I squared my shoulders. I’d done my job and now it was up to the system. I should be proud. Maybe Aoife would find some measure of happiness in her new life as the Sullivan banshee for her generation; she certainly hadn’t seemed unhappy when I’d seen her – actually, she was totally kick-ass now. But she’d had a whole life ahead of her with all of its possibilities, and that had been taken from her. It made my heart ache but I had to learn to let it go.

I leaned against Connor and he wrapped his uninjured arm around me as I sighed.

‘Go home,’ Gunnar ordered. ‘I’ll get these two processed and booked. Sidnee’s on her way to the office to take over.’

‘Sidnee? Is that wise?’ I asked.

‘Sig said she’s climbing the walls. The best thing for her is to be doing.’

I could understand that. ‘Okay, I’ll go home. Thanks.’

Gunnar started to walk away then turned back. ‘Bunny, it does get easier, I promise. But your compassion is part of what makes you good at this job. Don’t forget that, and don’t lose it.’

My heart warmed. It might have even given a grateful floppy beat. ‘Thanks, Gunnar. I’ll try.’

‘Night, Bunny Rabbit.’ His smile was full of affection. ‘Sleep well.’

‘And you. Night, boss.’

A red Mustang rumbled up the drive followed by a black Range Rover. Our ride was here. Lee Margrave parked the Mustang and chucked Connor the keys which he caught automatically with his burnt hand. I winced for him. ‘Blood?’ I called out.

‘In the Range Rover,’ Lee replied. ‘I’ll get it.’ He opened the back door and retrieved two bags. He handed one to Connor, who simply sunk his fangs into it.

The bag Lee passed to me had already been punctured by a straw. I flushed a little in embarrassment but took it. I struggled my way through the blood but I was grateful when, almost instantly, I felt the warmth and discomfort which meant my vampire healing was kicking in. My ass was feeling better already, though it still ached.

When we’d both finished, Connor passed the gem box to Lee. ‘You and Cody need to take the stones to the witches. The fire one goes to Kostas. Call Liv to see who’s taking the wind gem.’ He fixed Lee with a glare. ‘This time make sure that someone is on the fire stone 24/7. The guard will have a daylight charm – it’s passed on rotation.’

Margrave’s eyes widened. ‘Yes, sir.’ He took the box and climbed into the Range Rover.

‘You want me to drive the Mustang?’ I offered.

Connor smiled. ‘No need. I’m good as new.’ He showed me his newly healed hand.

My jaw dropped. ‘Wow. That was insanely fast.’ How come my butt still hurt when he was all healed up?

‘The older you get, the quicker you heal.’

‘And how old are you?’

He smiled. ‘Old enough. If you want to drive the Mustang though…?’

‘Hell, no. I hate driving on the other side of the road. I’m getting used to it but I don’t enjoy it.’

‘No worries, I’ll drive. Come on, Fluffy, you can sit in the footwell.’ Fluffy hopped to his feet, also looking forward to going home and having a meal and a restful sleep.

We drove to my house and parked outside. ‘Come in?’ I asked Connor.

‘You bet.’ He turned off the engine and walked around the car to open my door.

‘Such a gentleman,’ I mocked gently.

‘I’m a product of my era,’ he winked.

‘Which was…?’

He grinned. ‘You know it’s become a game to see how long I can keep my age from you?’

‘Challenge accepted,’ I smirked. I’d be checking out his Portlock records before you could say ‘case solved’. ‘Want some food?’ I offered. ‘I heat up a mean microwave meal.’