I opened my mouth to protest but she’d already hung up. Since I was in fluffy pyjamas, I hurriedly got dressed, brushed my teeth and switched on the kettle. By the time I’d done all that she’d arrived. There are pros and cons to having your bestie living so close.
When I opened the door she studied my face then instantly pulled me into a hug. ‘Oh, love,’ she said sympathetically. ‘I’m so sorry.’
I tried to hold back my tears as I mentally added Sidnee to the list of people who loved me unconditionally. In truth, I could probably add Sigrid and Gunnar as well.
‘I like what you’ve done with the place,’ she said once she’d pulled back.
I looked at the threatening red paint on my walls and laughed, then I started to cry. Sidnee put her arms around me again and I sobbed with all the intensity my bruised heart could sustain.
After I’d cried myself out, she made us tea. Tea made everything better, if only by a little. ‘So, start at the beginning. What did that asshole do? I promise I can come up with some excellent plans for revenge.’
I took a drink. ‘He told me we’re fated mates.’
Her jaw dropped and she stared at me, then snapped her mouth closed. ‘Ok-ay,’ she drew the word out slowly. ‘But he didn’t try anything creepy?’
‘He didn’t become controlling and try to lock you up in his basement?’
I snorted. ‘No, of course not.’
She handed me a cup of tea and turned back to the counter to add milk to her own. ‘Did he say he was fighting the bond and that he thought you should stay away from each other and that he secretly hated you?’
‘Um… No, he didn’t.’
She sat down and sipped her tea. An irritated puff of air escaped her lips. ‘So, what’s the problem?’
She raised her eyebrows.
‘Me, I suppose.’
She waited.
‘I grew up privileged.’
‘I noticed, love, but what’s that got to do with anything?’ Her brows scrunched together in confusion.
I stood up and walked around the couch because I couldn’t look at her. I was well aware that plenty of people had it far worse than me. I hadn’t been beaten or abused, I just hadn’t been loved, and it was hard to put that feeling into words without sounding pathetic.
‘My dad is always working – he runs a multi-million-pound company – and my mum spends her time on charities and social climbing.’ I sat back down. ‘I was raised by a series of nannies. The only person that regularly checked on me or wanted to spend time with me without being paid was my nana.’ I stared down at my hands, afraid to look at her for fear of the rejection and judgement I was sure I would see.
Sidnee cleared her throat. ‘So, you feel like being a fated mate is another way someone is being forced to love you?’
I looked up at her, startled. That was exactly it. ‘Yes. Precisely.’
She looked at me with compassion. ‘I get it, I really do. But it’s not Connor’s fault that you’re fated mates any more than it’s yours.’
I closed my eyes. ‘I know.’
‘Speaking as someone who fell in love with an asshole, got used, abused, and then abandoned, I’d say there are worse things than being destined for each other.’ Her eyes filled with tears. ‘You have a chance at happiness, Bunny. Don’t lose it because of your fucked-up parents. If you do, you’re letting them ruin even more of your life.’
She dashed away her own tears and gave me a watery smile and another quick hug. ‘I have to go to work.’ Then she ran out of my house.
I felt terrible. My problem was that someone wanted me; hers was that someone hadn’t wanted her. Talking about my shit had reminded her of her own.
If ever I found Chris, I was going to kill him.