Chapter 14 - Nic

“Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Lex is standing next to my bed, bending over me with one corner of his mouth lifted into the most delicious, sexy smile. What a wonderful sight to wake up to. I sit up in my bed in my fuzzy pink PJs, squinting at him. It seems like I closed my eyes only a minute ago. I am still groggy and disoriented, but Lex seems to be dressed and ready to go. He looks yummy enough to eat in his black designer jeans and short-sleeved white T-shirt. I have the strongest urge to reach up and squeeze his biceps. Before he woke me up, he was the star in the X-rated dream I was thoroughly enjoying.

“We’re there already?” I ask, reining in my lustful thoughts. It is certainly disorienting to be woken up in the middle of a hot, sexy dream, and to find the hero of those dreams standing next to your bed, looking like sexy demi-god.

“We will be landing shortly. Thought you’d want to get changed,” he says, grinning at my PJs. Color rises up my cheeks. I never expected him to catch me wearing these PJs again. I had it all planned: my alarm would go off an hour before we were supposed to land, giving me more than enough time to emerge out of the bedroom looking like a gorgeous diva. Instead, he’s seen me in my comfiest and most worn PJs, with disheveled hair and crusty eyes. I groan, wanting to bury my face in the pillow when the full image of how I must appear at this very moment forms in my mind.

“I’ll be ready in ten minutes,” I promise and jump out of bed. He takes in my appearance one last time before heading out of the door. There is a huge grin on his face when he pauses at the door and looks over his shoulder.

“You look incredibly cute in your PJs,” he says, winking at me before heading into the living area.

I bang my head against the bathroom door a couple of times, screaming silently. I want to wallow in my embarrassment for a little while longer, but time is of the essence since there is no way I will be caught dead in my oldest PJs in the most fashionable city in the world. It’s bad enough that Lex has seen me in them.

We are actually in Paris! I do a little dance in the shower as I strip. The hot water feels like heaven on my naked skin. After a quick shower, I dry off using one of the luxuriously-soft white towels I find in the closet behind the bathroom door.

It still feels unreal. I just had a shower, an actual hot shower at thirty thousand feet! Ever since Lex asked me to go to Paris with him, I had been telling myself that there was no way it could actually happen. But here we are!

It’s been like a dream ever since the stretch limo picked me up at my place yesterday. Was it only yesterday? It is certainly difficult to believe! I was so awed and nervous when I first stepped into this luxurious jet, but Lex put me at ease.

But he has been acting kind of strange. One moment, he comes across as the most caring and wonderful human being in the whole wide world, and the very next moment, he withdraws into a shell. He was so amazing when I told him about Manuel. I just wanted to give him the brief version; had never meant to tell him everything. But once I started, it all came gushing out. It actually felt good to talk to him about it.

He thought I was weeping over Manuel, but in truth, it was his beautiful words that brought the tears to my eyes. Nobody has said something so wonderful to me and meant it. It makes me think he cares for me. I know he cares for me. But then, he keeps insisting that this is only a casual fling, and neither of us should hope for anything more.

Sometime between the deeply meaningful conversation with Lex where I shared my deepest fears with him and my fourth or fifth glass of excellent champagne, I made myself a promise—I was going to enjoy my limited time here in Paris with Lex. So despite the lack of sleep and the ache that is pounding between my ears as a result of too many glasses of champagne, I get dressed in record time in a fit and flare skirt, sweater, and scarf, run a quick comb through my long hair, apply a touch of lip gloss and mascara, and head out to the living area. Penny helped me pack for my trip, for which I am ever so grateful.

“Wow! That was quick! And you look great,” Lex says, giving me the once-over. He is sitting at the table next to the couch where there are two steaming hot cups of espresso. I walk up to the other side and occupy the empty sofa chair.

“Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself,” I say with a flirtatious smile. He grins, making my heart beat faster.

“Coffee?” he asks as he picks up his cup. When I shake my head, he downs both shots of espresso.

I look out of the window, wishing I could open it. It would feel wonderful to feel the fresh air on my face. My headache is growing steadily worse and I fear I might throw up

“Headache?” he asks, looking at my face.

“Yeah! I am paying for the sin of gluttony,” I say with a wry smile, closing my eyes

“Here, let me help,” he says as he comes to stand behind me and begins massaging my neck and scalp. His fingers feel like magic! Within moments, the headache begins to subside, then completely vanishes.

“How did you do it?” I ask, astonished.

“Knowledge of pressure points.”

Although my headache is gone, he is making no move to head back to his own chair, and neither have his fingers stopped massaging my neck. Electricity is shooting down my spine as he traces his fingers lazily over my shoulders. I moan, leaning closer to his touch. He is kneading my shoulders gently now. I want him to keep touching me. I don’t want him to ever stop.

“Lex,” I whisper his name, tilting up my neck to look up at him through half-closed eyes.

“Tell me what you want,” he says, leaning forward until his lips are almost touching mine. His fingers trace the neckline of my sweater, coming ever so close to touching the swell of my breasts, but he doesn’t. Why doesn’t he? I bite my lip and close my eyes. One finger lazily moves up and down my clavicle, then up my neck, scraping his nails over my jawline. I can feel his warm breath on my lips.

“Kiss me, Lex,” I say, looking at his face bent upside down over mine.

With a low growl, he presses his lips to mine. I part my lips, inviting his tongue to mate with mine. When his tongue invades my mouth, I moan. I suck on his tongue and bite his lip. He makes a growling sound at the back of his throat and breaks the kiss.

“No!” I protest, trying to grab the back of his head and pull him closer. But he walks around the chair, pulls me up by my hand, deposits himself into the chair, and pulls me down so that I’m straddling my thighs all in one smooth move. With one arm around my waist, he holds me in place while the other cups the back of my neck. My palms are pressed flat against his chest. His eyes have turned the color of stormy skies. There is that strange ring of silver around his irises that screams danger, but I am undeterred. I have fantasized numerous times about running my hands all over the hard planes of his chest. My palms slide up his chest, feeling the strength in his wide shoulders before grabbing fistfuls of his thick brown hair. The arm that was around my waist has strayed down to my thigh and is gradually moving up, lifting my skirt.

“Nic, if you tell me to stop now, I might die,” he says against my lips in a hoarse whisper.