it over with Gunnar but no, I wouldn’t be writing up a citation. ‘I doubt it.’
‘I’ve so enjoyed having you join us here in Portlock. I do love some fresh blood. And I understand Connor enjoys your company…’
I grimaced: our dating was bound to come out but I’d hoped we could keep the whole ‘fated mates’ thing to ourselves until we were a little more established as a couple. Everything between us was fresh, wonderful and private. I wanted to keep it that way.
‘I’m delightful,’ I said flatly. ‘Everyone enjoys my company. Whilst I’m here, have you made any progress in finding out more about Chris and the general’s organisation?’
Soapy spoke up. ‘We’ve sent three men in undercover to join the remaining splinter military group. Contact has to be sporadic or we risk them.’
I sat up straighter. ‘Any sightings of Chris Jubatus?’
Soapy nodded. ‘He’s still hip deep in the organisation, but he’s cautious about our men so far. It will take time to earn his trust.’
‘But we’ll do it,’ Calliope snarled. ‘And when he trusts them, we’ll bite off the head of the beast that dared to attack us.’ She paused. ‘Figuratively speaking, of course.’
‘Of course,’ I said faintly. We both knew she wasn’t speaking figuratively at all. I stood. ‘Well, if you don’t wish to divulge the current location of the black market…’
‘It has not been confirmed yet.’