‘I thought that turning a witch wasn’t possible.’

‘That’s what people believe. Even I thought it was true until I found this book.’

‘I don’t understand why hybrids are forbidden.’ I frowned. ‘Just because they don’t need blood in the same way? And if I don’t need blood in the same way, why am I in hospital being fed blood?’

‘Blood will still help you, but you can get sustenance other ways.’

‘Through food?’ I said hopefully.

He shook his head. ‘Through auras. You can feed off other people’s energy.’

‘Like some sort of succubus?’

‘Kind of, but without the need for sex. You can feed off anyone’s energy.’


He shrugged. ‘The book wasn’t clear on that.’

‘So again – tell me why I’m in hospital getting filled with blood?’

‘Because we can’t afford for anyone to realise that you’re a hybrid.’

‘Why? Why are they so dangerous?’

‘According to the book I found, the magic and the vampirism combine. You remember I said that older vampires get extra powers?’

‘Yes, like you can compel.’

‘Right. Well hybrids get their extra powers when they’re much younger. And you stop being vulnerable to the sun, too.’

‘What?’ I asked, eyes wide.

‘In a year or two you may not need that charm around your neck. That’s why hybrids are forbidden – no vulnerability to the sun, no bloodlust, extra powers when they are much younger… You’re a threat to the status quo and the older vampires who are in power have plenty of reasons to keep things the way they are. A new breed of super-vampire could threaten to take over. Also, the book says that there were a lot of failed magical turnings the last time someone tried this. Those failures made the magic users turn against us vampires – and we don’t want or need another war between us. Forbidding hybrids being made is self-preservation.’

‘What happens if the vampire council finds out I’m a hybrid?’

He looked at me sombrely. ‘They’ll have you killed.’

Chapter 38

Anissa allowed me to leave two hours later. I’d had so much blood I was sloshing, but it had done its job. Whatever made a hybrid vampire tick was ticking away inside me and clearing the remnants of the curse from my system.

Connor stayed with me the whole time and I filled him in on everything that had happened, including the crazy-ass prophecy that might not be totally crazy. He wasn’t thrilled at the idea that one day I’d be squaring off with the beast beyond the barrier, but then neither was I.

Once I was released from hospital, he drove me back to the office so I could find out how the search for Mum was going. The folding tables and new computer equipment had been set up and we had our own work stations again.

Fluffy bounded over to me and checked me out. I rubbed his head. ‘I’m fine, buddy. Newly uncursed and ready to go.’ He barked. Shadow lifted his head from Sidnee’s lap, looked at me with golden eyes then snuggled back down. Typical.

‘What’s the news?’ I asked Sidnee.

‘We’ve cleared a quarter of our search grid, but nothing yet. We have three more suspects to interview in the next hour.’

‘Did you call in the new gem witches?’

She nodded. ‘Yes, they came in. No red flags.’

I suppressed the urge to point out that we hadn’t had any red flags on Elsa Wintersteen until after she’d gone super-villain on us. ‘What about the old gem witches?’ Kostas, Vitus and Adelheid were still rumbling around Portlock.