Page 47 of Darkest Deception

“But my beautiful emerald, you did try to kiss me when you were getting off the floor. You were…”

I walk away from the two very annoying people. Their laughter still faintly reaches me as I hurry to my seat.

“Stupid me. What was I thinking?” I slap myself on my forehead lightly, shaking my head.


I slow down and look up. Remo raises his glass to me with a nod, and I nod back.

Something must be up for Remo to acknowledge me.

Continuing on my quest to find my seat, I try to take deep breaths, knowing Remo just recognised me after so long at an event. Would it be wrong to ask him to help me get my position back? It won’t be in my favour, though. I think Aurora may have told him about me. If she has, that would explain his cold shoulder to me and his lack of interest in me losing my company, while letting Helia be at the head of it.

I’m going to stay clear of him for now.

Several minutes later, Talia drops into her seat next to me.

I ignore her when she points out that Aurora arranged for chocolate-covered strawberries as one of the little snacks, and a small flicker of hope lights in my chest. I love chocolate-covered strawberries.

I quickly squash it down.

She probably didn’t do it on purpose. She’s probably forgotten that it’s my favourite treat.

It’s been so long since we have talked about what we liked or hated. We haven’t spent time together in years.

“Are you ignoring me?”

I don’t answer.

The lights dim, and everyone quietens down.

“Oh no.” Talia stiffens, then rolls her lips together, humour dancing in her eyes.

When I follow her eyes, I find that Helia is seated directly in front of me.

Right. In. Front. Of. Me.

The lights focus on the start of the show.

Helia winks at me.

And my heart thunders inside of me, stealing my breath away.

Stupid heart indeed.


“I am sick of your attitude!”

“And so am I. Do you see me making heart eyes at you?” I shout back at Helia, who is in my face.

This shouting match is all because I threw the documents on the table instead of placing them in his useless hand.

“I don’t want your affection or your presence. Get out of my sight before I kill you,” he grits out, taking a step closer to me. His strong gardenia scent irritates me more than anything.

I push his shoulder and grab the file off the table, then I grab his hand and slam the papers into it.

“There you fucking go. Happy?” I walk out, not waiting for his reply. I couldn’t care less.