‘Is this a coincidence or a pattern?’ I asked as we watched them trying to put out the flames. ‘Another unoccupied house – have we got a pyromaniac on the loose?’

‘Can’t say for sure unless there’s a third one,’ Gunnar said grimly. ‘But it sure seems likely.’

I stared into the flames. A shadow passed behind the house and ran towards the woods. ‘There’s someone out there!’ I said urgently. ‘Watching!’

‘Probably a rubbernecker.’

‘Or it’s the pyro watching their work!’ I dashed after the shadow, using my vampire speed for all it was worth. Gunnar called after me but I ignored him. Fluffy was with me, running full tilt a few steps behind.

I chased the figure that was trying to escape. The flames illuminated them: the person was slender and wearing a dark hoodie. He or she was at the edge of the woods, so I turned it up a notch and sprinted. Fluffy did his best to keep up with me.

We got to the trees seconds after the figure disappeared into their dark depths. I looked around but I couldn’t see or hear them. A tingle ran down my spine; it was like they had completely disappeared. I looked up into the canopy of the trees in case they’d climbed up but I saw nothing. Even with the dawn coming, the foliage still cast a dark shadow on the land beneath.

Fluffy suddenly rushed ahead, his nose down. He had a scent. Yes! They might have evaded me but they were no match for my faithful hound! I followed him, keeping my eyes sharp. Suddenly my boy stopped and whined. There was a clear footprint right in front of his nose, then after that … nothing. Bugger.

‘Where did they go?’ I asked out loud.

Fluffy barked once and then sat; he had no more trail to follow. It was like the person had disappeared into thin air. Was teleportation a real thing? I’d have to ask Gunnar.

I patted Fluffy’s head. ‘Never mind, boy, we did our best. Let’s head back.’

We wound our way through the trees until the flames lit our way again. Gunnar was waiting for us. ‘Well?’ he asked.

‘I saw someone in a dark hoodie but I couldn’t see if they were male or female – although they were slender.’


‘I gave chase and Fluffy had the scent, but then it was like they vanished. Is there a supernatural type with the ability to teleport?’

‘There’s been rumours about it but I can’t say for sure either way. You know how secretive the different species are about their skills.’ Yeah, they were about as forthcoming as a politician on election week. Gunnar sighed. ‘Unfortunately, the person we need to ask about it is Liv.’

‘I can take that one for the team if you want me to,’ I offered.

I could see that he was tempted but he shook his head. ‘Nah. It makes me a coward if I can’t handle it.’ He brightened. ‘I’ll text her.’

I gave him a clap on the shoulder for his solution, but I was still annoyed. Liv was sexually harassing Gunnar and her behaviour was not okay. I doubted he’d appreciate me wading in to protect him, but I found that I wanted to.

Liv scared me more than a little. She’d used her necromantic powers around me a time or two, and on each occasion I’d got the feeling that she could play me like a marionette if she wanted to. It wasn’t a comfortable feeling but I’d face her for Gunnar if he’d let me; he wasn’t alone, even if he didn’t know it yet.

‘Come on, I’ll drop you two home,’ he offered.

‘I need to pick up Shadow.’ The office was in the wrong direction for home.

Gunnar hesitated for a moment. ‘You can leave him at the office for the day if you want. Sidnee would probably be grateful for the company.’

She totally would; she loved my lynx kitten. ‘If you’re sure?’

‘It’s fine. Then you won’t need to haul him to work in the pram tomorrow.’

His comment made me grin. He clearly expected me to bring Shadow to work from now on. ‘You’re the best boss ever, you know that?’

‘Yeah, well, don’t spread it around. I have a tough-guy reputation to protect.’

I smiled. Gunnar had a reputation for being formidable but fair, though anyone who was close to him knew he was giant marshmallow on the inside.

He dropped Fluffy and me home and made sure we were safely inside before he drove off to his own bed. I fed my boy, grabbed some blood and a microwave meal and then made my much-needed cup of tea.

Fluffy lay next to me as I sipped it, but I missed Shadow’s quiet purr. How quickly the little thing had inserted himself into my heart. He would be cranky at me tomorrow for leaving him at the office. I made a note to take in a tin of tuna to bribe him back into loving me. I was absolutely okay with buying his love; that’s the way I’d been raised, after all.