‘I think so.’ I was almost certain that Elsa Wintersteen had been pulling strings for some time. I’d bet good money that she had hired Jayden to steal a jewel from Connor, then killed Aoife to make a powerful spirit banshee to inhabit it. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she already had two cursed gemstones under her control, she was trying to make her own. ‘What can you tell me about spirits being trapped like that?’

Aoife gestured for her mum to speak. ‘There’s some ancient folklore about powerful banshee spirits being trapped and used,’ Nora said reluctantly. She still didn’t trust me, but I guess she figured that telling me an ancient tale couldn’t do any harm. ‘I’m not sure how old this story is, but it came with my family from Ireland.’

I waited.

‘A long time ago, demons came to Ireland to look for powerful souls to use for their magic. They believed poltergeists and banshees were the strongest, but the poltergeists they found weren’t strong enough, so they came searching for the ancestors. The strongest clans at the time were the Cinnéide, Broin, Gallchobhair and my clan, Súilleabháin. The legend says that they captured one powerful banshee spirit from each clan then sealed them into stones for eternity. The demons used the stones to fight their battles against the angels, but the angels were blessed and they wrested the stones from the demons and scattered them to the corners of the Earth. They were gifted to supernatural custodians to guard them and see that they were only used for good.’

I looked at her expectantly.

‘That’s it.’ She shrugged. ‘Besides the fact that the legend says that one day the banshee spirits will come back to us more powerful than ever before.’ Her voice was hushed.

‘Were any of those clans linked to particular elements?’

‘Like the witches? No, banshees have nothing to do with elemental magic. Of course, banshee women usually mate with the strongest supernatural they can find and it was rumoured that my Súilleabháin ancestress was the daughter of a powerful fire elemental. But that’s another legend.’

Nora had verified Liv’s tale. ‘I’ll get out of your hair in a second, but would you be willing to tell that story in court?’ I asked.

‘I will if it brings my daughter’s killer to justice.’

‘Thanks. One last thing. Donaldson said Aoife stole something from him and that she wasn’t his real daughter?’

Nora sighed. ‘That’s bullshit. Around the time Aoife was conceived, I had an indiscretion. We wore condoms so I know Aoife was definitely Jayden’s. Unfortunately when he found out about the affair when Aoife was little, he wouldn’t listen to reason. He spouted off that she wasn’t his and walked out on us – that’s why I told everyone he was dead. I know I’m not blameless but Aoife was his. Always. And I never strayed again. It was a foolish mistake.’

She blew out a breath. ‘The kicker was that when Aoife was a kid she found one of Jayden’s gem stashes. She stole one and hid it. She never told him – or me – where she put it. For him it was the ultimate betrayal, a sign that she really wasn’t his daughter. Some people need to blame others for their actions. He blamed Aoife for his downward spiral into a life of crime again. I blamed him.’

Poor Aoife. I turned to speak to her, but at some point in our discussion she’d disappeared.

Chapter 53

I drove to the council offices to pick up the paperwork. Connor was waiting for me, warrant in hand, and just seeing him took my breath away. He was beautiful in a way I’d never been, not in his flesh but in his soul; something about him called to me like a siren.

His eyes met mine and his lips tipped up. I slid from the car, crossed the distance between us and kissed him thoroughly. After a few moments, he reluctantly pulled back. ‘We should always greet each other like that,’ he suggested.

‘I didn’t think you’d be into public displays of affection.’

‘I’m not. Usually. But nothing about us is usual.’

‘True,’ I conceded.

He tucked a stray hair behind my ear. ‘Be careful with Elsa. She’s a powerful witch, and chances are she’s truly deranged.’

‘You aren’t going with me to protect me?’ I teased.

He gave me a sharp look. ‘You’d let me?’

I grinned. ‘No, your instincts were right the first time.’

He laughed. ‘Good, because I need to run my business and you need to run yours. I trust you to take care of yourself.’ He paused. ‘You’ve got the vest on, right?’

‘I’ve got it. What are you doing after work?’

There was a quiet beat then his voice came back huskily, ‘Whatever you wish.’

My insides melted as warmth blossomed through my belly. My voice might have turned a little sultry as well; I’d be anticipating the ‘after’ all day. ‘I’ll hold you to that. Have a good day. Think of me.’

‘I always do.’ His voice was a little rueful. I liked the idea that he was battling thoughts of me all day long. I was happy to be his distraction; God knows he was mine.

I climbed back into the SUV and started driving the short distance to pick up Gunnar. ‘Well, Fluffy, I don’t know how I’m going to get through the day.’ I fanned myself. ‘Now all I can think about is getting horizontal with that man. And vertical. And maybe doggy style.’