“I think we’ve all felt that way, Cass.” Eve reached over and covered Cass’s hand in a rare show of affection to anyone other than Lainey. “And every one of us would take Rebecca’s place if we could. Unfortunately, the best we can do is be here for anything either of you needs.”
Cass was temporarily taken aback by being touched by Eve Sumptor. That feeling quickly subsided as Eve’s words sank in. These women loved Rebecca almost as much as Cass did.
“Thank you. All of you. I’ve been researching how to care for Rebecca when she comes home. I’m not great at any of the things she’s going to require, but no one could love her more than me. I may need a little help in all the other areas, though.”
“I have the food covered,” Ellie smiled.
“I can have fresh flowers for Rebecca’s enjoyment,” Blaise announced. “I’m working on a new line of arrangements that focus on serenity and peace.”
“They’re quite amazing,” Ellie offered enthusiastically.
“Well, food and decor have been taken care of. Eve and I can provide specialists, physical therapists, or anything else you or Rebecca may need,” Lainey promised.
“I imagine Hunter, Mo, and Patty will provide any medical services,” Eve said in her no-nonsense boardroom voice. “Willamena would certainly be available to talk with you, I’m sure.”
Cass frowned. “Where is Aunt Wills? I thought she’d be with you.”
“She said she had a couple of things to take care of before returning to the hospital,” Ellie answered. “She said she wouldn’t be long.”
“Oh. Okay.” Cass checked her watch, then looked at Ellie. “Do you think I can go back to Rebecca now?”
Ellie patted Cass’s thigh in a motherly manner. “Yeah, I think you can go. If Hunter has a problem with that, tell her to come talk to me.”
Cass grinned. “She’s scared of you, so I’ll be good.” She shimmied out of the booth when Ellie stood. She kissed Ellie on the cheek. “Thank you.”
“Hello, Gwennie.” Willamena sat on the ground and dusted debris off her sister’s headstone. “I’m sorry I haven’t been to visit lately.” She sighed. “This is going to sound odd for a psychiatrist to say, but not seeing your name with dates underneath helps me pretend you’re still alive.”
Willamena nearly laughed at the ridiculousness of that. Obviously, she knew her sister was dead. In fact, the thirty-fifth anniversary of the deaths of Gwendolyn and Declan Cuinn was fast approaching. That also meant an anniversary of a different sort for Rebecca.
“I guess you know what’s happening with our girl. Gwennie, I need you to make sure Becca is okay. As selfish as this sounds, I can’t lose another… anyone else. And poor Cass.” Willamena smiled involuntarily despite the solemness of the conversation. “You should see them together, sis. They would put you and Deck to shame.” She glanced over at her brother-in-law’s headstone. “No offense, Deck.”
Willamena leaned back on her hands, toying with the green grass under her fingertips. “You would be so proud of Rebecca, Gwennie. Perhaps a little scared and more than a little unprepared for who she’s become. Imagine our little Becca inducing fear…” Willamena’s voice trailed off. “Maybe that wouldn’t surprise you one bit. She’s always been strong-willed. Until… Samantha.” She inhaled, blowing the air out slowly. “I know you saved her that night. She should have died. The injuries Rebecca sustained that night could have easily killed her. But she lived. She thrived. Gwennie, she’s so happy now. So I’m going to ask that you help her again. The brain tumor is out, but I’m concerned about why they’re sedating her. She needs to be okay. I need her to be okay.” She repeated. “We all do. I’m afraid Cass won’t survive without Rebecca. Hell, I’m afraid I won’t. Please, Gwennie.”
Willamena closed her eyes, letting the gentle breeze caress her face. She imagined it was her sister answering her pleas. A tear rolled down her cheek, and a small smile played at her mouth. Thank you for listening, Gwennie. Willamena gave herself a few more minutes with her sister, then rose, brushed herself off, and set off to the hospital to face head-on what they were up against. Whatever it was, she would be there for Rebecca this time.
“It’s been three days, Hunt.”
Cass paced the corridor outside of Rebecca’s room. Her patience was running out waiting for Rebecca to wake up.
“It’s been forty-three hours, Cass,” Hunter explained calmly. “Our goal was to begin waking her by forty-eight. I just looked at her charts, and I think we will make that goal.”
Only forty-three hours? Cass frowned. It felt like weeks since she heard Rebecca’s sultry voice. Months since she had seen Rebecca’s incredible eyes. A lifetime since she had felt Rebecca’s sexy body next to hers.
“So, the swelling has gone down?”
Hunter nodded. “Yes. And Rebecca’s vitals are good. Dr. Lima will be here within the hour to examine Rebecca, and then we can wake Sleeping Beauty up.”
“Okay.” Cass blew out a breath. “Good. Can I be in there when she wakes up?”
“Sorry, Cass. You’ll have to wait out here while all that is happening. But I’ll come and get you as soon as I can.” Hunter placed a hand on Cass’s shoulder. “I’ll be right there with her.”
“Why is the party outside of Rebecca’s room? Did we miss something?” Lainey asked as the group strolled in for their daily visit.
“Hunt says they’re going to wake Rebecca up today,” Cass announced with a toothy grin.
“Hunter says,” Hunter began with her stern doctor’s voice. “That Dr. Lima will be here soon to make that determination. But I do believe today is the day we start weaning her off the sedation medication.”