The break room was opposite the showroom. It was obvious how Fluffy had found it so fast; even I could smell the scent of old coffee from twenty feet away. I ran in, opened the fridge and saw several bags of blood. I grabbed two of them and, after a moment’s hesitation, bypassed the microwave. Getting Connor and Lee blood quickly seemed more important than warming it to a nice temperature.
I ran back to the men; they were both sitting up but they looked woozy. ‘Sorry, I didn’t take the time to heat it,’ I apologised as I handed each man a bag. Rather than trying to open them, they simply plunged in their fangs and drank until the blood was gone.
I was relieved to see the colour returning to their cheeks. ‘So how did he take you both down?’ I asked.
Connor rubbed the back of his head. ‘He hit me with something. I don’t know about Lee.’
‘He caught me off guard. He hit me with magic and that’s all I remember.’ Lee turned to Connor. ‘I have let you down. I resign as your second.’
Connor glared at him. ‘I don’t accept. I’ve lost Juan and I’ve lost Kivuk. I won’t lose you as well. Do better, Margrave.’
Lee bowed his head before snapping it up and saluting. ‘Yes, sir. I won’t let you down again.’
‘See that you don’t,’ Connor said firmly, then looked at me. ‘The witch – is he still around?’
‘I doubt it. I set him on fire,’ Lee shot me a startled look, ‘and then I shot him. By all rights, he should be dead.’
‘You use a lighter or something?’ Lee asked, obviously impressed.
‘Something like that.’
‘Supernats are tough bastards. I’ll go and see if he’s expired.’ He made it sound like Donaldson was milk past its use-by date. He got to his feet and Fluffy stepped up to him.
‘He’ll go with you,’ I said.
Lee patted my boy. ‘Let’s roll, Brute.’
‘His name is Fluffy!’ I protested.
‘That’s not what the boss says.’ Lee slunk away with Fluffy, and I turned to face Connor. He surprised me by pulling me into his arms and hugging me tightly before drawing back to study me anxiously. ‘You’re okay?’
‘I’m fine,’ I reassured him. ‘You?’
‘Couldn’t be better.’ His lie tugged a smile onto my face but it faded as quickly as it had come.
‘You could have died,’ I said solemnly. ‘You could have died thinking that I don’t care about you.’
He gave me his lopsided smile. ‘I know you care about me, Bunny. You just hate being told what to do.’ Smiled ruefully. ‘It’s handy that I learnt that early on.’
I let out a sharp breath. ‘Isn’t that the most ridiculous reason ever for not being with someone?’
He grinned. ‘If it helps, I’ll order you never to think of dating me ever again.’
His words startled a laugh out of me. ‘Don’t be cross but it really does help.’
He burst out laughing; so much that he doubled over and chased away the last shadows from my heart. When he stopped, I wrapped my hands around his neck, stood on tippy-toes and pressed my lips to his. When the zing came, I found that I didn’t mind all that much about the bloody thing – or what it meant.
I’d assumed that the old adage ‘life’s too short’ didn’t apply to me anymore because I was a vampire, but Connor had nearly died and I hadn’t seized the day. If I wasn’t ever truly with him, I’d regret it until my staking day.
Chapter 38
One of the best things about me is that I learn from my mistakes. Time to seize the day – or night – for all it was worth. I pressed my lips to Connor’s and let my tongue caress his. He met me passion for passion, and I melted into him. The warmth was followed by a fire that whipped through my veins. I wove my hands into his hair and his hands slid under the waist of my T-shirt. No doubt we’d have moved on to more horizontal manoeuvres if Lee hadn’t cleared his throat and Fluffy hadn’t barked.
I didn’t speak Dog, but I was pretty sure Fluffy’s tone translated to ‘Get a room!’. I’d love to buddy, I thought. I’d love to.
Connor drew back reluctantly. ‘Where’s your vest?’ he asked, his fingers pointedly caressing the bare skin of my midriff.
‘Um, I forgot it.’ I shrugged; Connor sighed; Fluffy barked; Lee was grinning. My skin warmed and I tried to change the subject. ‘Right, what about that witch?’ I asked as I smoothed down my clothing. ‘Has he perished?’